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Art is cared for and protected in West Phoenician by a number of Muses that were elevated to goddesses of the Arts.
Art is cared for and protected in West Phoenician by a number of Muses that were elevated to goddesses of the Arts.

There roles are respected and revered and many art schools are dedicated to these goddesses.
There roles are respected and revered. Nine West Phoenician art schools are dedicated to these goddesses.

Revision as of 06:22, 24 July 2020

West Phoenician Art Sculpture of a goddess displayed in all pagan temples entrances

The Empire of West Phoenicia has a thriving arts culture dating back thousands of years.

Art was first depicted in caves drawings drawn by members of the Mermania tribes. The earliest which has been confirmed by the archaelogy department of the University of Jackson to be over 5000 years old. The cave drawings were discovered in what is today the city state of St Mary's in 1900.

The Babalites, who were the last of the five initial groups to arrive in the region, established their own art culture that thrieved and soon dominated the region.

Poetry, music, paintings and sculptures are just some of the many forms of art that thrives.

Art Types



Poetry in the region began with the arrival of first migration groups in the form of oral traditions. While most of the oral history and story telling has been lost, fragments have been discovered that show art was a part of the cultures of the first tribes.

Archaeologists have discovered Northern Dweorg cave paintings depicting song and dance. Wind Kithana; an elder and poet of Dryadi heritage continues the tradition of story telling to other members of the Dryadi culture to keep the tradition alive as well as to educate West Phoenician citizens on their history.

Upon West Phoenician independence, poetry was heavily influenced by Greater Phoenicia. However as the new nation begun to shape itself, the arts also transformed to focus and celebrate West Phoenician artists.

The royal family played a huge part in encouraging the emergence of new artists who highlighted the independence of West Phoenicia and sought to define it's own identity.

In the early stages of the nation, sonnets, epics, narrative poetry and rhymed poetry were popular forms of poetry for artists. Themes ranged from West Phoenicia as a new nation, nature, love, wars, religion and beauty. These styles were popular for hundreds of years. Among some of the most popular poets of their times were; Whiskey Graham   (1560-1610), an epic styled poet who published over 30 works; one of his most famous being Blood on the West Phoenician flag. Sir Charles De'Ville (1700-1768), who was famous for his epic war poetry.

Isabella Sainte, Harlow Van, Ross Keilor and Diamond Tse are four popular narrative poets who placed their mark in the literacy world during the 1700 and 1800's.

Lady Agatha Wiggs and Phillip Guye took poetry in a new direction with the rise of rhymed poetry from the early 1800s. Themes of nature, love and death interwove to tell wonderful depictions with the use of rhyming. Donnell Greggs, a rhymed poet stepped outside the box in 1840 by producing rhyming poetry that was seen as more crass and a little naughty. It's humour was condemned by many in the church and proper society in 1845 for its vulgar language but it did not stop citizens wanting to take a hidden peek at his works. Some of his most popular works are; Milky mounds of a handmaiden, The Red Rooster is not the only cock up in the morning, and Secret Desires in the grassy knoll.

In the area of sonnets, Melissa Rosse and Herman Jackson were two poets whose sonnet proved popular in the 1700s and continue to find relevance today in the poetry world. Justus Browne holds the honour of being one of the most famous West Phoenician sonnet writers, starting in 1595 with his play the War on Greater Phoenician aggression spoken in sonnet verse. He also wrote a further 100 sonnet pieces during his life.

Justus Browne, (1575-1631) was considered the most influential sonnet poet of West Phoenicia. His poetry was seen as patriotic, embracing the ideals of freedoms and justice from tyranny

From the nineteenth century onwards other forms of poetry such as blank poetry and spoken word also grew in the arts community. Immigration from Asian countries also saw Haiku become extremely popular in the city-state of Scarlett Orient Isles.

The old styles which many up and coming poets labelled as outdated were also given new life as the modern contemporary poets movement grew to continue making poetry relevant to new generations of people.

Poetry is still seen as an evolving art, that continues to change with the times as well as reflect the times. Allowing artists the freedoms to express themselves.

