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Male Cramuun do not typically exhibit the behaviors of their female counterparts and are slightly smaller by nature. They do the majority of the hunting and gathering of supplies and food. While it has been mostly males who build and prepare land, females on occasion have been seen to help. In recent years, researchers have begun to note that males have been utilizing colored paint derived from berries and other natural ingredients to display on their bodies. This is a relatively new phenomena and as of yet is still being researched for its purpose, however preliminary analysis believes the body paint is utilized for both cultural identifiers and sexual attraction.
Male Cramuun do not typically exhibit the behaviors of their female counterparts and are slightly smaller by nature. They do the majority of the hunting and gathering of supplies and food. While it has been mostly males who build and prepare land, females on occasion have been seen to help. In recent years, researchers have begun to note that males have been utilizing colored paint derived from berries and other natural ingredients to display on their bodies. This is a relatively new phenomena and as of yet is still being researched for its purpose, however preliminary analysis believes the body paint is utilized for both cultural identifiers and sexual attraction.
=== Gratven ===
The semi-intelligent alligator humanoids of the Gratven[] were, like the Cramuun, once hunted to near extinction by the Soviet Union of Nodea Rudav. They were also provided land equal in size to the Cramuun Reservation and bordering alongside it within the same marshy territory. Gratven display the same level of intelligence as their Cramuun counterparts with the same level of stone-age development. Confederate Tribal Preservationists and Researchers speculate that the Gratven and Cramuun were once living alongside each other. Whatever transpired before their exile and near-extinction by the hands of the Rudavians has since followed over as the two cultures rebuild their societies next to each other in distant peninsula of the Commonwealth of Saratoga.
Gratven exhibit a similar friendliness to humans as the Cramuun, tolerating the presence of researchers and preservationists and typically acting friendly towards humans. Unlike the Cramuun, however, the Gratven are fiercely protective of their young and were almost responsible for the death of a researcher when one attempted to enter hut utilized for egglaying. Thankfully the researcher was not injured and beside throwing the researcher a few feet away, the Gratven did not exhibit further hostility. It has since been decided that, both out of respect and fear for their lives, preservationists and researchers will examine the young from a safe distance. Gratven have shown no such aggression when researchers examine older Gratven up close, and in fact display affection when petted as well as when touched.
Gratven stand between 6 to 7 feet tall, and display the same bulky and muscular frame as their Cramuun cousins, though much smaller in stature. The Gratven communicate in a similar fashion to the Cramuun, so much in fact that researchers have seen the two species communicating clearly and working together when in hunting parties. Researchers speculate that they both share a very similar language derived from a single origin, though speculation as to this origin remains open. Females of the species tend to be smaller than their male counterparts and typically tend to care over young and assist with caretaking and housekeeping. Males, like the Cramuun, mostly exhibit a focus on hunting and gathering as well as land preparation and construction. Both sexes appear to equally tend to any cattle the tribe has, which usually ends up being dinner eventually. Gratven, like Cramuun, are amazingly fast when hunting on land and incredibly fast in the water. Like the Cramuun, Gratven utilize every part of a kill to their advantage for survival, pleasure, and decoration.
Female Gratven are keen to show affection to researchers, however their male counterparts tend to be more reserved. It has been observed on several occasions that female Gratven will initiate an interaction with a male by persisting with displays of affection, ranging from snout nuzzling to gentle claw scrapping. They will also, like Cramuun, give a tail "hug" to their counterparts and absent-minded researchers who stray too close during a females time of displaying such affections. Male Gratvens have displayed no sign of aggression towards the researchers when they interact with females during these times, though they have been known to growl or hiss if a researcher gets too close if the female is interacting with them personally. Like the Cramuun, it was the Gratevn who named themselves to researchers, and the name has since stuck as a permanent cultural and species indentifier.
Gratven never displayed a single interest in body paint until Cramuun began displaying an interest in it, with the females of the Gratven species particularly showing a keen interest in painting their bodies. It has been noted that this new practice seems to be more focused in the areas of sexual attraction, with the males showing a higher interest in painted females over females who choose no body paint. As of yet, no male Gratven has shown an interest in body painting with only a few males even seen with one or two lines of it. It has been noted that male Gratven will display a form of "hazing" to other males with any amount of body paint. Male Gratven show no interest in hazing females for it, rather displaying a high level of affection and interest in any female displaying such body paint.

