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Interwar period After the war ended (1924), the talks between Jarnowa and New Jabanese continued and their possible result was more important than ever, as the defeated New Jabanese became in need of a guarantee of stability. The Commonwealth immediately agreed on quite massively helping with repairs and just 2 months after the war the Jarnowan-Jabanese Cooperation Agreement Organization was officially created. In 1930, the organization transformed into a military alliance by the name of Jarnowan-Jabanese Defensive Military Pact For Peace, JJ for short. The Commonwealth saw a significant economic boom in the interwar period, which started with its massive trade and exports in the WW1, and quickly became the richest nation amongst all the post-Jisinian Realms ones, if we were to count Adenbrauren as an independent entity.
Interwar period After the war ended (1924), the talks between Jarnowa and New Jabanese continued and their possible result was more important than ever, as the defeated New Jabanese became in need of a guarantee of stability. The Commonwealth immediately agreed on quite massively helping with repairs and just 2 months after the war the Jarnowan-Jabanese Cooperation Agreement Organization was officially created. In 1930, the organization transformed into a military alliance by the name of Jarnowan-Jabanese Defensive Military Pact For Peace, JJ for short. The Commonwealth saw a significant economic boom in the interwar period, which started with its massive trade and exports in the WW1, and quickly became the richest nation amongst all the post-Jisinian Realms ones, if we were to count Adenbrauren as an independent entity.
'''World War II'''
'''World War II'''
==Government and Politics==
While the Jarnowan constitution states that the Jarnowan Commonwealth "is a technocratic state based on the ideas of democracy and freedom that is led to prosperity by 2 fathers of the people" and the TPCJ officially states Jarnowa is a "democratic dual technocracy", the country is commonly described as a semi-democratic dual federal technocracy at best, federal technocratic dictatorship at worst.
The only party allowed in the state senate, thus ruling the Commonwealth, is the Technocratic Party of the Commonwealth of Jarnowa. But most of the provinces are let to be governed by a locally democratically chosen parties, the only exceptions being the larger cities. The regional politics are, while open to anyone, strongly supervised by the TPCJ, which makes sure noone is endangering their power grip on the country. Disappearances of regional politicians are common.
=== Executive===
''Who is responsible for making high level choices in your country? Does it have a President or King?''
===Legislative ===
''Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature?''
===Federal subdivisions ===
''How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state?''
The Country Divided into 10 states
All states administered directly from the capital as a unitary state
=== Politics===
''What political factions exist? Who has ruled predominantly?''
=== Law===
''What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?''
==Demographics ==
''What kind of people live in your country?''
=== Ethnicity ===
{{Pie chart
| radius = 100
| thumb = right
| caption = Self-reported ethnic origin in the Jarnowan Commonwealth
| other =
| label1 =Laspinian Jarnowan
| value1 =42.7
| color1 =LightYellow
| label2 =Cwirken Jarnowan
| value2 =25.2
| color2 =DarkCyan
| label3 =Ravalii Jarnowan
| value3 =15.3
| color3 =LimeGreen
| label4 =Cersejzkan
| value4 =7.2
| color4 =CadetBlue
| label5 =Vajduszardin
| value5 =3.7
| color5 =NavajoWhite
| label6 =Other
| value6 =5.9
| color6 =Pink
The largest ethnic group in the Commonwealth is Laspinian Jarnowan (42.7%), followed by Cwirken Jarnowan (25.2%), Ravalii Jarnowan (15.3%), Cersejzkan (7.2%) and Vajduszardin (3.7%), with all the other miniscule groups together making 5.9%.
=== Language===
''What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?''
===Religion ===
{{Pie chart
| radius = 100
| thumb =left
| caption = Religious affiliations in the Jarnowan Commonwealth
| other =
| label1 = New Hnestism
| value1 =64.6
| color1 =CadetBlue
| label2 = Traditional Hnestism
| value2 =13.3
| color2 =DarkCyan
| label3 = Atheist
| value3 =19.0
| color3 =LimeGreen
| label4 = Other
| value4 =3.1
| color4 =LightYellow
''What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?''
=== Education===
''How many people in your country are educated?''
==Culture and Society ==
Jarnowan civilization is, together with Cersejzkan, historically considered a dominant culture of North-Eastern Athenia.
