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|New GSA Treaty
|New GSA Treaty
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|2=[list=1][b][center][size=120]PART I. Obligations[/size][/center][/b]
[*]The Member States undertake to refrain from the threat or use of force where relations with fellow Member States are concerned, and pledge to resolve any international disputes through peaceful and diplomatic means.
[*]The Member States shall punish any person who organises, plans, commits, or participates in any of the following acts in accordance to law:[list]
(1) overthrowing or undermining the basic constitutional system of a fellow Member State;
(2) overthrowing a body of power of a fellow Member State;
(3) seriously interfering in, disrupting, or undermining the performance of duties and functions in accordance with the law by a body of power of a fellow Member State;
(4) attacking or damaging the premises and facilities used by a body of power of a fellow Member State in a manner which renders it incapable of performing its normal duties and functions;
(5) stealing, spying, or unlawfully providing state secrets or intelligence for a foreign country; or
(6) separating any part of a fellow Member State from itself.[/list]
[*]The Member States shall consult together on all important international questions involving their common interests, or whenever any one of the Member States considers that a threat of armed or economic attack on one or more of the Member States is imminent or will be imminent.
[*]The Member States agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all, and will take all appropriate steps necessary to defend the attacked Member State.
[*]The Member States agree to uphold their obligations under the Closer Economic Relations framework, as set out in Section 3.
[*]The Member States agree to respect and recognize GSA institutions, as set out in Section 2.
[*]The Member States shall not organise, plan, commit, participate, or condone any of the following acts against fellow Member States, and shall punish persons who do within their sovereign territories in accordance to law:
[list](1) waging or threatening to wage a war or any armed attack against a fellow Member State;
(2) seriously disrupting formulation, execution, and enforcement of laws within any Member State;
(3) rigging or undermining an election held within any Member State;
(4) imposing sanctions or blockades, or engaging in activities which may be perceived as hostile  against a fellow Member State; or
(5) provoking by any means hatred between Member States.[/list]
[*]The Member States shall not participate in any international agreement or alliance which is governed by substance incompatible with this Treaty.
The Member States affirm that their obligations under international law at present are fully compatible with their participation in the GSA and with the provisions of this Treaty.
[*] The Member States shall be guided by the principles of mutual benefit, friendship, collaboration, and mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity in all dealings with fellow Member States.
[b][center][size=120]PART II. Institutions[/size][/center][/b]
[*]In order to promote good governance and ensure public participation, the GSA's institutions shall conduct their work as openly as possible, subject to information, clearance, and access restrictions for work that is sensitive and related to national security.
[*]The GSA's institutions shall be:
[list](1) the Cooperation Council,
(2) the Global Assembly,
(3) the Science and Technology Council,
(4) the Military Committee,
(5) the Global Communications and Information Agency,
(6) the Global Military Command, and
(7) the Common Court. [i]([url=]Amended 6 May 2023[/url])[/i][/list]
[*]Each GSA institution shall act within the limits of the powers and in conformity with its objectives as conferred by this Treaty. The institutions shall mutually collaborate with one another.
[*]The Global Assembly shall exercise legislative functions. It shall pass non-binding resolutions and committee hearings, pass binding directives that bind the GSA, pass the budget, oversee the application of the budget to joint projects and GSA institutions, and oversee all foreign policy initiatives performed by the GSA.
It shall be the only body capable of censuring, admitting, or ejecting Member States from the GSA.
[*]Its representatives shall be directly elected every five years by the citizens of the Member States through universal suffrage in accordance with prevailing national law.
[*]The Global Assembly shall pass legislation if it is approved by ≥55% of the total number of Member States, and is approved by Member States representing ≥65% of the total GSA population.
[*]The Cooperation Council shall define the policy directions and priorities of the GSA. It shall consist of appointed representatives from the Member States.
[*]The Cooperation Council shall make decisions on the basis of unanimous consent.
[*]The Science and Technology Council shall research and develop novel or improved technologies for use by the GSA in accordance to the Cooperation Council's policy directions and within the Global Assembly's budget.
[*]The Science and Technology Council shall be granted administration and tenancy of the [url=]Northern University Territory (NUT)[/url]. It shall use the NUT as its main campus of operations.
[*]The Science and Technology Council shall be comprised of universities, research institutes, and public and private laboratories. Participating institutions shall be appointed by Member States, subject to approval by the Cooperation Council. It is accountable to the Cooperation Council.
[*]The Military Committee shall advise the Cooperation Council on the GSA's overall military policy and strategy. The Military Committee shall consist of Member States' defence ministers or their equivalent, and military officials from the Member States.
[*]Member States shall retain a permanent military attache to the GSA. Members of the attache shall represent the Member State in the Military Council where the respective defence minister or their equivalent is absent.
[*]The Global Communications and Information Agency (GCIA) shall facilitate the sharing of intelligence among Member States, including, but not limited to, defence intelligence, signals intelligence, human intelligence, geospatial intelligence, and threat assessments. It is accountable to the Cooperation Council.
[*]The GCIA shall consist of intelligence attaches from each of the Member States.
[*]The Global Military Command shall lead all GSA military operations and GSA military formations, including the Rapid Reaction Force, and promote military interoperability within the GSA. It is accountable to the Military Committee.
[*]The Rapid Reaction Force shall provide Member States with high-readiness military forces.
[*]Member States shall contribute a minimum of 1.8% of their active duty military personnel to the Rapid Reaction Force.
[*]The Rapid Reaction Force should be capable of deploying its rapid deployment forces within 20 hours, and its entire force within 200 hours.
[b][center][size=120]PART III. Closer Economic Relations[/size][/center][/b]
[*]The objectives of the Member States in relation to Closer Economic Relations are:
[list](a) to develop closer economic relations between the Member States through the mutually beneficial expansion of free trade;
(b) to eliminate barriers to trade between Member States in a gradual and progressive manner to minimise disruption; and
(c) to develop trade between Member States.[/list]
[*]The following goods shall be treated to originate from a Member State:
[list](a) unmanufactured raw products from a Member State's territories; and
(b) manufactured products from a Member State's territories, where the final process in its manufacture was performed in the territory of that Member State, and at least half of the product's value-added is created within the territory of that Member State.[/list]
[*]Goods originating from a Member State that are exported to the territory of another Member State, either directly or indirectly via a third Member State, shall be free of all tariffs, import restrictions and quotas, duties, and taxes.
[*]Tariffs, duties, and taxes shall not be increased on any goods originating in the territory of any Member State.
[*]Tariffs, duties, and taxes on all goods originating in the territory of a Member State shall be reduced to zero on a gradual basis by 5 to 10 percentage points per annum. A Member State may reduce or eliminate tariffs more rapidly in accordance to national law.