Revision as of 15:59, 17 August 2024


Early Developments

Several decades before the fall of the United Republic, the United Republic Military intervened to rescue a small Non-Human populace from genocide in a foreign land. This group, consisting of several hundred individuals from isolated tribal communities, was provided with protected lands upon their arrival in Anagonia. They established new communities with minimal interaction with the outside world.

Following the fall of the United Republic, Master Sergeant Tiberius Samsus honored his agreements with these communities by enshrining their protected status in the Constitution of the Confederate States. As the 1st President of the Confederacy, Samsus enacted laws to preserve the tribal status of these Non-Human communities, granting them dual citizenship and sovereign governance over their lands. His efforts ensured that the communities could either integrate into Anagonian society or remain in their traditional environments. Over time, members of these Non-Human species contributed to modern society, including in politics and the armed forces. By 105 AUR, President Mileethus Canisilus became the first Non-Human citizen elected as President , and the 17th President of the Confederate States.

The Great War and Wildlantaria

During the Great War (1931-1951), the Confederate States intervened in the Kingdom of Sarda, which had been destabilized by a brutal civil conflict and subsequent partisan raids. The Confederate States, with crucial support from the Federal Republic of Meridon, played a key role in securing vital sea routes and defeating Sarda’s military forces.

The peace treaty that concluded the Great War required Sarda to relinquish all territories gained during the conflict and pay reparations. As a result, the Confederate States annexed the Territory of Wildlantaria. This region, now part of Anagonia, was notable for its diverse population, including a high concentration of sapient Non-Human inhabitants such as Komodren and Kromen.

President Jason Faltore, the 3rd President, honored the legacy of the Constitution and the 1st President by officially declaring the new citizens of Wildlantaria as equal and protected under the law. The acquisition of Wildlantaria not only expanded Anagonia’s territorial holdings but also significantly enhanced its cultural and demographic diversity. This integration underscored Anagonia's commitment to inclusivity and the recognition of its diverse Non-Human populations as integral members of the Confederacy. The acquisition highlighted Anagonia's dedication to embracing and respecting its rich, multi-species heritage while continuing its role as a dominant regional power.

Rare Non-Human Species

Various non-human humanoid species live within the Confederacy. These species, at present, usually refuse to enter into modern Anagonian society either due to their reclusive nature or their limited population. They typically reside in separate, tribal preservation communities located in the wilderness of the Confederate countryside and forests. These communities are given wellness checks by the Confederate States Military Police a few times per year. If any members of these species are seen outside their tribal preservations, it is considered an extremely rare sight. Those who do become citizens often find themselves in the spotlight of popular culture.

Rare Non-Human Species comprise mammalian, avian, and reptilian humanoids. These species were typically affected by the ravages of war or genocide and were among those saved by the United Republic Military during various operations a long time ago. Having had time to exist in safer and more protected lands, most of these species have recovered significantly from what could have been their total extinction. In addition to the protection provided by the Confederate Military Police, Confederate Tribal Preservationists and Independent Researchers work diligently to gather valuable information for preserving these intelligent non-humans and their way of life.


The Azallians[1] are a race of humanoid equines whose history remains largely unknown to most researchers. Saved from potential genocide in their original homeland by an operation conducted by the United Republic Navy (the precursor to the Confederate States Navy), the Azallians were given a reservation and left to their own devices with minimal interaction apart from supply provisions. As of 106 AUR, the Azallians have significantly recovered from the endangered population they entered Anagonia with, thanks in part to the protection of the United Republic and now the Confederate States. Their population has grown from 251 to a healthy 1,562. Interaction between Anagonians and Azallians is rare, primarily due to the Azallians' request for minimal contact. Apart from occasional health checkups during provisionary supply runs, no further information is available.

From visual observations made by researchers accompanying Military Policemen on supply runs, it is evident that workloads are shared between the sexes. Childrearing and care are strictly the domain of females, with males having either no role or minimal involvement. Thanks to the supplies provided during these runs, the Azallians are typically seen in clean attire, often creatively patched together. They have been observed engaging in activities such as pottery making, metal tool crafting, wagon building, crop cultivation, and other tasks that indicate a communal and self-sustained society. Although hunting and fishing have been rare, these activities have also been noted. The Azallian language consists of a mix of grunts, neighs, whinnies, nickers, snorts, and squeals, and is not fully understood. However, Azallians do speak English with a slight accent when interacting with Military Policemen.