Poetry Slams are quite common throughout many city-states, held mainly in cafes and libraries. It has produced a new style and breed of younger poets whose works focus on equality, LGBTI+ issues, social justice and the environment.

Anton Fountain is one of the modern contemporary poets who has produced some sensationalist works involving LGBTI+ issues, violence, sexual bondage. Other inspiring poets who are making their mark on  society and getting citizens talking are Melanie Dawn; known for her poetry on feminism and rights for minorities. Duncan Evergreen, a communist whose poetey depicts a classless society. Virginia Whyte, a nationalist who writes poetry on issue from anti abortion, traditional marriage and anti immigration. Roman Davies a LGBTI+ poet and Xavier St Cross, a first generation immigrant whose works depict his new home that allowed his parents refuge.

Janet Deg-Huss is the 2019 winner of the national West Phoenician poetry slam. She won with her piece Bound for South Phoenicia. A poem about slavery in the modern era.

On a national level, Lady Calliope Muse VIII is the current Poet Laureate appointed by the royal family and tasked with composing poems for special events and occasions.

Calliope Institution in the city state of Baast County is a higher learning establishment that caters to poets. It's a highly sought after program, that grooms young poets and teaches them the skills needed. Every poet who has held the post of Poet Laureate has graduated from The Calliope Institution. The intake limited to 10 students per year at a cost of $25,000 or scholarship for citizens deemed underprivileged.


West Phoenicia has a large number and variety of writers of fiction and non-fiction. While it imports thousands of authors from other countries and regions, the nation has a host of national talent in a variety of genres.

The Holy Bible was one of the first great books that was published throughout West Phoenicia. It is still one of the most popular religious book until the major Christian denominations merged to form The True Path Faith; the True Path Faith bible is now the most popular book sold and distributed through the empire.

From the 18th century literature became more widespread with more citizens learning to read and using their pastimes to read which for many was a luxury up until that point.

Early West Phoenician authors who focused on works depicting West Phoenicia and are now considered classics include;  Julie Burbs; for My Phoenicia, my Heart. W.D Coopers who wrote The Sound of Peace and The Drummers Letters. Scott Casper, who created The Sphynix and Prohibition Sunday. Mary Moonee who wrote Zara, the Tart Judah Franks; who penned 10 novels, the most popular being Under the West Phoenician Sun, Wartime Doll and New Tudor Mysteries.

During the late 1800s, novelists wrote about the civil wars, religious themes and historical dramas and romances. Religion and spiritualism became quite popular, Father Douglas Freedman caused quite a scandal in 1890 with his book Killing the West Phoenician gods. He was defrocked and many churchgoers burnt copies of his books whilst Pagans were known to have sent death threats over his controversial book that called on West Phoenicians to become enlightened and to do away with their deities and look to the inner god inside everyone.

Brenda Young also made headlines with a number of feminist themed novels. She has been celebrated as a woman ahead of her times during the late 1800s. However Murphy Craven and Baroness Victoria Wyndham both who embraced an anti-feminist agenda, challenged Ms Young with works of their own.

During the 1920s Olive Muree and Samuel John Reed became the two outstanding authors of Spy thrillers and murder mysteries.

During World War II and the War with North Ivoria authors began to write epic war novels. Pedro Layman; an ex-marine wrote a number of war time novels titled such  as Swan Song, Bombs Away and Shots in the Night. Captain David Ree, Jackson Desmond and Ram Tyler were all ex-military who turned to writing novels. Clara Jefferson wrote a series featuring female military personnel, especially army and navy nurses.

Westerns also resurfaced as popular, having faded off by the late 1800s. Citizens looking for an escape from the horrors of war turned to the cowboys and old western towns themes. Andy Duncan, Ethan Caanan and Murat Turtt where three popular male western authors. A genre predominantly filled with men, there is Ama small number of female authors who focused on Westerns. Bertha McCloud and Simone Ovantangori being  the most favoured. Valentina Addams was a stand out in the field working with a western romance genre and family sagas.

Lady Godiva Hayseeder began writing romance novels from the late 1960. She has been writing for over 40 years and has written over 300 books. She is rumoured to have a net worth of $80 million.