[*]Taxes may be applied to goods originating from a Member State that are exported to the territory of another Member State, either directly or indirectly via a third Member State, if:
[list](a) they are likewise applied to domestic goods at the same rate;
(b) they are applied with the consent of the Member State exporting the good; or
(c)  he latter Member State has a tangible, provable need to protect its own producers or manufacturers of like or directly competitive goods. [/list]
[*]Suppliers from other Member States shall be afforded equal preference as domestic suppliers in public procurement and government purchasing.
[*]A Member State may levy anti-dumping measures on goods exported from the territory of another Member State if:[list]
(a) there exists dumping, and there is an inherent tendency that the dumping will materially injure a domestic industry; and
(b) the Member State from which the dumped goods are exported from is given notice and opportunity to consult on the dumping.[/list]
"Dumping" means the exportation of goods from one country to another at less than their normal value.
"Normal value" means the median value of goods ± 5.5 percent, as assessed from a random selection of 100 domestic suppliers of the good over a period of 100 days.
[*]All Member States shall guarantee the freedom of establishment for nationals of other Member States. This shall include the right to pursue business activities as self-employed persons, or to establish branches or subsidiaries, in accordance with the national laws of the Member State in which the self-employed person or established branch or subsidiary resides.
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[b][center][size=120]PART IV. Rights of Persons[/size][/center][/b]
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])
[b][center][size=120]PART V. Joint Projects[/size][/center][/b]
[*]The budget of the GSA shall be constituted from the following:[list]
(a) contributions from the Member State;
(b) dividends and yields from the [url=]Procurement of Outstanding National Instruments and Securities (PONIS) programme[/url];
(c) bonds; and
(d) any other form of funding approved by the Global Assembly.[/list]
[*]The budget of the GSA shall be promulgated once every two years by the Global Assembly in a plenary session.
[*]The Global Assembly shall keep expenditures within the limits of revenues in drawing up the GSA budget, and strive to avoid deficits and keep the budget commensurate with the growth rate of the Member States' gross domestic product.
[*]Member States shall provide annual contributions to the GSA budget at a minimum rate of 0.3% of their annual gross domestic product.
[*]There shall be a [url=]Global Youth Fund (GYF)[/url] to financially support youth affairs.
The GYF shall be operated, supervised, and led in accordance to directives from the Global Assembly.
The GYF shall be supervised by a Governor for a term of five years, renewable twice, who is appointed by the Cooperation Council and is accountable to the Global Assembly.
[*]Other projects shall be approved by the Global Assembly.
These projects shall be operated, supervised, and led in accordance to directives from the Global Assembly.
These projects shall be supervised by a Project Commissioner for a term of five years, renewable twice, who is appointed by the Cooperation Council and is accountable to the Global Assembly.
[b][center][size=120]PART VI. Other Provisions[/size][/center][/b]
[*]The Global Assembly may amend this Treaty if it is approved by ≥75% of the total number of Member States, and is approved by Member States representing ≥75% of the total GSA population.
[*]A Member State is entitled to observe and take part in all institutional proceedings of the GSA.
A Member State shall be admitted by the Global Assembly.
They are entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership, and policy.
They are entitled to enjoy all rights, benefits, and obligations that this Treaty confers, and are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1.
[*]A Special Partner is entitled to join the GSA as a Member State unilaterally.
A Special Partner shall be admitted by the Global Assembly.
A Special Partner is entitled to observe and take part in all institutional proceedings of the GSA.
They are not entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership and policy.
They are entitled to enjoy rights, benefits, and obligations conferred in Part I and Part IV, and are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1.
[*]A Strategic Partner is a state that is in partnership with the GSA in a given area of partnership, including, but not limited to, counter-narcotics, counter-terrorism, and environmental protection.
A Strategic Partner shall be admitted by the Global Assembly.
The area of partnership shall be determined by common accord between the Global Assembly and the Strategic Partner.
A Strategic Partner is entitled to observe and take part in institutional proceedings of the GSA within their area of partnership.
They are not entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership, and policy.
They are not entitled to enjoy all rights and benefits that this Treaty confers, but are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1.
[*]An Observer is a state that observes proceedings of the GSA.
An Observer shall be admitted by the Global Assembly.
An Observer is entitled to observe in all institutional proceedings of the GSA. It may lodge a nonbinding opinion on such proceedings but is not entitled to participate.
They are not entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership and policy.
They are not entitled to enjoy all rights and benefits that this Treaty confers, but are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1.
[b][center][size=120]Schedule I. Guiding Principles[/size][/center][/b]
[list]All Member States shall be guided by the following principles when dealing with other Member States:
(1) Creation of an strong, sustainable, and survivable intra-GSA economy based on decreasing market barriers, bolstering trade ties, and integration;
(2) Provision of financial, developmental, and military assistance to GSA allies in need;
(3) Collective unity and consensus in foreign policy;
(4) Joint acquisition and stockpiling of strategic materials;
(5) Mutual exchange of foreign non-GSA internet, cyberspace, or technological traffic; communicated documents and/or equipment; and other communications in the event of an emergent conflict which threatens a Member State's sovereignty as decided by a collective consensus:
(6) Establishment of transparent, fair, and competitive practices with regards to inter-GSA investments;
(7) Encouraging technological and intellectual property collaboration between GSA states; and
(8) Advancing the material and cultural prosperity and wellbeing of the GSA and its peoples.[/list]
[b][center][size=120]Schedule II. Military Standardization[/size][/center][/b]
[list]The following small arms platforms may be standardised to use the following cartridges:
(1) Pistols:
[list](a) 9x19mm Parabellum; or
(b) 9x18mm Makarov[/list]
(2) SMGs:
[list](a) 9x19mm Parabellum; or
(b) 9x18mm Makarov[/list]
(3) Shotguns:
[list](a) 12-gauge[/list]
(4) Assault rifles:
[list](a) 5.8x42mm, ISA-improved variant (;
(b) 7.62x39mm Soviet; or
(c) 5.45x39mm Soviet[/list]
(5) Light and general-purpose machine guns:
[list](a) 8x60mm S[/list][/list]
[b][center][size=120]Schedule III. Participating Institutions in the Science and Technology Council[/size][/center][/b]
[list]The following institutions are participating institutions in the Science and Technology Council:
(1) [nation]Eulumia[/nation]
[list](a) National University of Singapura
(b) Nanyang Technological University
(c) University of Malaya
(d) Kemenko PMK
(2) [nation]Soviet-Federation[/nation]
(3) [nation]Turco-Bulgaria[/nation]
(4) [nation]Zhonghua-Diguo[/nation]
(5) [nation]Republica-Argentina[/nation]
[list](a) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas[/list]
(6) [nation]Commonwealth of Tamazgha[/nation]
(7) [nation]Flourishing Southlands[/nation]
[list](a) Universidade de São Paulo
(b) Universidade Estadual de Campinas
(c) Fundação Getulio Vargas
(d) Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia
(e) Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora[/list]
(8) [nation]Saechosun[/nation]
(9) [nation]The Turkic State[/nation]