Azallians resemble equines with varied coat, mane, and eye colors. Unlike natural equine species with more robust tail skirts, Azallians have a more robust natural tail with a less bushy skirt. They stand on two hoof-like feet with fingers and thumbs that have cartilage similar to their hooves. Azallians are highly intelligent and secretive, demonstrating exceptional mathematical abilities. They typically stand between five and eight feet tall, with females and males both displaying visible muscle mass. Females are often equal to or taller than males.

There are three known Azallian tribes on their large reservation within the Territory of Wildlantaria:

  • Tribe Alpha: 722 members
  • Tribe Bravo: 525 members
  • Tribe Charlie: 315 members

Due to their reluctance to share further information, Confederate Tribal Preservationists have named the tribes Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie. The name "Azallian" is derived from a reference to the land "Azallia," mentioned in a gift presented to a researcher during one of the first supply visits to their tribal territory. The significance of "Azallia" remains unclear, and it is speculated that it could have a different meaning beyond being a mere identifier. For now, "Azallia" is accepted as the name of their species and people.


The Kolven[2] are a race of extremely intelligent avian humanoids who stand roughly between 3 feet to 4 and a half feet tall. Like the Azallians, the Kolven were rescued from a genocide attempt against their species thanks to the efforts of the United Republic Navy. Also like the Azallians, the Kolven were granted their own reservation to live on as they saw fit. Their reservation spans between the Territory of the Wildlands and the Sovereign Republic of Liberty, with their reservation borders only encompassing a few hundred miles. Much like the Azallians, most of their original population was decimated during the attempted genocide and they only arrived in Anagonia with less than 150 Kolven. As of 106 AUR, visiting researchers and Confederate Tribal Preservationists have dutifully counted their new population at well over 820 Kolven. They live within an extremely tribal society, preferring huts made of sticks or straw over more modern building materials which the Azallians prefer.

Little contact is exchanged between Anagonians and Kolven during supply runs to their preservation. Kolven chicks have been seen to demonstrate an outstanding capacity to mimic Military Policemen during their discussions with elder Kolven. There is little differentiation between male and female Kolven, making it extremely difficult to ascertain the gender of a Kolven on observation. The only known sure way researchers have found is by observing a Kolven's "rooster spur," or the tiny clawed-like appendage at the rear of their feet commonly referred to as a "Kolven Spur." Females will typically have a less pronounced Kolven Spur with a tiny claw, while males will have a more pronounced spur with what appears to be a quite lethal claw. Small differences in beak structure have been observed but are generally dismissed, as the differences are too circumstantial to justify gender identification. Generally, other than the differences in their Kolven Spur, Kolven appear androgynous to one another with little differences.

Kolven have been observed to use white or colorful paint on their feathers to display what researchers think are gender or role-specific identifications. Female Kolven have been identified to have more robust and beautiful line drawings on their bodies, particularly females observed with Kolven chicks. Male Kolven have been observed to have either no line drawings or very little, typically retaining the tribal displays around their heads or wings. However, even this is not typically used to successfully identify a Kolven by their gender, as during a supply visit several decades prior, a researcher falsely identified a group of rather colorfully lined Kolven as female when in fact each one had a more pronounced and deadly Kolven Spur, which typically identifies them as male. What's more observed during this visit was that this group of colorfully lined males was caretaking chicks, something that has almost always been thought reserved for female Kolven. For a time, this left the Tribal Preservationist Community extremely divided until it was suggested that researchers all along had been misidentifying colorful Kolven who took part in caretaking chicks and that there is an extreme possibility the lines are some sort of identifier among their culture of special significance, probably related to caretaking. It was also suggested that the markings were a way to identify same-sex preferences in the tribe, and that it is possible that Kolven attracted to the same-sex were given more maternal roles.

There is only one primary tribe of Kolven known. They have identified themselves as "Kolvenites" or "Kolven" during brief discussions and questions on the subject. They are extremely reclusive and secretive with their lifestyle and have as of yet to give any hints or explanations to their culture or ways, though they do not seem to mind Anagonians observing them during their visits. Despite this lack of care for being observed, no Kolven has freely given anything up of their culture to help clarify speculation.


The Narrvine[3] are a race of canine/canid-like anthro humanoids, whose story of survival and recovery is a testament to resilience. When their homeland faced catastrophic devastation that nearly led to their extinction, the United Republic Navy intervened with a rescue operation to save the remnants of their species. By the time the Narrvine were evacuated, only around 80 individuals remained, struggling on the brink of total annihilation.