Lady Godiva Hayseeder, famous West Phoenician romance writer

Romance became popular from the 1960s to the 1990s. From  the 1990 onwards there was a rise in Erotica that had books flying off the shelves. Emily De Ritz became famous for her sizzling romance novels that pushed the conservative boundaries of her day, featuring sex before marriage, drugs and wild storylines.

Sonny Carlos was one of the first gay authors that wrote gay erotica, that soon became mainstream and his works spanned a number of movies.

Sci Fiction, thrillers, adventures and historical dramas rose to popularity from the 1960s to 2000.

Pluto Kirkpatrick, May Russell, Jayson Mells, Antony York, Helena Barbaneagra and Hamish Sharma are well renowed science fiction authors. With themes ranging from space travel to monsters taking over earth to aliens.

While Sheryl Kent and James Sorrenson have established themselves as writers of thrillers. Sheryl Kent has won numberous literacy awards and her Books have been produced into a successful television series.

The 80s saw the rise in the horror genre. Writers such as Claudine Parker, Levi Stoker, Marcus Queens, Walter Blake and Freida Yun are a number of authors who have terrorised and delighted fans with their horror stories.

Abbie Vega, Jann Schmidt and T.K Tonkins while horror writers, write for a more teen audience. Which is a popular genre among West Phoenician youth as well as Dystopian.

West Phoenician Gaius II became famous in 2010 for a number of Roman à clef novels, the most popular Jackson' was a story resembling the city-state of Jackson, where a number of the characters were based off real celebrities and members of the aristocracy neatly woven into a work of fiction. To date the novel has solved over 20 million copies.

From 2010 onwards genres of fantasy, sword and sorcery, religious, steam punk, dystopian novels started to gain in popularity.

Missy K is one of the more well known steam punk authors, along with Mohammad Bahir.

Zorba Banks has the market in Sword & Sorcery novels. That is still trying to build a bigger fan base.

Tahlia Gordon a 16 year old school girl hit the West Phoenician Best Dystopian list with her book A Vanishing World.. Amos Moon, Tiffany Roèger and Jacob South are three other dystopian writers.

While Fantasy novels have also become very popular in books and movies. Epic fantasy sagas are all the rage with Rose Woo, Galahad Dukes and Tommy Von Burton being the most well known fantasy writers in the nation.

Performing arts


Dancing has a long history in West Phoenicia and in the region.

Ceremonial or sacred dancing dates back thousands of years. The Mermania clans, Dryadi Tribes and the Desert People each incorporated dance into numerous festivals honouring their deities, the birth of children, the death of a tribe member; in addition to other important events for the tribes. Evidence of these tribes using dancing are depicted in cave paintings, pottery and oral tradition.

It was the rise of the Babalites settlements that transformed face not only for ceremonial and ritualistic purpose, but also as a form of social interaction.


Culinary arts


Baking has always been an essential part of the daily life of West Phoenicians in the kitchen. Bread, sweets and other foods for years were always baked from scratch. By the 1980s as supermarkets expanded their products more and more citizens choose the easier option of purchasing pre-baked goods.

However in recent years West Phoenician television shows like West Phoenicia's Next Top Baker, Muffin Mayhem and Bakery Wars have transformed how many see baking.

A baking revolution began after 2010 where many citizens have returned to baking as a healthy alternative than store brought. Increased baking at home and television shows have paved the way for a large number personal bakery stores and cottage industries opening throughout the country. Selling everything from artisan breads to elaborate cakes.

Mrs Morgana Dragomiroff won first place at the West Phoenician National Bake off in 2018 with this design for the Book Inspiration catergory

A number of competitions and festivals have also risen over the years to reward the artistic expression many put into their designs.

The West Phoenician Women's Association is one of the biggest supporters of the booming bakery industry. With 300,000 members and 2000 branched across the nation. The association advocates for improved conditions for women and children. The Association takes part in alot of find raising with bakery being at the top of the list. On any giving day a West Phoenician Women's Association operates stalls selling home made cakes, sweets and savoury basked treats.


The city-states of Bourbon-Versailles and Africana Territory are renowned for their chocolate production.

Chocolatiers from across the empire travel to these states to undergo training in the art of chocolate making.

