BBV Season 6: In-Depth Episode Synopsis: Difference between revisions

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Lucilio heads into the DR. He is informed that the secret he got is a Secret Veto. He has until Week 6 to use it. The Veto will be used anonymously. Lucilio is stoked to have it!
Lucilio heads into the DR. He is informed that the secret he got is a Secret Veto. He has until Week 6 to use it. The Veto will be used anonymously. Lucilio is stoked to have it!
Outside, Brandy and Fae are discussing their love of cats. '''''Brandy DRs that her and Fae are destined to be lifelong friends.''''' Rosito and Alannah are in the bedroom, discussing life. '''''Alannah DRs that Rosito is very friendly. She is actually shocked how amazing of a guy she is. Rosito DRs that Alannah is kind, caring and thoughtful.''''' Valina is in the kitchen with Sofio, Lucilio, Rae and Fae. She says that she has been a voice coach for 19 years. She absolutely loves her job and the impacts her job has had on people. '''''Valina CCs that being a voice coach is her calling. The world needs more voice coaches.''''' Leon is alone with Joey and says that he is unsure about Rosito. '''''Leon DRs that Rosito questioned him and you don't do that in an alliance.''''' Joey says that he was also curious why so Rosito asking a question shouldn't be a problem. '''''Joey DRs that if anybody should be concerned, it is him and Rosito. Leon is a liability now.'''''
Outside, Brandy and Fae are discussing their love of cats. '''''Brandy DRs that her and Fae are destined to be lifelong friends.''''' Rosito and Alannah are in the bedroom, discussing life. '''''Alannah DRs that Rosito is very friendly. She is actually shocked how amazing of a guy she is. Rosito DRs that Alannah is kind, caring and thoughtful.''''' Valina is in the kitchen with Sofio, Lucilio, Rae and Fae. She says that she has been a voice coach for 19 years. She absolutely loves her job and the impacts her job has had on people. '''''Valina DRs that being a voice coach is her calling. The world needs more voice coaches.''''' Leon is alone with Joey and says that he is unsure about Rosito. '''''Leon DRs that Rosito questioned him and you don't do that in an alliance.''''' Joey says that he was also curious why so Rosito asking a question shouldn't be a problem. '''''Joey DRs that if anybody should be concerned, it is him and Rosito. Leon is a liability now.'''''
The nominees are ... '''Abello and Alannah'''
The nominees are ... '''Abello and Alannah'''
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Leon, Abello, Alannah<br />Callum, Rae, Valina
Leon, Abello, Alannah<br />Callum, Rae, Valina
'''''Valina CCs that, after what she's heard, she plans to use the VETO no matter what. She may not be alone in that.''''' In the HOH room, Leon tells Callum, Rae and Valina that the VETO must not be used no matter what. '''''Rae CCs that she plans to nod. He may fun for the VETO otherwise.''''' Callum says that he will think about it, shocking everybody in the room. '''''Callum CCs that he doesn't like Leon so he plans to use the VETO.''''' Leon says that he is HOH so they all have to do what he says.
'''''Valina DRs that, after what she's heard, she plans to use the VETO no matter what. She may not be alone in that.''''' In the HOH room, Leon tells Callum, Rae and Valina that the VETO must not be used no matter what. '''''Rae DRs that she plans to nod. He may fun for the VETO otherwise.''''' Callum says that he will think about it, shocking everybody in the room. '''''Callum DRs that he doesn't like Leon so he plans to use the VETO.''''' Leon says that he is HOH so they all have to do what he says.