Upon their arrival in Anagonia, the Narrvine were granted a reservation in the State of Arkansis, strategically located near the mountainous border with the Territory of the Wildlands. This reservation, encompassing lush forests and rolling hills, provided a sanctuary where the Narrvine could reestablish their communities away from the conflict that had nearly wiped them out. The initial years in their new homeland were marked by a cautious rebuilding process, but over time, the Narrvine adapted and thrived under the protection of the Confederate States.

As of 106 AUR, the Narrvine population has grown to over 2,500 individuals, a remarkable recovery from their near-extinction. This growth is attributed to the supportive measures put in place by the Confederate States, including regular wellness checks by Confederate Military Police and the efforts of Tribal Preservationists. These measures have ensured the preservation of their culture while aiding their reintegration into the broader Anagonian landscape.

Despite their growth, the Narrvine remain a largely reclusive and insular species. They maintain a friendly disposition towards conservationist visitors, who are allowed to observe their way of life. However, they are notably protective of their young, and interactions with pups are rare. The Narrvine display clear sexual dimorphism: females are typically more curvaceous, resembling human female proportions, while males are bulkier and more muscular. This physical distinction contributes to their well-defined social roles within their society.

The Narrvine’s communication system is as complex as their history. Their native language, which comprises growls, barks, and other canine-like vocalizations, is a sophisticated mode of interaction that has yet to be fully deciphered by outsiders. Although Narrvine can speak a rudimentary form of English, their native tongue remains a rich and largely unexplored area of study.

Unlike the Azallians and Kolven, the Narrvine have seen a degree of integration into modern Anagonian society. Several dozen Narrvine families now live among Anagonians, contributing to a unique cultural exchange that enriches both communities. This integration has facilitated a deeper understanding of the Narrvine culture and their contributions to Anagonian society.

The origins of the Narrvine are a subject of intrigue and speculation. While genetic testing confirms that they are naturally evolved, there are persistent theories suggesting possible genetic experimentation or manipulation in their distant past. These theories add a layer of mystery to the Narrvine, making them a fascinating subject of study for anthropologists and historians alike.


The Cramuun[4] are a race of semi-intelligent crocodilian humanoids whose natural habitat was invaded by the Soviet Union of Nodea Rudav. The remaining Cramuun were pushed northward into Anagonian territory, where the Confederate States stepped in to protect the race of crocodilian humanoids and offer them sanctuary in a preferable habitat. The Commonwealth of Saratoga offered a fifty-mile area of preservation to the Cramuun in the northwest section of their state, in the uppermost peninsula bordering the Sea of Independence. The remaining 85 Cramuun saved from Rudavian hunting parties were settled there in 75 AUR where the population has since made a positive comeback with over 150 Cramuun on the last check-up from Military Police and Confederate Tribal Preservationists. Their territory borders the preservation territory of the Gratven, who also underwent equal treatment by the Nodea Rudav government and were also saved from extinction.

The Cramuun are incredibly friendly with Anagonians. While they do not have an understood language, it is very clear they communicate through methods similar to their natural cousins. They utilize growls, hums, hisses, roars, jaw clacking, and claw scratching to communicate with each other. Researchers have noted that body posture plays a huge part in communication as well, coinciding with almost all vocal methods of communication. Their species name, the Cramuun, was one such vocalization offered to a researcher upon successfully asking who they were. The name has since stuck as a permanent identifier for their culture and species.

The Cramuun are effectively a stone-aged culture. They utilize mud and straw huts for living or nesting and utilize stone-age tools for most of everything else. They are remarkably docile despite their appearance and make visible efforts to remain so around researchers who visit often. They have shown no aggression towards either Military Policemen or researchers since their arrival, and have in fact created pottery and other crafts as gifts on occasion. Due to their level of technology and cultural progress, the Confederate States government has listed them as a permanently protected species.

Cramuun stand between 9 to 10 feet tall and are extremely bulky and muscular by nature. They could easily swallow a normal human whole if they desired to, but thankfully their society and culture has shown a remarkable level of restraint and exhibited no hostile intent around humans. Even when they were being chased by Rudavians, they did not show aggression. The only known examples of Cramuun aggression are around the occasional wandering Gratven, who appear to be the natural predators of the Cramuun and vice versa, though this is contested as both Gratven and Cramuun can be seen in hunting parties together.