Bourbon-Versailles Chocolate & Patisserie School and Africana Territory Institute of Cooking and Baking are regarded as the top two culinary baking schools in West Phoenicia. Pierce Andressi, Mandy Gee and Bai Qi Chen are ranked as the top chocolatiers in the nation.

West Phoenicia has over 2000 speciality chocolate shope throughout the nation offering wide selection of chocolate in all shapes, sizes and tastes.

In 2010 for the emperors' coronation, Bai Qi Chen created a life sized golden chocolate statue of Emperor Glenton Gryphon-Bush II.

Imperial Chocolate Eggs. Popular at Easter with the aristocracy. These chocolate delights start at a cost of $500


The City-state of Agape is the biggest wine producer in the country, having the most vineyards and making up 70% of all wine production in the nation. The City-state of New Rome and Mythologica are the other two producers of wine.

All three city-states celebrate the art of wine making by hosting a number of wine festivals and competitions through out the year to showcase this art. Liberalia on March 17th is a national holiday and one of the biggest events for this industry.

Other festivals such as Dionysia and Bacchanalia are celebrated by many city-states to celebrate the West Phoenician deities responsible for vineyards and wine. Aside from excess amounts of drinking and revelry during these festivals, a number of theatre plays are performed during this time. Sexual promiscuous behaviour at these events are encouraged as a way to honour the wine deities.

The West Phoenician Prohibition Party has slammed the Dionysia and Bacchanalia festivals as stains on West Phoenician morality and an embarrassment with the excessive drinking and debauchery which occurs at the festivals.

Aside from festivals, wine tours are another opportunity for citizens and tourists to understand the process of winemaking as well as partake in each step of the process from helping to plant new vines, remove grapes from wine, crush them under feet and the bottling process.

West Phoenician Wine tours allow citizen to get "feet on" experience with the process. On top of free samples.

Media arts

Media arts in West Phoenicia focus on fields such as photography, cinematography, film, audio, digital arts, and interactive media.

Multiple West Phoenician museums and galleries exhibiting all forms of media art.

Photography for a long time was considered a hobby by many in the arts industry. They saw photography as a way to take pictures of loved ones or your surroundings. Initially alot of the photographers would take photos of natural landscapes, however their talent soon became an art form as it brought images of faraway places into the homes of every day citizens.

Shawn O'Halon, was one of the first photographers to have a major exhibition in the capital of Melbourne-Haven. It showed the citizens breath taking photos of areas the natural wonders of West Phoenicia. The exhibition titled Natural West Phoenicia was a success and won him a number of awards.

Other famous West Phoenician photographers that have made their marks include; Antonio Hobson, Poppy Knox and Harry Tong, with their photographs taking during a number of the wars, bringing the reality and harshness to citizens who had no idea of what occurred on the frontlines. Sinje Collins who became famous for her abstract nature photographs and Davie McDonngell, whose capturing the images of every day citizens from every walk of life has been a favourite at numerous galleries in West Phoenicia and other galleriew in the Republic of Conservative Nations region.

From the year 2000 with the increase in technology, digital and interactive media began to take centre stage as the next step in the nation's culture.

The Dawn of a New Age Museum located in Brigham Territory is one of the biggest museums in West Phoenicia that focus on digit and interactive art. It attracts over 1.5 million tourists each year.

Dawn of a New Age Museum.

The museum introduces citizens to the next stage of the West Phoenician art revolution with exhibit dealing with digital art, graphics, animation, virtual art, interactive art, video games, robotics, 3D printing and cyborg art

Visual arts

Painting and Drawings

Ceramics, and Sculpting

West Phoenician Artists

West Phoenician Deities of the Arts

Art is cared for and protected in West Phoenician by a number of Muses that were elevated to goddesses of the Arts.

There roles are respected and revered. Nine West Phoenician art schools are dedicated to these goddesses.

  • Calliope (epic poetry)
  • Clio (history)
  • Euterpe (flutes and lyric poetry)  
  • Thalia (comedy and pastoral poetry)
  • Melpomene (tragedy)
  • Terpsichore (dance)
  • Erato (love poetry)
  • Polyhymnia (sacred poetry)
  • Urania (astronomy).