With the meanings of the terms 'Jarnowa' and 'Jarnowan people' having shifted across the centuries, this short article will talk about the so called Laspinian culture, which is often considered as the purest form of the theoretical modern Jarnowan culture and way of life.
The Jarnowan culture is centered around the idea of social image. It is said that no Jarnowan will ever reveal their true self to someone they don't consider close. The so called 'social face', which is worn in any interaction outside of the comfort zone, develops as a second personality of the person and is a hypothetical 'perfect' version of the main one - often kind, happy and open. This fake personality is however usually causing the actual one to become the polar opposite and Jarnowans are considered to be one of the rudest people groups, if given the chance to reveal it.
''What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?''
===Attitudes and worldview ===
''How do your country's people view life?''
===Kinship and family===
''How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?''
''What do your people eat?''
=== Religion===
''What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?''
===Arts and Literature===
''What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?''
''Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"''
''Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?''
==Economy and Infrastructure==
The Jarnowan Commonwealth possesses a mixed economy, combining free markets with with a planned economy. Its economic system is often described as 'state capitalism'; the state owns most of the strategic sectors, but lets the private enterprise operate freely with just a few regulations, most of which are aimed at making sure nothing grows to a level of power which could endanger the party.
===Industries and Sectors===
''What are the largest parts of your economy in terms of what they do?''
=== Currency===
''What exchange systems are used within your country's economy?''
Saryat [SRT]
''How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?''
''How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?''
''How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?''
''What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?''
''How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?''
==Military ==
''How large is your country's military? Is it large but poorly equipped or small and elite? Does your country have a martial tradition?''
== Politics ==
== Politics ==
While the Jarnowan constitution states that the Jarnowan Commonwealth "is a technocratic state based on the ideas of democracy and freedom that is led to prosperity by 2 fathers of the people" and the TPCJ officially states Jarnowa is a "democratic dual technocracy", the country is commonly described as a semi-democratic dual federal technocracy at best, federal technocratic dictatorship at worst.
While the Jarnowan constitution states that the Jarnowan Commonwealth "is a technocratic state based on the ideas of democracy and freedom that is led to prosperity by 2 fathers of the people" and the TPCJ officially states Jarnowa is a "democratic dual technocracy", the country is commonly described as a semi-democratic dual federal technocracy at best, federal technocratic dictatorship at worst.
The only party allowed in the state senate, thus ruling the Commonwealth, is the Technocratic Party of the Commonwealth of Jarnowa. But most of the provinces are let to be governed by a locally democratically chosen parties, the only exceptions being the larger cities. The regional politics are, while open to anyone, strongly supervised by the TPCJ, which makes sure noone is endangering their power grip on the country. Disappearances of regional politicians are common.
The only party allowed in the state senate, thus ruling the Commonwealth, is the Technocratic Party of the Commonwealth of Jarnowa. But most of the provinces are let to be governed by a locally democratically chosen parties, the only exceptions being the larger cities. The regional politics are, while open to anyone, strongly supervised by the TPCJ, which makes sure noone is endangering their power grip on the country. Disappearances of regional politicians are common.
== Economy ==
The Jarnowan Commonwealth possesses a mixed economy, combining free markets with with a planned economy. Its economic system is often described as 'state capitalism'; the state owns most of the strategic sectors, but lets the private enterprise operate freely with just a few regulations, most of which are aimed at making sure nothing grows to a level of power which could endanger the party.