When hunting, Cramuun are amazing fast on land and even faster in the water. They are known to take the corpse of their kills and utilize every aspect of it, creating useful items such as fur pelts and bone ornaments. Female Cramuun are slightly more bulky and taller than male Cramuun and exhibit a more friendly posture around others, preferring to show this friendliness from what researchers have deemed as a Cramuun "hug" which consists of them simply wrapping tails around researchers to even rubbing the tip of their snouts against researchers who just happen to be nearby. Female Cramuun also tend to animals that are kept domesticated by the tribe, such as cows and sheep, and typically tend to stay around domiciles and tend to Cramuun young.

Male Cramuun do not typically exhibit the behaviors of their female counterparts and are slightly smaller by nature. They do the majority of the hunting and gathering of supplies and food. While it has been mostly males who build and prepare land, females on occasion have been seen to help. In recent years, researchers have begun to note that males have been utilizing colored paint derived from berries and other natural ingredients to display on their bodies. This is a relatively new phenomena and as of yet is still being researched for its purpose, however preliminary analysis believes the body paint is utilized for both cultural identifiers and sexual attraction.


The semi-intelligent alligator humanoids of the Gratven[5] were, like the Cramuun, once hunted to near extinction by the Soviet Union of Nodea Rudav. They were also provided land equal in size to the Cramuun Reservation and bordering alongside it within the same marshy territory. Gratven display the same level of intelligence as their Cramuun counterparts with the same level of stone-age development. Confederate Tribal Preservationists and Researchers speculate that the Gratven and Cramuun were once living alongside each other. Whatever transpired before their exile and near-extinction by the hands of the Rudavians has since followed over as the two cultures rebuild their societies next to each other in distant peninsula of the Commonwealth of Saratoga.

Gratven exhibit a similar friendliness to humans as the Cramuun, tolerating the presence of researchers and preservationists and typically acting friendly towards humans. Unlike the Cramuun, however, the Gratven are fiercely protective of their young and were almost responsible for the death of a researcher when one attempted to enter hut utilized for egglaying. Thankfully the researcher was not injured and beside throwing the researcher a few feet away, the Gratven did not exhibit further hostility. It has since been decided that, both out of respect and fear for their lives, preservationists and researchers will examine the young from a safe distance. Gratven have shown no such aggression when researchers examine older Gratven up close, and in fact display affection when petted as well as when touched.

Gratven stand between 6 to 7 feet tall, and display the same bulky and muscular frame as their Cramuun cousins, though much smaller in stature. The Gratven communicate in a similar fashion to the Cramuun, so much in fact that researchers have seen the two species communicating clearly and working together when in hunting parties. Researchers speculate that they both share a very similar language derived from a single origin, though speculation as to this origin remains open. Females of the species tend to be smaller than their male counterparts and typically tend to care over young and assist with caretaking and housekeeping. Males, like the Cramuun, mostly exhibit a focus on hunting and gathering as well as land preparation and construction. Both sexes appear to equally tend to any cattle the tribe has, which usually ends up being dinner eventually. Gratven, like Cramuun, are amazingly fast when hunting on land and incredibly fast in the water. Like the Cramuun, Gratven utilize every part of a kill to their advantage for survival, pleasure, and decoration.

Female Gratven are keen to show affection to researchers, however their male counterparts tend to be more reserved. It has been observed on several occasions that female Gratven will initiate an interaction with a male by persisting with displays of affection, ranging from snout nuzzling to gentle claw scrapping. They will also, like Cramuun, give a tail "hug" to their counterparts and absent-minded researchers who stray too close during a females time of displaying such affections. Male Gratvens have displayed no sign of aggression towards the researchers when they interact with females during these times, though they have been known to growl or hiss if a researcher gets too close if the female is interacting with them personally. Like the Cramuun, it was the Gratevn who named themselves to researchers, and the name has since stuck as a permanent cultural and species indentifier.

Gratven never displayed a single interest in body paint until Cramuun began displaying an interest in it, with the females of the Gratven species particularly showing a keen interest in painting their bodies. It has been noted that this new practice seems to be more focused in the areas of sexual attraction, with the males showing a higher interest in painted females over females who choose no body paint. As of yet, no male Gratven has shown an interest in body painting with only a few males even seen with one or two lines of it. It has been noted that male Gratven will display a form of "hazing" to other males with any amount of body paint. Male Gratven show no interest in hazing females for it, rather displaying a high level of affection and interest in any female displaying such body paint.