|Law No. 1 on WIP
|Law No. 1 on Special Voting Privileges
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|A Law to extend voting rights to Special Partners of the GSA.
Be it enacted by the Global Assembly the following:—
1 Special Voting Privileges
Special Partners of the GSA may vote on Global Assembly legislation if the following conditions are met.
The first condition is that the Special Partner must express a wish to be bound by the piece of Global Assembly legislation they intend to vote on.
The second condition is that the piece of legislation being voted on must concern a matter regarding the GSA Treaty, specifically the Closer Economic Relations (Part III.), Rights of Persons (Part IV.), or Treaty Obligations (Part I.).
The third condition is that the Member States agree that the Special Partner in question may vote on Global Assembly legislation in that instance.|headerstyle=background:#8fb0ff

|Law No. 2 on WIP
|Law No. 2 on Vehicular Brakes
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|A Law to ensure safe braking performance for electric vehicles.
Be it enacted by the Global Assembly the following:—
1 Purpose
The purpose of this law is to ensure the integrity of a car's braking system under normal and emergency driving conditions.
2 Application
This law applies to all electric vehicles manufactured on or after 17 November 2022 that will be sold, marketed, distributed, or exported into any GSA Member State or bound Special Partner pursuant to Law No. 1 on Special Voting Privileges.
3 Meaning of term 'electric vehicle'
"Electric vehicle" or "electric vehicles" means a motor vehicle that is powered by an electric motor which draws current from batteries, fuel cells, or other portable sources of electrical current; or powered by an electric motor which includes a non-electrical source of power.
4 Meaning of term 'primary brake'
"Primary brake" means a brake used to slow down a vehicle when it is in motion.
5 Requirement for primary brakes
Each vehicle shall be equipped with a primary brake system that acts on all wheels.
6 Tamper-proof braking
No vehicle is permitted to give effect to the manual disabling, either fully or partially, of any of its braking systems.
7 Requirement for mechanical brakes
Each vehicle shall be equipped with a primary brake system of a friction type with solely mechanical means to retain engagement. The primary brake system of a friction type shall be activated by means of a control that is continually operable, readily accessible, clear and distinct visually and based on touch, and capable of fulfilling its function via a single human intervention.
The control must be distinct from the vehicle's other braking systems.
This does not preclude the equipping of non-friction type primary braking systems on a vehicle.
8 Export limitations
It shall be forbidden to import into a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner an electric vehicle that does not comply with the aforementioned requirements on or after 17 November 2022.
The rules on legal liability, remedy, and punishment for infringement of this Law shall be determined in accordance with national law.|headerstyle=background:#8fb0ff

