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User:Native Qazh/Sandbox6: Difference between revisions

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Line 225: Line 225:
|A ||Ă ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |B ||V ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |G ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |D ||E ||Ĕ ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |Ž ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |Z  
|A ||Ă ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |B ||V ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |G ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |D ||E ||Ĕ ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |Ž ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |Z  
|I ||Y ||K ||L ||M ||N ||O ||P ||R ||S  
|I ||Y ||K ||L ||M ||N ||O ||P ||R ||S  
|Ś ||T ||U ||Ŭ ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |F ||H ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |C ||Ć ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |Š ||Y
|Ś ||T ||U ||Ŭ, U ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |F ||H ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |C ||Ć ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |Š ||Y
|Yu ||Ya
|Yu ||Ya
Line 231: Line 231:
|a ||ă ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |b ||v ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |g ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |d ||e ||ĕ ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |ž ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |z  
|a ||ă ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |b ||v ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |g ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |d ||e ||ĕ ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |ž ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |z  
|i ||y ||k ||l ||m ||n ||o ||p ||r ||s  
|i ||y ||k ||l ||m ||n ||o ||p ||r ||s  
|ś ||t ||u ||ŭ ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |f ||h ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |c ||ć ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |š ||y
|ś ||t ||u ||ŭ, u ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |f ||h ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |c ||ć ||style="background:#E8E8E8" |š ||y
|yu ||ya
|yu ||ya

Revision as of 19:31, 3 January 2022



Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar
plain p t t͡ɕ k
Fricative s ɕ x
Nasal m n
Approximant ʋ l j
Rhotic ɾ


Tamir Tyulov
Front Central back
Close i ɪ̈, ʊ u
Mid ʲe[1] ɤ̈ o
Open a
Λubomєr Џretyȝa
Front back
Close i u, ŭ
Mid ʲɛ[1], ĕ ɔ
Open a, ă

^1 palatalized when it's the first sound of a word, or it comes after a vowel or consonants with palatal equivalents.

Vowels Harmony
type 1 type 2
Front i, ʲe, ɪ̈ ɪ̈ i
Back a, ɤ̈, ɤ̈ a
Round o, u, ʊ ʊ u

A - type1 vowel harmony
А2 - type 2 vowel harmony, which is used in some affixes like the clitic genitive pronouns and when creating new verbs via affixes.

Writing system

А а Ӑ ӑ Б б В в Г г Д д Е е Ӗ ӗ
Ж ж З з И и Й й К к Л л М м Н н
О о П п Р р С с Ҫ ҫ Т т У у Ў ў
Ф ф Х х Ц ц Ч ч Ш ш Ь ь Ю ю Я я

А а Ă ă B b C c Ć ć D d E e Ĕ ĕ
F f G g H h I i J j K k L l M m
N n O o P p Q q R r S s Ś ś T t
U u Ŭ ŭ V v W w X x Y y Z z

Order 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
Cyrillic upper case А Ӑ Б В Г Д Е Ӗ Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Ҫ Т У Ў Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Ь Ю Я
Cyrillic lower case а ӑ б в г д е ӗ ж з и й к л м н о п р с ҫ т у ў ф х ц ч ш ь ю я
Latin upper case A Ă B V G D E Ĕ Ž Z I Y K L M N O P R S Ś T U Ŭ, U F H C Ć Š Y Yu Ya
Latin lower case a ă b v g d e ĕ ž z i y k l m n o p r s ś t u ŭ, u f h c ć š y yu ya
IPA sound a ɤ̈ b ʋ ɡ d ʲe ɪ̈ ʑ z i j k l m n o p ɾ s ɕ t u ʊ ʋ̥ x ts t͡ɕ ɕ ◌ʲ ju ja

Affixes don't effect the spelling of the stem.


