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Valaisan Language Guide

Basic Classification and Sound Changes

Sound Change Isoglosses




Sample Text

Aranese Language Guide


Phonological differences from RL!Chechen


  • /ə/ (an allophone of /ɑ/ in Chechen) becomes an independent phoneme in Aranese, typically found word-finally.
  • Open /e/ and /o/ in Chechen is split into /ɛ/ and /ɔ/ in Aranese.
  • /ɥø/ and /yø/ in Chechen are collapsed into /œ/ and /œː/ in Aranese
  • Nasalization, while present in Chechen (particularly for the genitive, infinitive, and for some speakers, the nominative case of adjectives) is even more pronounced as a result of influence from Arpitan and French, with vowels now nasalized word-finally and before <n> and another consonant.


  • /ɲ/ and /ʎ/ were gradually introduced (generally from /n/ and /l/ before /i/ or /j/) due to the influence of neighboring languages (ie Romansh, Occitan)
  • /r/ is /ʁ/ due to influence from French (see guttural r)


Aranese alphabet

Main forms A B C D E F G H Ħ I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Ä Ë Ö Ü ʻ
Modified forms À É È Í Ó Ò Ú Ő Ű

General sound/letter correspondence


IPA Aranese Chechen
/ɑ/ a a
/ɑː/ à
/æ/ ä ӓ
/e/ e е
/eː/ é
/je/ ie¹
/ɛ/ è no phoneme
/ə/ ë а
/ɪ/ i и
/iː/ ий
/j/ й
/o/ o о
/oː/ ó
/wo/ uo
/ɔ/ ò no phoneme
/ɥø/ (Chec.)
/œ/ (Aran.)
ö оь
/yø/ (Chec.)
/œː/ (Aran.)
/ʊ/ u у
/uː/ ú ув
/y/ ü уь
/yː/ уьй

¹before all consonants except /l/, /n/, /ʃ/, and /ʒ/, which have merged into their palatal forms.


IPA Aranese Chechen
/b/ b б
/ts/ c ц
/tsʼ/ цӏ
/d/ d д
/f/ f ф
/g/ g г
/ɣ/ гӏ
/ˤ/ ӏ
/ʎ/ gl no phoneme
/ɲ/ gn
/h/ h хь
/ʜ/ хӏ
/ʒ/ j ж
/k/ k к
/kː/ кк
/kʼ/ кӏ
/l/ l л
/m/ m м
/n/ n н
/p/ p п
/pː/ пп
/pʼ/ пӏ
/q/ q кх
/qː/ ккх
/qʼ/ къ
/r/ (Chec.)
/ʁ/ (Aran.)

/r̥/ (Chec.)
/ʀ̥/ (Aran.)
/s/ s с
/sː/ сс
/ʃ/ sc ш
/t/ t т
/tː/ тт
/tʼ/ тӏ
/tʃ/ tg ч
/dʒ/ ж
/tʃʼ/ tgħ чӏ
/v/ v в
/x/ x х
/z/ z з
/dz/ zz
/ʔ/ ʻ ъ

¹in complimentary distribution


Practically the biggest changes between Aranese and Chechen, due to the distinct influences from the two languages (Romansh, Occitan, Piedmontese, Italian, and French for Aranese; Persian, Arabic, Turkish, and Russian for Chechen)