[[Category:The Western Commonwealth]]
[[Category:The Western Commonwealth]]

Revision as of 13:33, 1 September 2022

Jarnowan Commonwealth
Byjesztrehozok Iu’Jaarnmnowa (Jarnmisa)
Jarnowan flag.png
CoA of Jarnowa.png
Coat of arms
Motto: For Progress And Prosperity
Anthem: Mewu U’du U’ByjesztrehozokaIu’Jaarnmnowa
link= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2FohzYXhTc&t
Map of jarnowa on the globe.png
      Location of Jarnowa (green)
Official languagesJarnmisa
Recognized regional languages
  • Malfnic Jarnmisa
  • Qarw Jarnmisa
  • Vajduszardin
  • Maalkami Languages

Demonym(s)Jarnowan (noun)

Jarnowan (adjective)

Jarnowans (plural)
GovernmentSemi-Democratic Dual Federal Technocracy
• Lord Father
Dughan Waph
• Lord Father (Lord Father of the Cwirkenese Lands)
Konel Jorkes
• Estimate
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
Increase $8.426 trillion
• Per capita
Increase $30,582
very high
CurrencySouthern Jisinian Common Currency (⍦) (SJCC)
Driving sideleft
Calling code+18

Jarnowa, officially the Jarnowan Commonwealth (Jarnowan: Byjesztrehozok U'jaarnmnowa) is a state located at the eastern coastline of Athenia. Covering an area of more than 1 million kilometres (1,065,164 km²), the Commonwealth borders Zturich, Anhtar and Adenbreurer, a territory of Aftenheim, to the north.

Jarnowa is currently governed as a semi-democratic dual federal technocracy by the TPCJ (Technocratic Party of the Commonwealth of Jarnowa). Jarnowa is a permanent member of the G8 and a founding member of several alliances and regional cooperation organizations such as the Jarnowa-Jabanese Pact (JJ), Jisinian Infrastructure Investment Bank and Jarnowan-Anhtaran Cooperation Organisation. It ranks poorly in international measurements of civil liberties, government transparency, freedom of the press, and ethnic minorities. The Jarnowan authorities have been criticized by political dissidents and human rights activists for widespread human rights abuses, including political repression and mass censorship.



The first human settlement in what is today's Jarnowa dates back as far as 1000BC, with a mysterious tribe, often referred to as "Abgue", residing in the area and leaving behind flint tools and primitive structures. It is believed that around the year of 800BC, this tribe got exterminated by 2 tribe groups, the Caltyc and Jisinian, which moved into the area from the west. Around the year of 720BC, after years of conflicts, the Caltyc tribes migrated further north, leaving the lands of the Jarn river to the Jisinian tribes. For the next couple of hundreds of years, the tribes explored the entirety of the massive Jarn river and split into several communities, with some leaving the area and migrating to either north or west around the year of 300BC.

Era Of City States

In 150BC, the tribe of Aztrasnkaate established a primitive city state, first of its kind in the Jarnowan lands. This started the so called 'Era of City States', during which numerous city states based on the Jarn river vied for supremacy over one another. There were 3 dominant city states - Aztrasnkaateia, the first city state, which achieved dominant technological advancement; Kaerkea, the heavily military-focused one and Hfnestawa, a pact of smaller city states from the more western parts of Jarn, which cooperated together in the matters of foreign policy. Other states existed during the period but were much shorter lived. The balance of power often changed as temporal alliances were forged or broken.

Great Sailerkh Kingdom

The Era of City States ended when the Sailerkh royal dynasty took power in 5 larger city states, namely Hguolp, Aztrasnkaateia, Pwo, Visbokrajt and Frewjn, and estabilished the Sailerkh Kingdom in 100 AD. Being the largest geopolitical entity of Jarn, the SK easily asserted absolute dominance over all of its bordering states and largely expanded. After just 20 years, the SK compromised of over 28 former city states, with the remaining ones joining forces and uniting in order to preserve their independence. In 150, Kaerkea, at this time a long falling empire, joined forces with Hlehslador and created the Anti-Sailerkh Pact, which managed to lower the SK's influance in the region and created a new SK-free sphere of influnce in eastern Jarn.

Era Of Raids

In 910, Kukkuns, powerful nomadic raiders, invaded and in less than a year of bloodbath gained absolute control of the Jarnowan lands after the Sailerkh Kingdom, the leader of the resistance against Kukkuns, fell and split into 3 separate, less-powerful states. The Kukkun reign of the Jarnowan lands lasted till 1245, when the already failing Kukkun Kingdom wasn't able to manage the whole area anymore and the Jarnowan states piece by piece broke free.