When CV When VCV When VC
ӑ, ӗ, о, и
// пь / py пя / pya пю / pyu пе / pe пп / pp пь / py
// ть / ty тя / tya тю / tyu те / te тт / tt ть / ty
// кь / ky кя / kya кю / kyu ке / ke кк / kk кь / ky
// нь / ny ня / nya ню / nyu не / ne нн / nn нь / ny
// ль / ly ля / lya лю / lyu ле / le лл / ll ль / ly

When the consonant is in the VCV possition, it gets pronounced longer, which is why it was chosed to be spelled as geminated rather than with -ь or -ю/я/е.
Affixes don't effect the spelling.



 noun like adjectives
 possessee - possessor
 adjective - noun


Number and Person Nominative Dative / Genetive Accusative Locative Ablative Allative Instrumental Abessive
stressed clitic dative clitic genitive stressed clitic
Singular First Пӗ Пӗн -мА2 -(й)А2м Пӗй -мА Пӗтӗ Пӗр Пӗть Пӗҫӗн Пӗҫӗр
Second Сӗ Сӗн -сА2 -(й)А2н Сӗй -сА Сӗтӗ Сӗр Сӗть Сӗҫӗн Сӗҫӗр
Plural First Пӗме Пӗмен -мА2м -(й)А2мА2 Пӗмей -мАм Пӗметӗ Пӗмер Пӗметь Пӗмеҫӗн Пӗмеҫӗр
Second Сӗме Сӗмен -сА2м -(й)А2нА2 Сӗмей -сАм Сӗметӗ Сӗмер Сӗметь Сӗмеҫӗн Сӗмеҫӗр
Third[2] Во Вон -вА2 -(й)А2 Вой -вА Вотў Вор Воть Воҫўн Воҫўр
Self Хӑн Хӑнӑн -хА2 -(й)А2х Хӑнӑ -хА Хӑнтӑ Хӑнӑр Хӑнӑть Хӑнҫӑн Хӑнҫӑр

^2 There's no singlular or plural distinction of the third person pronouns besides contextual.


Number & Definitiness

Grammatical number is implied by the speaker, in the context of singular usually the indefinite article is used, while the definite is also used in the plural context too.

Article Example
ӗ/ӗн ӗ сўр ӗн етӗ
Definite /
-∅ сўр ет
Partitive тес тес сўр тес етӗ
рӗ/рӗн рӗ сўр рӗн етӗ
рӗтес рӗтес сўр рӗтес етӗ

сўр - house
етӗ - dog


Case Affix Example
Nominative -∅ аўa ҫив тур
Dative/Genetive -нАн аўaнӑн ҫивнӗ турнўн
-А/й аўaй ҫивӗ турў
Locative -тА аўaтӑ ҫивтӗ туртў
Ablative -(А)р аўaр ҫивӗр турўр
Allative -(А)ть аўaть ҫивӗть турўть
Instrumental -ҫАн аўaҫӑн ҫивҫӗн турҫўн
Abessive -ҫАр аўaҫӑр ҫивҫӗр турҫўр
Vocative -/о, -e аўо ҫиве туре

A - vowel harmony.
аўa - air
ҫив - water
тур - earth

Adjectives & Adverbs

Comparison forms of Adjectives and Adverbs:

  • Positive - Bassic form of the word: big - кай
  • Negative - Negation of the word: unbig* - ре-кай
  • Comparitive - Form for comparison relative to something: bigger - то-кай
  • Superlative - Form showing absolute relative to a group: biggest - не-кай


Person & Direction


Tense, Aspect, Mood

Tense Mood
Indicative Imperative Conditional Presumptive Permissive
Present -∅ -и/й[3] -пАт -кАм -(А)сҫА
Past -(А)ть -(А)сҫАть
Past-participle Active -(А)ль -пАтАль -кАмАль -(А)сҫАль
Passive -(А)нь -пАтАнь -кАмАнь
Future -(А)х -пАт -кАм -(А)сҫАх
Past Future -(А)хАть -(А)сҫАхАть

^3 Only appears in second person, where the second person marker dosen't appear.


Copula dosent conjugate in literary [Placeholder] and most dialects.

Tense Mood
Indicative Imperative Conditional Presumptive Permissive
Present тӗ тӗй[4] тӗпӗт тӗкӗм тӗсҫӗ
Past тӗть тӗсҫӗть
Past-participle тӗль тӗпӗтӗль тӗпӗкӗм тӗсҫӗль
Future тӗх тӗпӗт тӗкӗм тӗсҫӗх
Past Future тӗхӗть тӗсҫӗхӗть

^4 Only appears in second person, where the second person marker dosen't appear.