General table

English word Chechen
(Cyrillic/Aranese Lat. translit.)
Chechen Etymology Aranese Aranese Etymology
accountant бухгалтер (buxgalter) Germ. buchhalter
through Rus. бухгалтер
kontabël Fren. comptable
actor артист (artist) Fren. artiste
through Rus. артист
aktur Late Lat. actor
book китаб (kitab) Arab. ساعة libër Lat. liber
coffee кофе (kofe)
къахьо (qħaho)
кофе = Rus. кофе
къахьо = Arab. قهوة
kafé Fren. café
crown таж (taj) Pers. تاج kurunë Lat. corōna
eagle аьрзу (ärzu) Old Arm. արծուի àgülë Lat. aquila
earth, world дуьне (dügne) Arab. دنيا mond Lat. mundus
flag, banner байракх (bairaq) Turk. bayrak bandierë Latinate banda
gun, firearm топ (top) Ottoman Turk. طوپ (top) pistolë Czech píšťala through Fren. pistole
hell жоьжахати (tgöjëxati) Geor. ჯოჯოხეთი enfiern Lat. infernus
hour сахьт (saht) Arab. ساعة għorë Lat. hōra
lawyer, advocate юрист (iurist) Rus. юрист advokat Lat. advocātus
lime кир (kir) Sumerian 𒌋𒀜
through Old Arm. կիր
kalzz Lat. calcem
lion лом (lom) Geor. ლომი leu Lat. leō
manager менеджер (menetger) Eng. manager
through Rus. менеджер
direitur Late Lat. director
needle маха (maxë) Old Arm. մախաթ nàcħë Proto-Celt. *snātanto-
through Gaulish
nest бен (ben) Old Arm. բոյն nezzë Proto-Celt. nisdos
through Gaulish
orange апельсин (apeglsin) Dut. appelsien
through Rus. апельсин
aranjë Sansk. नारङ्ग
through Pers. نارنگ and Ita. arancia
people халкъ (halq) Arab. خلق popul Lat. populus
person адам (adam) Arab./Pers. آدم personë Lat. persona
police officer милцо (milco) presumably Rus. милиция jandarmo Fren. gendarme (ultimately from gens d'armes)
prince эла (elë) Alanic princip Lat. prīnceps
rag, floorcloth горгам (gogram) Old Arm. գորգ panosë Lat. pannucia (dim. of pannus)
republic пачхьалкх (patgxalq) combines халкъ from Arab. خلق patgpopёl combines popul from Lat. populus¹
sabre тур (tur) Possibly Old Arm. թուր sabёr Pol./Hun. szablya
through Germ. säbel > Fren. sabre
sand гӏум (gum) Turk. kum areinë Lat. arēnā
through Old Fren. areine
street, road урам (uram) Kipchak Turk. oram karierë Late Lat. carrāria
through Old Occ. carreira
time хан (xan) probably Geor. ხანი anserà Proto-Celt. amsterā
through Gaulish
town гӏала (galë) Arab. قلعہ kiutat Lat. *cīvitās
village, hamlet юрт (jurt) Kum. юрт burx Proto-Germ. *burgz
waiter официант (oficiant) Rus. официант kamarier Ital. cameriere (ultimately from Lat. camera)
week кӏира (kħirë) Geor. კვირა setmanë Lat. septimāna

¹One other term used (republikё, directly from Lat. res publica) refers strictly to the Commonwealth.

Names of Days and Months of the Week

Chechen names for Tuesday and Wednesday (шинара and кхаара respectively) were moved to Monday and Tuesday, with Thursday and Friday continuing the pattern from there

English name Chechen
(Cyrillic/Aranese Lat. translit.)
Chechen Etymology Aranese Aranese Etymology
Sunday кӏиранде (kħirande) presumably Geor. კვირადღე dòmenkë Lat. (diēs) Dominica
Monday оршот (orscot) Geor. ორშაბათი scinarë Ara./Nakh "second day"
Tuesday шинара (scinarë) Ara./Nakh "second day" qaarë Ara./Nakh "third day"
Wednesday кхаара (qaarë) Ara./Nakh "third day" diʻë Ara./Nakh "fourth day"
Thursday еара (iearë) Unknown Ara./Nakh pxë Ara./Nakh "fifth day"
Friday пӏераска (pħeraskë) Geor. პარასკევი ialxë Ara./Nakh "sixth day"
Saturday шот (scot) Arm. շաբաթ saptëdie Lat. diēs Sabbatī (possibly through Vul. Lat. Sabbati diēs)