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Military of Spirit of Hope
Motto"Guarding Hope"
Active personnel578,240
Reserve personnel698,540
Budget$251 Billion

The Spirit of Hope Army is the principal land warfare force of Spirit of Hope, a part of Spirit of Hope Armed Forces.



The Spirit of Hope Army is organized along two lines, branch organization and task organization.

Branch Organization

Branch organization is the organization of all military occupations into one of eighteen different branches, with each branch being responsible for developing training and equipment for their occupations.

Branch Insignia and colors Branch Colors
Adjutant General's Corps (AG) Cavalry(CV)
Aviation (AV) Civil Affairs Corps (CA)
Chaplain Corps (CH) Chemical Corps (CC)
Corps of Engineers (EN) Field Artillery (FA)
Inspector General (IG) Infantry (IN)
Military Police Corps (MP) Logistics (LG)
Medical Corps (MC) Military Intelligence Corps (MI)
Emperors Own (EO) Ordnance Corps (OD)
Signal Corps (SC) General Staff Corps (GS)

Task Organization

Task organization covers the organization of the Spirit of Hope armed forces into combat formations, each one consisting of members from multiple different branches. Command is broken out into four geographic regions, with the region commander being responsible for all military forces assigned to their army group, including naval and air forces. Ground forces under a Regional Command are placed underneath a Corps, consisting of multiple divisions.

Region Corps Combat Maneuver Units
Command North I Corps 1st Cavalry, 3rd Dragoons, 2nd Para
Command South III Corps 3rd Cavalry, 2nd Dragoons, 1st Helo
Command East IX Corps 1st & 5th Dragoons, 1st Para
Command West VI Corps 8th Dragoons, 2nd Helo


Commissioned Officers

There are three primary routed by which officers are commissioned in the Spirit of Hope Army, the Army Academy, Officer Candidate School and Direct Commissioning.

The largest number of officers are commissioned by the Officer Candidate School, candidates are selected from applying civilians, recruits in basic training and junior non commissioned officers (NCOs) who show high leadership potential. All candidates must be over the age of 21 and under the age of 28 when training is completed, have a first class physical fitness test, and score above ZZ on the Army Vocation Test. Officer Candidate School lasts eight months, before candidates are commissioned and sent to their primary occupation training.

The Army Academy is the second largest source of commissioned officers, it is a four year service academy open to all citizens over the age of 17 and under the age of 24.

Direct Commissioning is the last way that officers are commissioned, it is primarily used for the recruitment of skilled personnel such as doctors, lawyers, and chaplains. Direct Commissioning is also occasionally used to promote especially deserving NCOs to the officer ranks when they are not eligible for Officer Candidate School, or in times of great need.

Pay Grade O-1 O-2 O-3 O-4 O-5 O-6 O-7 O-8 O-9
Title Junior
Captain Major Colonel Brigadier Lieutenant
General Field Marshal

Warrant Officers

Warrant officers are single track, specialty officers with subject matter expertise in a particular area, they are equivalent in authority to a Senior Lieutenant, but are appointed instead of commissioned.

Pay Grade WO-1 WO-2 WO-3 WO-4
Title Warrant Officer Chief Warrant Officer Senior Chief
Warrant Officer
Master Chief
Warrant Officer
Abbreviation WO CWO SWO MWO


Enlisted members of the Spirit of Hope Army enter service through one of three Recruit Training centers, where they are trained for 12 weeks before being sent to their primary occupation training. Promotion to Private is automatic after completing training, and promotion to Private First Class is automatic after two years of good service.

One year after promotion to Private First Class a soldier is eligible for promotion to Lance Corporal, and if recommended by superiors will be appointed as a junior non commissioned officer. Promotion to

Pay Grade E-1 E-2 E-3 E-4 E-5 E-6 E7 E-8 E-9
Title Recruit Private Private First Class Lance Corporal Corporal Sergeant Gunnery Sergeant Master Sergeant First Sergeant Master Gunnery Sergeant Sergeant Major



Individual Weapons

The primary small arm of the Spirit of Hope army is the AR-2000, with the XX as the primary side arm, with various hand and rifle grenades being issued as well. A typical infantry squad will also include an RPG-73 and a GPMG-2000 to increase the squads firepower.

Specialized weapons that can be seen at the company or higher level include Mosseberg 500 shotguns, Individual Enhanced Sniper Rifle's, and YYY grenade launchers.

Crew Served Weapons

The primary heavy machine guns of the Spirit of Hope armed Forces is the M2 and the MK-19, both are generally used on vehicle mounts and occasionally on ground mounted tripods.

For fire support the Spirit of Hope Army uses 60mm, 81mm and 120mm mortars, and 105mm and 155mm howitzers. 120mm Mortars are generally employed as battalion fire support assets, with 60 and 81mm mortars being used by light and mechanized infantry companies respectively. 105mm howitzers are employed by airborne and air assault units, while 155mm artillery mounted in self propelled guns are used by mechanized and armored units.

A number of guided missiles and rockets are also used, such as the man portable FIM-92 Stinger and FGM-148 Javelin to the Spike NLOS.


The primary utility vehicle of the Spirit of Hope army is the Mowag Eagle, with the MTVR serving as the primary light truck. Both vehicles come in a number of configurations to meet the specific needs of any unit. The K2 is the main battle tank, with the K200 as the armored personnel carrier and the K21 as the infantry fighting vehicle. K9 Thunderers and M270 MLRS provide the backbone of artillery support.

For rotary wing support the AH-64 Appache is employed as an attack helicopter, and the UH-60 Black Hawk is the primary utility helicopters. MH-6 Little Birds are used for scouting and reconnaissance, and the CH-47 Chinook is used for heavy lift operations.

A verity of drones are operated by the Army, with the Raven UAS serving as a company level drone, the AAI Aerosonde as a regimental level drone, and the Scan Eagle as a brigade level drone.