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The cult of Fierce unconqurable sun is a faith that florish in the absolute royal federation and is the second largest faith in the absolute royal federation after the holy chronicles. It is a rather strict religion based on the ideal of eternal struggle where the god the Fierce unconquerable sun rules the lives of his followers and demand eternal obedience from him. It is a monolatristic religion that say that while there are only one god the followers should worship so does it admit that other gods also exist. The religion have however been influenced by the holy chronicles and in a lot of places in the federation have the two influenced one another in various ways in attempts to win over followers.

Religious creed

The religious creed of the faith is built around a few duties that the worshipers are bound to. These are the eternal struggle, the pilgrimage, the sacrifice, the rebirth, and the end.

The main feature of the religion is the so call eternal struggle where the world is seen as hanging in balance between good and evil, dark and light and it is the duty of all followers to do battle with evil wherever it is found, this can be in massive battles against demons as spoken about in the sun book used by the followers but also as simple acts of kindness.

The second part is the pilgrimage and all followers of the religion are supposed to travel to holy sites of the religion where they are supposed to take up servitude for the priests there. This is a practice that the holy chronologically itself later adapted as one of it's own after contact with the faith of the fierce unconquerable sun.

The sacrifice is the worship that all followers are supposed to do and during the end of the week in the suns faith are often animal sacrifices made to praise the glory of the fierce unconquerable sun where all members of the community is supposed to help with, either by donating money to the temple to allow them to worship or by helping in other ways.

The second last aspect of the faith is the so called rebirth, the faith does not believe in a fixed afterlife like Christianity or the chronologically does but rather that the world is divided into three planes and that souls are reborn in either one determined how good deeds they have committed in the world based upon the so called "Hami falish" or soul debt.

The last aspect of the faith is the so called the end that might according to some be inspired by the holy chronologically where the end of time is supposed to come in a final battle between light and darkness. Here will sun destroy the demons of darkness and take all worthy with him to the higher realm and leave the evil and decadent to be punished in eternal horror.

Fierce unconquerable Sun

The fierce unconquerable sun

The deity in the religion is the sun god that is depicted as a young of noble stature and features, dressed in a simple loincloth and a flowing mantle but crowned by a crown of pure light. It is said that he rides his chariot over the sky and that is the sun itself.

He is however also a god of soldiers and demands utter obedience from his worshipers. Doing battle is to praise his name and old stories tells about how warriors of his faith in the old days used to build large pyramids with the severed heads of the defeated in his name. A practice that the Imerian royal crown outlawed and in it's place have the worshipers taken up the Scanderan tradition of hanging horses to celebrate victories. ´ As this warrior deity so is the fierce unconquerable sun often depicted as having a belt from where he has his sword, his bow, and from which heads of demons can be found hanging. In his hands do he hold a spear with which he strikes down all that opposes him.


according to the faith of the fierce unconquerable sun so is the world divided into three plains, the higher, the lower, and the realm of men.

The higher plane

The higher realm is the domain of sun where those that died with clear Hami falish or soul debt. This is a realm of plenty and shining light, here are there no mountains and the land is flat, there is no night nor is there evil.

It is however a land of plenty and the people here lives for eons upon eons and the people here have a tendency for decadence so the men in the higher plane is likely to be reborn in a lower world.

the mortal world

In the middle and the smallest of the worlds is the mortal world, men here live short lives and those fearing the god of sun and war is reborn in the higher world while the decadent and weak are born in the lower plane. Even here is one reborn in certain levels of society and a good man will be born a king, priest, or warrior while a evil and wicked man may be born as a slave, an untouchable person, or even lower kinds of animals. The mortal world is known for being influenced both by the realm of light in the higher plane, or the realm of darkness in the lower plane and have characteristics of both but should be considered the domain of Fierce unconquerable sun and it is the duty of all men to fight to achieve his utter rule of this world. The realm itself switches between the higher plane and the lower plane depending on the moral fiber of those living here and in times of great decadence does the world grow dark and cold with violent seas and famine as the lower plane gains dominance. However in times of great moral fibre so is the world light and shining with calm seas and food in abundance as the fierce unconquerable sun reigns supreme.

the lower plane

Last is the lower plane, this is the world of eternal darkness, freezing winds, mountains and eternal howling of demons. Men born here are hunted and driven but lives long lives tortured for eons by the demons hunting them. Being born here is a place however where it is hard to achieve bad soul debt and one is certain to advance to a higher realm when one finally dies. This is also the home of the nine creators of the world or Shelderväs from the term elderväsen borrowed from the holy chronicles, that the sun drove back at the beginning of time and since then have been locked in a mortal struggle with for control of the mortal realm.


The monks can historically be divided into two camps loyal to the faith even if an official hierarchy of the faith does not exist and doctrine is decided by large holy councils, the last two of which was held in Imeriata proper.

The first of these two are so called sun armoured clerics that walks around begging for food but often fasting entirely refusing to eat or drink for long extended periods of time but also flagellating themselves to show their utter devotion to the fierce unconquerable sun, they do stick out a lot by being entirely naked and own nothing but their walkingstick, their shield, their sword, three spears and a begging bowl. That said however so do they have some more progressive views in general and allow women into their ranks for instance and claims that a slave can be freed if he joins the clerics at which point no man have claim to him but he is the property of the fierce unconquerable sun. they also say that non-humans can be reborn into the higher realms and does not need to be born again as humans before they advance upwards. The modern realm of Sandland is the birth of not only the faith itself but also this sect of the faith and it is mostly concentrated there.

The second class is the so called clad clerics, they are generally more liberal and women are accepted into this order, however they are also less extreme in their devotion to poverty, self flagellation, and other similar ideals. This class is however more extreme in certain version of scripture and claim that women are not allowed to bear arms nor fight and to be born a woman is a sign of a lower soul debt and that non-humans cannot rise above the mortal word. As well are they more supportive of slavery and hierarchy than their brothers that are unarmoured. THis version of the faith comes from what today is Al-Jzr Al-Khḑrā and is most common there.

Of course those camps are not written in stone and there is some odd cases of middle grounds where it is hard to tell which camp a cleric comes from. Even realm distinctions are not 100% as there are sunarmoured clerics from Al-Jzr Al-Khḑrā and wise versa.

The fierce unconquerable sun in the holy chronologically

To compete for followers did the holy chronologically decide that sun must simply be a son of the sungod Hisrir and the warrior go Bel in the holy chronologically and he was adopted as a god of his own right in the holy chronologically's myths even if just a minor one where he is worshiped as the god of harsh desert sun and the god of berserker fury in battle. He is given the title "The fierce fiery one" in the holy chronologically.

The fierce unconquerable sun according to the faith of Ishiri

Ishiri's faith sees the Fierce unconquerable sun as a strong god that however is very misleading in his strict stance against pleasures of the body. He is however included in their holy text and it is said that Ishiri managed to trick him into taking her as her lover and defeat him once he realized who she was. They do however say that he could very well be the king of kings that the prophesies spoke of and that one day he will give in and bed Ishiri and birth her daughter. There are however several other theories that includes Rasmer, Bel, Scanderan high kings and many other people.