|Law No. 3 on WIP
|Law No. 3 on Global Companies (press release only)
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|"The Global Assembly of the GSA has passed Law No. 3 on Global Companies, formally creating a new type of business entity to lessen obstacles to the creation of businesses and companies from different Member States and Special Partners.
This new type of business entity is known as a "Global Company" (GC). It can be validly formed in any GSA Member State or bound Special Partner pursuant to Law No. 1 on Special Voting Privileges, as well as any other other territory on the basis of voluntary adoption of Law No. 3. GCs allow businesses to run intra-GSA operations much smoothly by promoting greater mobility - GCs can operate within any GSA Member State and bound Special Partner without the need to establish a local subsidiary, and can move their registered offices into the same without the need for reformation or dissolution. Taxes are also simplified: a GC pays a corporate tax based on its total revenue from the GSA nations it operates in to the GSA treasury, which then divides and distributes the monies back to to national governments. The brackets are 8.5% for total revenues less than 5,000,000 COCCs, 12.5% for total revenue between 5,000,000 to 100,000,000 COCCs, and 16.5% for total revenue above 100,000,000 COCCs.
All GCs are companies limited by shares.
GCs can be formed in 3 ways: through a merger of 2 or more companies governed by national law within GSA Member States and bound Special Partners, through a straightforward formation, or through the conversion of a company governed by national law. The capital of a GC shall be expressed in COCCs, with the minimum subscribed capital set at 200,000 COCCs. A GC must have operations within a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner. The formation and dissolution of a GC is gazetted on the GSA Legal Gazette.
GCs are required to keep accounts. These accounts must indicate a GC's transactions, and disclose a true and fair view of a GC's financial position at any time. Accounts must be kept within a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner.
GCs are required to keep personal data within a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner. Personal data cannot be brought outside the foregoing jurisdictions unless approved by a domestic government order, or if it is strictly necessary in order to operate the business."
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|Law No. 4 on WIP
|Law No. 4 on Amending Part IV of the New GSA Treaty
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|A Law to amend the Part IV of the New GSA Treaty.
Insert, in Article 42:—
42. [Citizens of Member States and Special Partners shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State or Special Partner for a period of up to three months, subject only to the requirement to hold a valid identity document.]
{{strikethrough|Common borders of the Member States may be crossed at any point without a border check on persons, irrespective of their nationality, being carried out.}}
This does not waive a person's duty to carry with them proof of one's identity in accordance to national law, nor does it waive any criminal or civil liability that may arise as a result of failing to produce for inspection on demand proof of one's identity.
Non-common borders of the Member States shall be subject to border restrictions in accordance to national law.
Insert, in Article 43:—
43. [The determination of what constitutes a valid identity document shall remain the competence of the respective Member State and Special Partner.]
{{strikethrough|All Member States shall abolish all visa requirements for nationals of other Member States.}}
Article 46 shall be stricken.
Insert, in Article 47:—
47. [Citizens of Member States and Special Partners shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State or Special Partner for a period over three months if they are:
<br>(1) students of an accredited educational establishment at the host Member State or Special Partner and are seeking education;
<br>(2) workers or self-employed persons;
<br>(3) residing within the host Member State or Special Partner for compassionate reasons; or
<br>(4) residing within the host Member State or Special Partner with their spouse, children, or registered partners.]
{{strikethrough|All Member States shall not levy conditions of stay for any national of another Member State. Any condition of stay that is imposed shall have no effect from the day on which this Treaty enters into force.}}|headerstyle=background:#8fb0ff

Revision as of 22:22, 27 April 2024

The Global Security Association (GSA) is a supranational political union located across Asia, Africa, and the Americas. It is a sui generis political entity (without precedent or comparison) which displays the traits of a military alliance, common market, customs union, monetary union, and confederation. It was preceded by the Asian Union.