'''RAE''' wins the VETO!
'''RAE''' wins the VETO!
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| <small>'''Episode 3 starts!'''</small>
| <small>'''Episode 3 starts!'''</small>
It is Day 3. The VETO Competition just happened.<br /><br />
'''''Rae DRs that she is ready to ruin Leon's day.''''' Everybody congratulates Rae on the win. Leon asks to talk to Rae in the HOH room. '''''Leon DRs that he wants to make sure Rae doesn't use it.''''' In the HOH room, Leon tells Rae that he didn't think she would win it but at least she won't use it. '''''Rae DRs that it is insane that Leon assumes she won't use it.''''' Rae says that she won't and she leaves. Downstairs, Alannah and Abello are in the living room. Rae whispers to them that she plans to use it but told Leon that she won't. They all chuckle. '''''Alannah DRs that she can't wait for the Ceremony tonight.''''' Elsewhere, Rosito is talking to Callum and Felicia about getting into art when he was 12. '''''Rosito DRs that he always loved art so being an artist was a no-brainer.'''''
'''Rae''' uses the VETO on ... ''Abello''.<br />
Leon is shocked and angry and chooses ''Callum'' as a replacement nominee.
'''''Callum DRs that he was not expecting that at all and feels a bit betrayed. Leon DRs that he was backstabbed by Rae. He will not forgive her for this.''''' Leon calls out Rae for not being trustworthy. Joey says that Leon made an alliance with him and Rosito and then wanted to put him up right after. Both Leon and Rosito are shocked. '''''Rosito DRs that he knew to not trust Leon at all.''''' Rae says that Leon was demanding people what to do since he won HOH and they got sick and tired of it. Leon storms off to the backyard. Abello thanks her for using the VETO on him. '''''Abello DRs that Leon deserved it. Brandy DRs that a lot just happened and she is shocked.'''''
It is the morning of Day 4. Rae heads into the DR room and she meets with her twin, Marissa. Rae tells her that Callum and Alannah are nominated and the HOH, Leon, is an arrogant jerk.
Marissa leaves the DR. '''''She DRs that being Rae for four weeks will be a difficult task. She has to remember that she is her sister.''''' Marissa/"Rae" is talking with Joey and says that she got into gymnastics when she was 12. She then talks to Felicia and says that she almost failed law in high school. '''''Marissa DRs that it will be a miracle if she can pull this off.''''' Callum tells Joey and Sofio that he doesn't understand why he is up but he is positive that he will put Leon up if he wins. '''''Callum DRs that he is still shocked that he is up. He just hopes that he can get the votes to stay.''''' Alannah is in the bathroom with Soraia. Soraia tells her that she, obviously, has her vote and campaigning to her will be pointless. Alannah agrees and says that, if she was up against Abello, she would be screwed. '''''Alannah DRs that she needs to make connections and fast. She needs to survive the first eviction.'''''
It is time for the eviction!<br /><br />
Joey: ''Alannah''<br />
Valina: ''Alannah''<br />
Soraia: ''Callum''<br />
Marissa/"Rae": ''Callum''<br />
Abello: ''Callum''<br />
Rosito: ''Callum''<br />
Brandy: ''Callum''<br />
Sofio: ''Callum''<br />
Felicia: ''Callum''<br />
Lucilio: ''Alannah''<br />
Fae: ''Callum''<br /><br />
'''Callum''' ... is evicted.
<small>'''End of episode. Credits roll.'''</small>
! rowspan="1" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 4
! rowspan="1" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 4
|<small>'''Episode 4 starts!'''</small>
'''SOFIO''' wins HOH!
! rowspan="1" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 5
! rowspan="1" style="background:#afc7c3"|Episode 5