Age Of Prosperity

Jisinian Realm

In 1772, the Jisinian Confederation transformed into a centralised Jisinian Realm. In the first 30 years of its existence, the Realm largely expanded to the west, taking control of the smaller western Jisinian states, which never joined the Confederation, trying stay independent, but also some non-Jisinian communities residing nearby. Adenbrauren, a Caltyc nation at the eastern coast under the rule of Aftenheim, got after a long and bloody war liberated and taken control of by the Realm in 1806. The Jisinian Realm quickly became a major global power and an economical powerhouse, which gained a significant amount of influence over the whole Athenia. It reached its peak in 1862, after the conquering of the Kgain Isles. In the same year, many high-ranking, mostly Cersejzkan, officials of the Realm started publicly pointing out how much centralised on the states which now make Jarnowa the Realm has became. This incident, which may look usignificant at first, then started a wave of nationalism and demand for decentralisation in many of the non-Jarnowan member states, especially in Cersejzk, which became a leader in this direction. The situation slowly escalated and in 1870 an enormous violent anti-estabilishment protest organised by Cersejzkans occured in Kårke, the capital of the Realm, but got strongly suppressed by the Imperial Army itself, which got called in to solve the situation. After the fact that two of the protesters got killed by the Army that evening got revealed to the public, the whole situation got even tenser. States like Gruznjisk and Jutkira joined Cersejzk in the 'resistance' against the estabilishment of the Realm and started demanding things like a Cersejzkan Emperor and move of most of the Realm's institutes outside of the Jarnowan states. If their conditions were not to be met, the states threatened with possible violence or even leaving the Realm. In 1871, the Jarnowan states agreed to give the position of the Emperor to a Cersejzkan-born individual, but he would have to be chosen directly by the currently serving Emperor of the Jisinian Realm Kikirs Praeskir. The Cersejzkans and their allies agreed and in the same year Freajso Philijarda, a Cersejzkan royal with strong ties to the Jarnowan ones, recieved the throne. While none of the other conditions were met, the whole situation mostly calmed down as Cersejzkans felt like they have achieved what they aimed for.

Jarnowan Commonwealth

World War I In 1920, the Jarnowan Commonwealth, still recovering from the Jisinian Realm Civil War, declared, together with all of the post-Jisinian Realm states, except of Adenbreuren, a complete neutrality in the upcoming global conflict. In 1922, Lord Father Leo Thrikrich allowed the export of weaponry and materials to the fighting nations on both sides of the conflict, the biggest importer becoming New Jabanese, with which, amongst others, the Commonwealth developed fairly friendly relations. In the later stage of the war, a threat to the neutrality of Jarnowa emerged, as X supposedly became interested in its last remaining colonial possession, the Dunkarij Islands. While nothing ever actually happened, it started talks between the leaderships of Jarnowa and New Jabanese on the security of both, now relatively close, nations. Interwar period After the war ended (1924), the talks between Jarnowa and New Jabanese continued and their possible result was more important than ever, as the defeated New Jabanese became in need of a guarantee of stability. The Commonwealth immediately agreed on quite massively helping with repairs and just 2 months after the war the Jarnowan-Jabanese Cooperation Agreement Organization was officially created. In 1930, the organization transformed into a military alliance by the name of Jarnowan-Jabanese Defensive Military Pact For Peace, JJ for short. The Commonwealth saw a significant economic boom in the interwar period, which started with its massive trade and exports in the WW1, and quickly became the richest nation amongst all the post-Jisinian Realms ones, if we were to count Adenbrauren as an independent entity. World War II

Government and Politics

While the Jarnowan constitution states that the Jarnowan Commonwealth "is a technocratic state based on the ideas of democracy and freedom that is led to prosperity by 2 fathers of the people" and the TPCJ officially states Jarnowa is a "democratic dual technocracy", the country is commonly described as a semi-democratic dual federal technocracy at best, federal technocratic dictatorship at worst. The only party allowed in the state senate, thus ruling the Commonwealth, is the Technocratic Party of the Commonwealth of Jarnowa. But most of the provinces are let to be governed by a locally democratically chosen parties, the only exceptions being the larger cities. The regional politics are, while open to anyone, strongly supervised by the TPCJ, which makes sure noone is endangering their power grip on the country. Disappearances of regional politicians are common.


Who is responsible for making high level choices in your country? Does it have a President or King?


Who decides the laws for your country? Is there political parties and a legislature?

Federal subdivisions

How is your country divided? Are there states or provinces, or is the country directly governed from the capital as a unitary state? The Country Divided into 10 states All states administered directly from the capital as a unitary state


What political factions exist? Who has ruled predominantly?