Global Security Association
MottoThink no Evil
TypeSupranational political union
Region served
Asia, Africa, South America
9 members, 1 observer, 3 partners
~0.3% GDP?





The GSA is officially constituted by the New GSA Treaty, and operates in accordance with GSA law. GSA laws are created by the Global Assembly, and once passed, have multinational effect across all Member States. Issues around the laws' interpretation and implementation are adjudicated by the Common Court, whose rulings bind national authorities.

New GSA Treaty

[list=1][b][center][size=120]PART I. Obligations[/size][/center][/b]

[*]The Member States undertake to refrain from the threat or use of force where relations with fellow Member States are concerned, and pledge to resolve any international disputes through peaceful and diplomatic means.

[*]The Member States shall punish any person who organises, plans, commits, or participates in any of the following acts in accordance to law:[list] (1) overthrowing or undermining the basic constitutional system of a fellow Member State; (2) overthrowing a body of power of a fellow Member State; (3) seriously interfering in, disrupting, or undermining the performance of duties and functions in accordance with the law by a body of power of a fellow Member State; (4) attacking or damaging the premises and facilities used by a body of power of a fellow Member State in a manner which renders it incapable of performing its normal duties and functions; (5) stealing, spying, or unlawfully providing state secrets or intelligence for a foreign country; or (6) separating any part of a fellow Member State from itself.[/list]

[*]The Member States shall consult together on all important international questions involving their common interests, or whenever any one of the Member States considers that a threat of armed or economic attack on one or more of the Member States is imminent or will be imminent.

[*]The Member States agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all, and will take all appropriate steps necessary to defend the attacked Member State.

[*]The Member States agree to uphold their obligations under the Closer Economic Relations framework, as set out in Section 3.

[*]The Member States agree to respect and recognize GSA institutions, as set out in Section 2.

[*]The Member States shall not organise, plan, commit, participate, or condone any of the following acts against fellow Member States, and shall punish persons who do within their sovereign territories in accordance to law: [list](1) waging or threatening to wage a war or any armed attack against a fellow Member State; (2) seriously disrupting formulation, execution, and enforcement of laws within any Member State; (3) rigging or undermining an election held within any Member State; (4) imposing sanctions or blockades, or engaging in activities which may be perceived as hostile against a fellow Member State; or (5) provoking by any means hatred between Member States.[/list]

[*]The Member States shall not participate in any international agreement or alliance which is governed by substance incompatible with this Treaty. The Member States affirm that their obligations under international law at present are fully compatible with their participation in the GSA and with the provisions of this Treaty.

[*] The Member States shall be guided by the principles of mutual benefit, friendship, collaboration, and mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity in all dealings with fellow Member States.

[color=white]. . . [/color] [b][center][size=120]PART II. Institutions[/size][/center][/b]

[*]In order to promote good governance and ensure public participation, the GSA's institutions shall conduct their work as openly as possible, subject to information, clearance, and access restrictions for work that is sensitive and related to national security.

[*]The GSA's institutions shall be: [list](1) the Cooperation Council, (2) the Global Assembly, (3) the Science and Technology Council, (4) the Military Committee, (5) the Global Communications and Information Agency, (6) the Global Military Command, and (7) the Common Court. [i]([url=]Amended 6 May 2023[/url])[/i][/list]

[*]Each GSA institution shall act within the limits of the powers and in conformity with its objectives as conferred by this Treaty. The institutions shall mutually collaborate with one another.

[*]The Global Assembly shall exercise legislative functions. It shall pass non-binding resolutions and committee hearings, pass binding directives that bind the GSA, pass the budget, oversee the application of the budget to joint projects and GSA institutions, and oversee all foreign policy initiatives performed by the GSA. It shall be the only body capable of censuring, admitting, or ejecting Member States from the GSA.

[*]Its representatives shall be directly elected every five years by the citizens of the Member States through universal suffrage in accordance with prevailing national law.

[*]The Global Assembly shall pass legislation if it is approved by ≥55% of the total number of Member States, and is approved by Member States representing ≥65% of the total GSA population.

[*]The Cooperation Council shall define the policy directions and priorities of the GSA. It shall consist of appointed representatives from the Member States.

[*]The Cooperation Council shall make decisions on the basis of unanimous consent.

[*]The Science and Technology Council shall research and develop novel or improved technologies for use by the GSA in accordance to the Cooperation Council's policy directions and within the Global Assembly's budget.

[*]The Science and Technology Council shall be granted administration and tenancy of the [url=]Northern University Territory (NUT)[/url]. It shall use the NUT as its main campus of operations.

[*]The Science and Technology Council shall be comprised of universities, research institutes, and public and private laboratories. Participating institutions shall be appointed by Member States, subject to approval by the Cooperation Council. It is accountable to the Cooperation Council.

[*]The Military Committee shall advise the Cooperation Council on the GSA's overall military policy and strategy. The Military Committee shall consist of Member States' defence ministers or their equivalent, and military officials from the Member States.

[*]Member States shall retain a permanent military attache to the GSA. Members of the attache shall represent the Member State in the Military Council where the respective defence minister or their equivalent is absent.

