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The Society, and by extension wider Statute law, recognises three levels of ability in Thaumistry.  Previously there were four, however in 2010 Journeymanship was removed from the list of formally recognised grades of Thaumistry, and all extant Journeymen were regraded as Masters or as Apprentices.  Notionally qualification is required to reach each level, however an unsanctioned practitioner could become a Master without ever sitting any examinations.
The Society, and by extension wider Statute law, recognises three levels of ability in Thaumistry.  Previously there were four, however in 2010 Journeymanship was removed from the list of formally recognised grades of Thaumistry, and all extant Journeymen were regraded as Masters or as Apprentices.  Notionally qualification is required to reach each level, however an unsanctioned practitioner could become a Master without ever sitting any examinations.
[[Category:Kouralian Culture]]

Revision as of 17:31, 7 April 2019

Thaumistry (colloquially Thaumany) is a branch of physical science that studies the composition, properties, manipulation, and effect of so-called 'Thaumical Energies' that is practised in Kouralia. As a discipline, the teaching and use of Thaumistry is regulated by the Society of The Wise and its associated organisations. This is a non-governmental learned society, however its existence is recognised by statute which gives it the authority to accredit and bar practitioners.

The practice of Thaumistry is commonly regarded as being a form or school of magic, however many practitioners regard this comparison as simplistic, as it associates with superfluous and ritualistic tendencies rather than the three 'Es' of the Society's principles of Thaumistry: Efficient, Effective, and Empirical.




Practicing thaumists are qualified as being Novices, Apprentices, Journeymen or Masters at the practice of Thaumistry - specifically referring to the summoning of forms to have effect on the material world. This is regarded as distinct from the scholarly study of Thaumistry, which is delineated into those with Bachelor Degrees (BThau), Masters' Degrees (MThau), and Doctorates (DThau). Practically, only Mastery of thaumistry confers any official title or post-nominals, that being Master of Forms and Wisdoms (MFW).



Society of The Wise

The Society of The Wise is both responsible for teaching and accrediting novice and apprentice Thaumists, but also for coordinating the study of the Science of Thaumistry and publishing works relating to it. While it does maintain a register of authorised Thaumists and can bring civil cases against unsanctioned practitioners, it has no remit investigate or prosecute criminal offences under the 2007 Statute of Thaumistry Regulation, and it has no ability to enforce such laws.


The Society is headed by the Council of The Wise which consists of the President of the Wise, the Keeper of the Common Treasures, the Curator of the Common Works, the Secretary of the Wise, and the Superintending Governor of Academies. Their offices are at the Social Palace on Wiseman's Terrace in Kurton, Kouralia.

  • The President of the Wise chairs the council, acts as the final arbitrator of any internal matters, and acts informally as the Government's principal advisor on Thaumical matters.
  • The Keeper of the Common Treasures acts as the Treasurer of the society and is responsible for financial management of the society's funds.
  • The Curator of the Common Works is responsible for the safe keeping of all artefacts in the Society's possession and for all written works published by the society.
  • The Secretary of the Wise is responsible for the efficient administration of the society, particularly with regard to ensuring compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements and for ensuring that decisions of the council are implemented.
  • The Superintending Governor of Academies is responsible for both directly overseeing educational institutions which are run by the Society, and also for coordinating and approving the teaching of Thaumistry at independent institutions. They are legally empowered to revoke accreditation to teach Thaumistry at all levels, and to impose a lifetime ban on reacquiring such accreditation.

The Council of the Wise don't have the authority to give orders, instructions, or commands to members of the society beyond requiring compliance with regulating the practice of and teaching of Thaumistry.

Thaumical Institutes

The Society runs a number of educational institutes offering courses from the secondary to the tertiary levels, ranging from schools which principally teach Thaumistry and pay lip-service to national curricula through to the higher academies which provide more specialist vocational courses and places to further study as a practitioner or a scholar.

Aside from this many schools or universities can offer classes in Thaumistry provided the tutor is suitably accredited. Further, a suitably accredited Thaumist can set up and run their own business teaching Thaumistry, so long as they can satisfy regulation.

Membership and Fellowship

Membership of the Society is not required to become an accredited practitioner, however it is required to have full access to the resources of the Society, and to gain teaching accreditation. A Fellowship of the Society is a lifetime achievement award conferred by election of Society members and confirmed by the Council of the Wise, giving the right to use the postnominals 'FSW'. It is awarded to those who have 'made a substantial contribution to the improvement of Thaumical knowledge.' An Honorary Fellowship can be conferred on one who does not have the requisite thaumical achievements, but who has still given distinguished service to the cause of Thaumistry.

Membership and Fellowship do not correlate to particular levels of Thaumical ability, and it is entirely possible to be a Master Thaumist and not have a Fellowship - though difficult to be one without having become a member of the Society, due to the educational resources, courses and other benefits to membership.

Noviceship, Apprenticeship, & Mastership

The Society, and by extension wider Statute law, recognises three levels of ability in Thaumistry. Previously there were four, however in 2010 Journeymanship was removed from the list of formally recognised grades of Thaumistry, and all extant Journeymen were regraded as Masters or as Apprentices. Notionally qualification is required to reach each level, however an unsanctioned practitioner could become a Master without ever sitting any examinations.