What kind of laws and legal system does your country employ?


What kind of people live in your country?


Self-reported ethnic origin in the Jarnowan Commonwealth

  Laspinian Jarnowan (42.7%)
  Cwirken Jarnowan (25.2%)
  Ravalii Jarnowan (15.3%)
  Cersejzkan (7.2%)
  Vajduszardin (3.7%)
  Other (5.9%)

The largest ethnic group in the Commonwealth is Laspinian Jarnowan (42.7%), followed by Cwirken Jarnowan (25.2%), Ravalii Jarnowan (15.3%), Cersejzkan (7.2%) and Vajduszardin (3.7%), with all the other miniscule groups together making 5.9%.


What language or languages do your country's people use? Are there any previously used languages no longer common? Are these languages native to your country or shared with another?


Religious affiliations in the Jarnowan Commonwealth

  New Hnestism (64.6%)
  Traditional Hnestism (13.3%)
  Atheist (19.0%)
  Other (3.1%)

What do your country's people believe in religiously, if anything? How many groups are there?


How many people in your country are educated?

Culture and Society

Jarnowan civilization is, together with Cersejzkan, historically considered a dominant culture of North-Eastern Athenia. With the meanings of the terms 'Jarnowa' and 'Jarnowan people' having shifted across the centuries, this short article will talk about the so called Laspinian culture, which is often considered as the purest form of the theoretical modern Jarnowan culture and way of life.

The Jarnowan culture is centered around the idea of social image. It is said that no Jarnowan will ever reveal their true self to someone they don't consider close. The so called 'social face', which is worn in any interaction outside of the comfort zone, develops as a second personality of the person and is a hypothetical 'perfect' version of the main one - often kind, happy and open. This fake personality is however usually causing the actual one to become the polar opposite and Jarnowans are considered to be one of the rudest people groups, if given the chance to reveal it.


What is your country's education system like? How do the schools work? What do people think about education?

Attitudes and worldview

How do your country's people view life?

Kinship and family

How are families or kinship groups structured in your country?


What do your people eat?


What do your people believe? Rather than demographics, as above, think about how important religion is to your people and their view about their own and other religions. What is the relationship between the prevailing view and minority religious groups? Is it an official religion, and do any laws exist about free worship?

Arts and Literature

What type of art do your people make? Do they have a tradition of painted art, well-crafted television shows, or great music?


Does your country have any major sports leagues? What types of sports are played, both professionally and for fun by your country's people?"


Are there any prominent symbols which are well known to represent your country?

Economy and Infrastructure

The Jarnowan Commonwealth possesses a mixed economy, combining free markets with with a planned economy. Its economic system is often described as 'state capitalism'; the state owns most of the strategic sectors, but lets the private enterprise operate freely with just a few regulations, most of which are aimed at making sure nothing grows to a level of power which could endanger the party.

Industries and Sectors

What are the largest parts of your economy in terms of what they do?


What exchange systems are used within your country's economy? Saryat [SRT]


How do people in your country procure medical care? How is it paid for?


How is labor organized within your country? Are there any social institutions or unions which deal with labor concerns?


How do people in your country get around? Is there a major highway system as well as sea- and airports?


What type of energy keeps your nation going? Are you renewable or use fossil fuels, and if you are renewable, how recently did your country transition?


How advanced is your country? Is it an innovator, or does it largely import new developments?


How large is your country's military? Is it large but poorly equipped or small and elite? Does your country have a martial tradition?


While the Jarnowan constitution states that the Jarnowan Commonwealth "is a technocratic state based on the ideas of democracy and freedom that is led to prosperity by 2 fathers of the people" and the TPCJ officially states Jarnowa is a "democratic dual technocracy", the country is commonly described as a semi-democratic dual federal technocracy at best, federal technocratic dictatorship at worst. The only party allowed in the state senate, thus ruling the Commonwealth, is the Technocratic Party of the Commonwealth of Jarnowa. But most of the provinces are let to be governed by a locally democratically chosen parties, the only exceptions being the larger cities. The regional politics are, while open to anyone, strongly supervised by the TPCJ, which makes sure noone is endangering their power grip on the country. Disappearances of regional politicians are common.