[*]The Global Communications and Information Agency (GCIA) shall facilitate the sharing of intelligence among Member States, including, but not limited to, defence intelligence, signals intelligence, human intelligence, geospatial intelligence, and threat assessments. It is accountable to the Cooperation Council.

[*]The GCIA shall consist of intelligence attaches from each of the Member States.

[*]The Global Military Command shall lead all GSA military operations and GSA military formations, including the Rapid Reaction Force, and promote military interoperability within the GSA. It is accountable to the Military Committee.

[*]The Rapid Reaction Force shall provide Member States with high-readiness military forces.

[*]Member States shall contribute a minimum of 1.8% of their active duty military personnel to the Rapid Reaction Force.

[*]The Rapid Reaction Force should be capable of deploying its rapid deployment forces within 20 hours, and its entire force within 200 hours.

[color=white]. . . [/color] [b][center][size=120]PART III. Closer Economic Relations[/size][/center][/b]

[*]The objectives of the Member States in relation to Closer Economic Relations are: [list](a) to develop closer economic relations between the Member States through the mutually beneficial expansion of free trade; (b) to eliminate barriers to trade between Member States in a gradual and progressive manner to minimise disruption; and (c) to develop trade between Member States.[/list]

[*]The following goods shall be treated to originate from a Member State: [list](a) unmanufactured raw products from a Member State's territories; and (b) manufactured products from a Member State's territories, where the final process in its manufacture was performed in the territory of that Member State, and at least half of the product's value-added is created within the territory of that Member State.[/list]

[*]Goods originating from a Member State that are exported to the territory of another Member State, either directly or indirectly via a third Member State, shall be free of all tariffs, import restrictions and quotas, duties, and taxes.

[*]Tariffs, duties, and taxes shall not be increased on any goods originating in the territory of any Member State.

[*]Tariffs, duties, and taxes on all goods originating in the territory of a Member State shall be reduced to zero on a gradual basis by 5 to 10 percentage points per annum. A Member State may reduce or eliminate tariffs more rapidly in accordance to national law.

[*]Taxes may be applied to goods originating from a Member State that are exported to the territory of another Member State, either directly or indirectly via a third Member State, if: [list](a) they are likewise applied to domestic goods at the same rate; (b) they are applied with the consent of the Member State exporting the good; or (c) he latter Member State has a tangible, provable need to protect its own producers or manufacturers of like or directly competitive goods. [/list]

[*]Suppliers from other Member States shall be afforded equal preference as domestic suppliers in public procurement and government purchasing.

[*]A Member State may levy anti-dumping measures on goods exported from the territory of another Member State if:[list] (a) there exists dumping, and there is an inherent tendency that the dumping will materially injure a domestic industry; and (b) the Member State from which the dumped goods are exported from is given notice and opportunity to consult on the dumping.[/list] "Dumping" means the exportation of goods from one country to another at less than their normal value. "Normal value" means the median value of goods ± 5.5 percent, as assessed from a random selection of 100 domestic suppliers of the good over a period of 100 days.

[*]All Member States shall guarantee the freedom of establishment for nationals of other Member States. This shall include the right to pursue business activities as self-employed persons, or to establish branches or subsidiaries, in accordance with the national laws of the Member State in which the self-employed person or established branch or subsidiary resides.

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[color=white]. . . [/color] [b][center][size=120]PART IV. Rights of Persons[/size][/center][/b]

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[*][i]Repealed[/i] ([url=]Amended 20 March 2023[/url])

[color=white]. . . [/color] [b][center][size=120]PART V. Joint Projects[/size][/center][/b]

[*]The budget of the GSA shall be constituted from the following:[list] (a) contributions from the Member State; (b) dividends and yields from the [url=]Procurement of Outstanding National Instruments and Securities (PONIS) programme[/url]; (c) bonds; and (d) any other form of funding approved by the Global Assembly.[/list]

[*]The budget of the GSA shall be promulgated once every two years by the Global Assembly in a plenary session.

[*]The Global Assembly shall keep expenditures within the limits of revenues in drawing up the GSA budget, and strive to avoid deficits and keep the budget commensurate with the growth rate of the Member States' gross domestic product.

[*]Member States shall provide annual contributions to the GSA budget at a minimum rate of 0.3% of their annual gross domestic product.

[*]There shall be a [url=]Global Youth Fund (GYF)[/url] to financially support youth affairs. The GYF shall be operated, supervised, and led in accordance to directives from the Global Assembly. The GYF shall be supervised by a Governor for a term of five years, renewable twice, who is appointed by the Cooperation Council and is accountable to the Global Assembly.

[*]Other projects shall be approved by the Global Assembly. These projects shall be operated, supervised, and led in accordance to directives from the Global Assembly. These projects shall be supervised by a Project Commissioner for a term of five years, renewable twice, who is appointed by the Cooperation Council and is accountable to the Global Assembly.

[color=white]. . . [/color] [b][center][size=120]PART VI. Other Provisions[/size][/center][/b]

[*]The Global Assembly may amend this Treaty if it is approved by ≥75% of the total number of Member States, and is approved by Member States representing ≥75% of the total GSA population.