Revision as of 03:48, 9 September 2023

Introductory Statement
This is the episode synopsis for Big Brother Vitosium Season 6!

How does the game work?

The contestants, known as "houseguests" must become the last one standing to win $500 000! The week begins with somebody becoming the Head of Household or "HOH" for short. This person then nominates two people for "eviction", which is the term for "elimination" in this show.

After this, they compete to win the Power of Veto, which allows the holder to save one of the two nominees. Of course, the option to not use it is there. Should the Power of Veto, or POV for short, be used, the reigning Head of Household must name a replacement nominee. This person can not be the ex-nominee who was just saved or the Power of Veto holder.

The only choice for the two nominees is to campaign to ensure that they stay past the end of the week. Once that time comes, everybody, except for the nominees, vote for who they want gone. The Head of Household can only vote in the event of a tie. The person with the most votes is "evicted" and must leave the game immediately. Following this, another Head of Household competition is held but the outgoing HOH is not eligible to win it.

Additional Info For This Page

Each episode of the season will be receiving an in-depth synopsis, which will include confessionals. Confessionals are private moments when the contestant will tell the camera information, such as their thoughts on things or even strategy. In short, these are noted as CC or "Confessional Cam" in the synopsis. Contestants have these confessionals in the "Diary Room". Their location in the synopsis is based off the edit on the episode.

Week 1

Week 1 Episode 1 Introductions:

It shows all 14 houseguests (Abello, Alannah, Brandy, Callum, Fae, Felicia, Joey, Leon, Lucilio, Rae, Rosito, Soraia, Sofio, Valina) blindfolded, in 14 different chambers in the backyard. Soraia DRs that she is a mega fan of the show. Despite all that, she did not expect this beginning of her BB journey. Abello DRs that his son, Natano, loves the show and wanted to see him compete for the experience. Now that he is here, he wants to win it all for his family. Brandy DRs that she started watching the show in Season 4 and her fave player is Rodrigo. She doesnt want to play like a villain but she isnt a pushover either. The host reveals to the audience that Alannah and Soraia Vallend are sisters but, if one wins the power, the other must become a nominee but can not reveal that twist. Additionally, somebody is playing with their twin and, at the moment, will be acting as one houseguest. Every three days, the two must switch.

When the blindfolds are taken off, they see each-other in the chambers. They all walk out into the backyard and see a table of food in front of them. Sofio DRs that he was surprised that they were all in pods. Lucilio DRs that the food is, probably, a twist. He doesn't trust it. The host reveals that they have been sponsored, hence the food. Although, there may be a secret hidden within the food. As they go to eat, they start introducing each other. Leon DRs that most people here are very good looking, especially Soraia and Alannah. Rosito DRs that he was watching since the very first episode. It is a dream of his to be here. Rae DRs that the a part of her really wants that secret but she also needs to socialize so she isn't targeted early. Valina DRs that she is more focused on everybody else than the food. She's rather be social. Lucilio notices a tiny piece of paper and pockets it without anybody noticing. He DRs that he may have found the secret. The doors unlocked and everybody goes inside and sees their bags. They all push to find a bed. Fae DRs that it is pure chaos trying to find a bed. As they all choose rooms, Joey DRs that he didn't care what bed he chose. Everybody else can argue about it so he just waited until everybody was done. In the living room, they all sit down to enjoy the wine. They all celebrate on getting on the show. Rae DRs that she watched Season 1 and knew she wanted to get on. When the game changed, she loved the show even more and, now, she is here and she will do whatever it takes to win. No matter what. Later, Leon and Callum are in the washroom. Leon tells Callum that he is good in his eyes. When he wins the first HOH, he would not put him up at all. Callum thanks him and says the same. Leon DRs that he wants to win the first HOH. He doesn't see himself getting Evicted anytime soon. Callum DRs that Leon seems trustworthy for now. Brandy and Fae are in the bedroom. They both talk about their jobs, being a model and a silk screen operator respectively. Brandy DRs that she gets along with Fae the most. She sees them going far together. Fae says that the two of them can easily get to the end together. She fully believes in them. Brandy agrees. Fae DRs that a Day 1 bond like this is no joke. They will be the Final 2.

It is now Day 2.

Abello is in the living room with Alannah, Felicia and Sofio and discusses meeting his wife, Melinda, and his children, Natano and Natalia. He DRs that he is nervous but he has a huge motivation to win. Felicia says that she married her husband, Michael, in 1992 snd they have three children together. She DRs that she wants to keep the parents past the first week. So far, the parents she knows of is her and Abello.

LEON wins HOH.