Affix Example Overliteral translation
Indicative -∅ Ет пулӑкӑ яҫе "I know from my own observation that the dog ate the fish."
Inferential -(А)вА (copula) Ет пулӑкӑ яҫевӗ тӗ "The dog must have eaten the fish."[5]
Renarrative -(А)вА Ет пулӑкӑ яҫевӗ "I've been told that the dog ate the fish."
Dubitative -(А)вА (P.PTCP copula) Ет пулӑкӑ яҫевӗ тӗль "I've been told that the dog ate the fish, but I doubt it."

^5 The speaker did not witness it, but inferred it, for example, from the fact that the fish was missing and there was a pile of fish bones by the kennel.


Form Suffix Verb English Translation
Positive -∅ килӗм "I come", "I'm coming"
Negative -рА килрӗм "I do not come", "I'm not coming"
Perfective и/й- икилӗм "I come", "I'm coming"*
Necessitative -мАҫ килмӗҫӗм "I must come"
Potential -(й)Ай килӗйм "I can come"
Impotential -(й)АйрА килӗйрӗм "I cannot come"
Conditional -сА килсӗм "if only I came"
Cusative -(й)А2т килитӗм "I bring", Ï'm bringing"


Cardinal numbers

0 нўл
1 пӗр
2 икке
3 виҫ
4 тавӑт
5 пиҫĕк
6 ўлта
7 ҫапте
8 сакӑр
9 тахӑр
10 вӗн
11 пӗр вӗнтӗ
12 иккӗ вӗнтӗ
13 виҫӗ вӗнтӗ
14 тавӑт вӗнтӗ
15 пиҫĕк вӗнтӗ
16 ўлта вӗнтӗ
17 ҫапте вӗнтӗ
18 сакӑр вӗнтӗ
19 тахӑр вӗнтӗ
20 иккӗвӗн
21 пӗр иккӗвӗнтӗ
22 иккӗ иккӗвӗнтӗ
23 виҫӗ иккӗвӗнтӗ
24 тавӑт иккӗвӗнтӗ
25 пиҫĕк иккӗвӗнтӗ
30 виҫӗвӗн
40 тавӑтвӗн
50 пиҫĕквӗн
60 ўлтавӗн
70 ҫаптевӗн
80 сакӑрвӗн
90 тахӑрвӗн
100 ҫĕр
101 пӗр ҫĕртӗ /
ҫĕр я пӗр
110 вӗн ҫĕртӗ /
ҫĕр я вӗн
111 ҫĕр я пӗр вӗнтӗ
200 иккӗҫĕр
500 пиҫĕкҫĕр
1 000 пӗнь
1 999 пӗнь тахӑрҫĕр
тахӑрвӗн я тахӑр
2 000 иккӗпӗнь
5 000 пиҫĕкпӗнь
10 000 равӑ
1 000 000 ҫĕрравӑ
(100 x 1 000) /

Ordinal numbers

Fractional numbers



Language Examples

Derivation affixes:

Affix Used to create: Example
-(А2 Agents of Verbs ура (tp step) → урар (foot)
-лАў Collective nouns киме (boat) → кимелӗў (port, harbor)
-(A)ч Nouns from Adjectives/Adverbs/Verbs хӗрлӗ (red) → хӗрлӗч (red color)
-(А)п Verbs from Adjectives/Adverbs/Nouns венне (fast) → веннеп (to go fast)
Adjectives кўн (sun) → кўнў (sunny)
-йА2р Adjectives indicating lack of something сўр (house, home) → сўрюр (homeless)
-ҫА,-лA Adverbs киҫ (human) → киҫлӗ (humanly)
алте (happy) → алтеҫӗ (happily)
-(А)нчА Diminutive етӗ (dog) → етӗнчӗ (doggie, puppy)
-кА Augmentatives киме (boat) → кимекӗ (ship)
-ҫА2н Places, locations пӗрӗх (unity) → пӗрӗхҫти (union)
-тАвА Decendents (son of) Ҫечер (shepherd) → Ҫечертӗвӗ (son of a shepherd)