[*]A Member State is entitled to observe and take part in all institutional proceedings of the GSA. A Member State shall be admitted by the Global Assembly. They are entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership, and policy. They are entitled to enjoy all rights, benefits, and obligations that this Treaty confers, and are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1.

[*]A Special Partner is entitled to join the GSA as a Member State unilaterally. A Special Partner shall be admitted by the Global Assembly. A Special Partner is entitled to observe and take part in all institutional proceedings of the GSA. They are not entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership and policy. They are entitled to enjoy rights, benefits, and obligations conferred in Part I and Part IV, and are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1.

[*]A Strategic Partner is a state that is in partnership with the GSA in a given area of partnership, including, but not limited to, counter-narcotics, counter-terrorism, and environmental protection. A Strategic Partner shall be admitted by the Global Assembly. The area of partnership shall be determined by common accord between the Global Assembly and the Strategic Partner. A Strategic Partner is entitled to observe and take part in institutional proceedings of the GSA within their area of partnership. They are not entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership, and policy. They are not entitled to enjoy all rights and benefits that this Treaty confers, but are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1.

[*]An Observer is a state that observes proceedings of the GSA. An Observer shall be admitted by the Global Assembly. An Observer is entitled to observe in all institutional proceedings of the GSA. It may lodge a nonbinding opinion on such proceedings but is not entitled to participate. They are not entitled to vote on GSA legislation, membership and policy. They are not entitled to enjoy all rights and benefits that this Treaty confers, but are bound to the guiding principles as enumerated in Schedule 1. [color=white]. . . [/color]



[b][center][size=120]Schedule I. Guiding Principles[/size][/center][/b]

[list]All Member States shall be guided by the following principles when dealing with other Member States:

(1) Creation of an strong, sustainable, and survivable intra-GSA economy based on decreasing market barriers, bolstering trade ties, and integration;

(2) Provision of financial, developmental, and military assistance to GSA allies in need;

(3) Collective unity and consensus in foreign policy;

(4) Joint acquisition and stockpiling of strategic materials;

(5) Mutual exchange of foreign non-GSA internet, cyberspace, or technological traffic; communicated documents and/or equipment; and other communications in the event of an emergent conflict which threatens a Member State's sovereignty as decided by a collective consensus:

(6) Establishment of transparent, fair, and competitive practices with regards to inter-GSA investments;

(7) Encouraging technological and intellectual property collaboration between GSA states; and

(8) Advancing the material and cultural prosperity and wellbeing of the GSA and its peoples.[/list] [color=white]. . . [/color] [b][center][size=120]Schedule II. Military Standardization[/size][/center][/b]

[list]The following small arms platforms may be standardised to use the following cartridges:

(1) Pistols: [list](a) 9x19mm Parabellum; or (b) 9x18mm Makarov[/list]

(2) SMGs: [list](a) 9x19mm Parabellum; or (b) 9x18mm Makarov[/list]

(3) Shotguns: [list](a) 12-gauge[/list]

(4) Assault rifles: [list](a) 5.8x42mm, ISA-improved variant (; (b) 7.62x39mm Soviet; or (c) 5.45x39mm Soviet[/list]

(5) Light and general-purpose machine guns: [list](a) 8x60mm S[/list][/list] [color=white]. . . [/color] [b][center][size=120]Schedule III. Participating Institutions in the Science and Technology Council[/size][/center][/b]

[list]The following institutions are participating institutions in the Science and Technology Council:

(1) [nation]Eulumia[/nation] [list](a) National University of Singapura (b) Nanyang Technological University (c) University of Malaya (d) Kemenko PMK [/list]

(2) [nation]Soviet-Federation[/nation] [list][/list]

(3) [nation]Turco-Bulgaria[/nation] [list][/list]

(4) [nation]Zhonghua-Diguo[/nation] [list][/list]

(5) [nation]Republica-Argentina[/nation] [list](a) Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas[/list]

(6) [nation]Commonwealth of Tamazgha[/nation] [list][/list]

(7) [nation]Flourishing Southlands[/nation] [list](a) Universidade de São Paulo (b) Universidade Estadual de Campinas (c) Fundação Getulio Vargas (d) Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia (e) Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora[/list]

(8) [nation]Saechosun[/nation]

(9) [nation]The Turkic State[/nation]

Law No. 1 on Special Voting Privileges

A Law to extend voting rights to Special Partners of the GSA.

Be it enacted by the Global Assembly the following:—

1 Special Voting Privileges

Special Partners of the GSA may vote on Global Assembly legislation if the following conditions are met.

The first condition is that the Special Partner must express a wish to be bound by the piece of Global Assembly legislation they intend to vote on.

The second condition is that the piece of legislation being voted on must concern a matter regarding the GSA Treaty, specifically the Closer Economic Relations (Part III.), Rights of Persons (Part IV.), or Treaty Obligations (Part I.).

The third condition is that the Member States agree that the Special Partner in question may vote on Global Assembly legislation in that instance.
Law No. 2 on Vehicular Brakes

A Law to ensure safe braking performance for electric vehicles.