Leon DRs that he feels amazing having won the very first HOH of the season. It is incredible! After everybody congratulates him, the host pops up onto the screen and reveals that, this week, there will be two HOHs. One person will be evicted on Day 4 and the other will be evicted on Day 7. Leon DRs that not having a full week in power pisses him off. Felicia DRs that anything can happen this week, especially with two people going home WEEK ONE.

End of episode. Credits roll.

Episode 2 Episode 2 starts!

Leon DRs that he won the first HOH but he only has power until Day 4. He is pissed as he would rather have everybody be scared of him for a whole week. Everybody heads up to Leon's HOH room. There are pictures of him and his college buddies as well as him and his girlfriend, Sonia [Linford]. Leon says him and Sonia have been together for two and a half years now but they have known each other since Grade 10. Brandy DRs that Sonia is absolutely beautiful. Joey DRs that Leon is, clearly, a sports buff judging by the pictures. Alannah and Leon are talking in the HOH room. Alannah says that she is happy that Leon won. She felt like they got along well before the challenge. She says that she would never put him up and she will vote however she wants. Alannah DRs that she knows well enough to try and appease the HOH. Her sister loves the show and made her watch it so they both studied some potential strategies. Leon agrees and says that he plans to send Abello home. Leon DRs that he is unsure about alannah but maybe she can be a good pawn. A bit later, Leon is alone in the HOH room with Joey, Felicia, Lucilio, Rae and Rosito. Leon says that he wants an alliance with everybody in this room. He says that he plans to put up the old guy [Abello] and the student [Alannah]. They all nod. Rosito DRs that they suddenly became an alliance and were told the targets with no explanation so, after a few minutes, he had to ask. Rosito asks why those two. Leon says that he doesn't want either of them in the game. He then says that he doesn't want the VETO used either.

Lucilio heads into the DR. He is informed that the secret he got is a Secret Veto. He has until Week 6 to use it. The Veto will be used anonymously. Lucilio is stoked to have it!

Outside, Brandy and Fae are discussing their love of cats. Brandy DRs that her and Fae are destined to be lifelong friends. Rosito and Alannah are in the bedroom, discussing life. Alannah DRs that Rosito is very friendly. She is actually shocked how amazing of a guy she is. Rosito DRs that Alannah is kind, caring and thoughtful. Valina is in the kitchen with Sofio, Lucilio, Rae and Fae. She says that she has been a voice coach for 19 years. She absolutely loves her job and the impacts her job has had on people. Valina DRs that being a voice coach is her calling. The world needs more voice coaches. Leon is alone with Joey and says that he is unsure about Rosito. Leon DRs that Rosito questioned him and you don't do that in an alliance. Joey says that he was also curious why so Rosito asking a question shouldn't be a problem. Joey DRs that if anybody should be concerned, it is him and Rosito. Leon is a liability now.

The nominees are ... Abello and Alannah

Alannah DRs that she was not expecting this at all. She thought she was good with Leon. Abello DRs that he should have spoken to Leon more so he takes responsibility for why he is nominated. Abello and Leon are in the HOH room. Abello apologizes for not talking to him more. Leon tells Abello that he doesn't think Abello deserves to be in the game. Abello is taken aback. Abello DRs that he is SHOCKED that Leon had the gall to say that.Abello says that Leon is a punk to say something like that. He gets up and leaves. He heads downstairs and tells the ones in the kitchen (Joey, Callum, Rosito and Soraia) that Leon told him that he doesn't deserve to be here. Joey, Callum, Rosito and Soraia are not pleased. Soraia DRs that she is livid with Leon but he is the HOH right now. Emphasis on "right now". They all agree that Leon needs to go next. Rosito DRs that Leon messed up badly. In one of the bedrooms, Rosito tells Alannah what Leon said. Alannah is shocked and says that they need to win the VETO and get him to backdoor somebody. Alannah DRs that Leon has made some remarks here and there but nothing this rude.

Time to pick the VETO players: Leon, Abello, Alannah
Callum, Rae, Valina

Valina DRs that, after what she's heard, she plans to use the VETO no matter what. She may not be alone in that. In the HOH room, Leon tells Callum, Rae and Valina that the VETO must not be used no matter what. Rae DRs that she plans to nod. He may fun for the VETO otherwise. Callum says that he will think about it, shocking everybody in the room. Callum DRs that he doesn't like Leon so he plans to use the VETO. Leon says that he is HOH so they all have to do what he says.

RAE wins the VETO!

End of episode. Credits roll.

Episode 3 Episode 3 starts!

It is Day 3. The VETO Competition just happened.

Rae DRs that she is ready to ruin Leon's day. Everybody congratulates Rae on the win. Leon asks to talk to Rae in the HOH room. Leon DRs that he wants to make sure Rae doesn't use it. In the HOH room, Leon tells Rae that he didn't think she would win it but at least she won't use it. Rae DRs that it is insane that Leon assumes she won't use it. Rae says that she won't and she leaves. Downstairs, Alannah and Abello are in the living room. Rae whispers to them that she plans to use it but told Leon that she won't. They all chuckle. Alannah DRs that she can't wait for the Ceremony tonight. Elsewhere, Rosito is talking to Callum and Felicia about getting into art when he was 12. Rosito DRs that he always loved art so being an artist was a no-brainer.

Rae uses the VETO on ... Abello.
Leon is shocked and angry and chooses Callum as a replacement nominee.

Callum DRs that he was not expecting that at all and feels a bit betrayed. Leon DRs that he was backstabbed by Rae. He will not forgive her for this. Leon calls out Rae for not being trustworthy. Joey says that Leon made an alliance with him and Rosito and then wanted to put him up right after. Both Leon and Rosito are shocked. Rosito DRs that he knew to not trust Leon at all. Rae says that Leon was demanding people what to do since he won HOH and they got sick and tired of it. Leon storms off to the backyard. Abello thanks her for using the VETO on him. Abello DRs that Leon deserved it. Brandy DRs that a lot just happened and she is shocked.

It is the morning of Day 4. Rae heads into the DR room and she meets with her twin, Marissa. Rae tells her that Callum and Alannah are nominated and the HOH, Leon, is an arrogant jerk.

Marissa leaves the DR. She DRs that being Rae for four weeks will be a difficult task. She has to remember that she is her sister. Marissa/"Rae" is talking with Joey and says that she got into gymnastics when she was 12. She then talks to Felicia and says that she almost failed law in high school. Marissa DRs that it will be a miracle if she can pull this off. Callum tells Joey and Sofio that he doesn't understand why he is up but he is positive that he will put Leon up if he wins. Callum DRs that he is still shocked that he is up. He just hopes that he can get the votes to stay. Alannah is in the bathroom with Soraia. Soraia tells her that she, obviously, has her vote and campaigning to her will be pointless. Alannah agrees and says that, if she was up against Abello, she would be screwed. Alannah DRs that she needs to make connections and fast. She needs to survive the first eviction.

It is time for the eviction!

Joey: Alannah
Valina: Alannah
Soraia: Callum
Marissa/"Rae": Callum
Abello: Callum
Rosito: Callum
Brandy: Callum
Sofio: Callum
Felicia: Callum
Lucilio: Alannah
Fae: Callum

Callum ... is evicted.

End of episode. Credits roll.

Episode 4 Episode 4 starts!


Episode 5

Week 2

Week 2
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9

Week 3

Week 3 Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12

Week 4

Week 4 Episode 13
Episode 14
Episode 15

Week 5

Week 5 Episode 15
Episode 16
Episode 17

Week 6

Week 6 Episode 18
Episode 19
Episode 20

Week 7

Week 7 Episode 21
Episode 22
Episode 23

Week 8

Week 8 Episode 24
Episode 25
Episode 26

Week 9

Week 9 Episode 27
Episode 28
Episode 29