Be it enacted by the Global Assembly the following:—

1 Purpose

The purpose of this law is to ensure the integrity of a car's braking system under normal and emergency driving conditions. 2 Application

This law applies to all electric vehicles manufactured on or after 17 November 2022 that will be sold, marketed, distributed, or exported into any GSA Member State or bound Special Partner pursuant to Law No. 1 on Special Voting Privileges. 3 Meaning of term 'electric vehicle'

"Electric vehicle" or "electric vehicles" means a motor vehicle that is powered by an electric motor which draws current from batteries, fuel cells, or other portable sources of electrical current; or powered by an electric motor which includes a non-electrical source of power. 4 Meaning of term 'primary brake'

"Primary brake" means a brake used to slow down a vehicle when it is in motion. 5 Requirement for primary brakes

Each vehicle shall be equipped with a primary brake system that acts on all wheels. 6 Tamper-proof braking

No vehicle is permitted to give effect to the manual disabling, either fully or partially, of any of its braking systems. 7 Requirement for mechanical brakes

Each vehicle shall be equipped with a primary brake system of a friction type with solely mechanical means to retain engagement. The primary brake system of a friction type shall be activated by means of a control that is continually operable, readily accessible, clear and distinct visually and based on touch, and capable of fulfilling its function via a single human intervention. The control must be distinct from the vehicle's other braking systems.

This does not preclude the equipping of non-friction type primary braking systems on a vehicle.

8 Export limitations

It shall be forbidden to import into a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner an electric vehicle that does not comply with the aforementioned requirements on or after 17 November 2022.

The rules on legal liability, remedy, and punishment for infringement of this Law shall be determined in accordance with national law.
Law No. 3 on Global Companies (press release only)

"The Global Assembly of the GSA has passed Law No. 3 on Global Companies, formally creating a new type of business entity to lessen obstacles to the creation of businesses and companies from different Member States and Special Partners.

This new type of business entity is known as a "Global Company" (GC). It can be validly formed in any GSA Member State or bound Special Partner pursuant to Law No. 1 on Special Voting Privileges, as well as any other other territory on the basis of voluntary adoption of Law No. 3. GCs allow businesses to run intra-GSA operations much smoothly by promoting greater mobility - GCs can operate within any GSA Member State and bound Special Partner without the need to establish a local subsidiary, and can move their registered offices into the same without the need for reformation or dissolution. Taxes are also simplified: a GC pays a corporate tax based on its total revenue from the GSA nations it operates in to the GSA treasury, which then divides and distributes the monies back to to national governments. The brackets are 8.5% for total revenues less than 5,000,000 COCCs, 12.5% for total revenue between 5,000,000 to 100,000,000 COCCs, and 16.5% for total revenue above 100,000,000 COCCs.

All GCs are companies limited by shares.

GCs can be formed in 3 ways: through a merger of 2 or more companies governed by national law within GSA Member States and bound Special Partners, through a straightforward formation, or through the conversion of a company governed by national law. The capital of a GC shall be expressed in COCCs, with the minimum subscribed capital set at 200,000 COCCs. A GC must have operations within a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner. The formation and dissolution of a GC is gazetted on the GSA Legal Gazette.

GCs are required to keep accounts. These accounts must indicate a GC's transactions, and disclose a true and fair view of a GC's financial position at any time. Accounts must be kept within a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner.

GCs are required to keep personal data within a GSA Member State or bound Special Partner. Personal data cannot be brought outside the foregoing jurisdictions unless approved by a domestic government order, or if it is strictly necessary in order to operate the business."

Law No. 4 on Amending Part IV of the New GSA Treaty

A Law to amend the Part IV of the New GSA Treaty.

Insert, in Article 42:—

42. [Citizens of Member States and Special Partners shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State or Special Partner for a period of up to three months, subject only to the requirement to hold a valid identity document.] Common borders of the Member States may be crossed at any point without a border check on persons, irrespective of their nationality, being carried out.

This does not waive a person's duty to carry with them proof of one's identity in accordance to national law, nor does it waive any criminal or civil liability that may arise as a result of failing to produce for inspection on demand proof of one's identity.

Non-common borders of the Member States shall be subject to border restrictions in accordance to national law.

Insert, in Article 43:—

43. [The determination of what constitutes a valid identity document shall remain the competence of the respective Member State and Special Partner.] All Member States shall abolish all visa requirements for nationals of other Member States.

Article 46 shall be stricken.

Insert, in Article 47:—

47. [Citizens of Member States and Special Partners shall have the right of residence on the territory of another Member State or Special Partner for a period over three months if they are:
(1) students of an accredited educational establishment at the host Member State or Special Partner and are seeking education;
(2) workers or self-employed persons;
(3) residing within the host Member State or Special Partner for compassionate reasons; or
(4) residing within the host Member State or Special Partner with their spouse, children, or registered partners.]

All Member States shall not levy conditions of stay for any national of another Member State. Any condition of stay that is imposed shall have no effect from the day on which this Treaty enters into force.

Human rights



Monetary union

Member states

Member states


Observer states


Special partners


Strategic partners