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== Demographics ==
== Demographics ==
=== Population ===
=== Population ===
In hansa there are at least 12 people. Thats a dozen!
The Hanseatic Census Bureau reported 81,351,011 residents as of December 31st 2020, making Hansa a very populated country. According to estimates, there are now 83 million people. In 2020, 48% of Hansans agae 15 and over were married, 7% were widowed, 13 % were divorced, and 32% had never been married. In 2023. In 2020, the total fertility rate stood at 1.5 children per women.
Hansa has a diverse population with people of nearly every ethnicity and race living within the borders. Ethnic Hansans form the largest racial group at 71%, followed by biggonians at 12%. Aberocans and Spokanites made up the third and fourth most popular groups with the remainder being a various mix including Bisayans and Dolplandians. In 2020, the median age was 36.1.
=== Language ===
=== Language ===
In Hansa people use their mouths to speak!
In Hansa people use their mouths to speak!

Latest revision as of 03:11, 23 September 2024

Hansa Federation
Hansa Federation
Anthem: Hansimmer
CapitalNew Lubeck
Official languagesHanseatic
Recognised national languagesHanseatic
Recognised regional languagesHanseatic, Avar
Ethnic groups
Hansan, Biggonian, Avar
Pontifical, Protestant, Elianite
Demonym(s)Hansan, Hanseatic
GovernmentFederal Presidential Consitutional Republic
• President
Hadrian Aeur
• Vice President
Samuel Kaesebi
• Senate Majority Leader
Loren Rydell
LegislatureSenate of Hansa
Council of Hansa
• Independence from Daresia
• Formation of the Hanseatic League
• Establishment of the Hasna Federation
May 1st, 1954
• 2024 estimate
• Census
GDP (nominal)2023 estimate
• Total
$3.82 trillion
• Per capita
CurrencyDollar (HAN)
Time zone+1
Date formatmm/dd/yyyy
Driving sideright
Calling code+9
ISO 3166 code+9
Internet TLD.hf


The Hansa Federation, or commonly known as Hansa, is a country located in northern Amnis. It consists of 10 Kinderlanden, 1 Autonomous Republic, and 2 overseas territories. It is a fairly large nation clocking in at 512,650mi^2 or 825,030km^2. It borders (12/22) Bicala and Dematiatalailwo, and shares a maritime border with the Bonnie Blue republic. With a population of [INSERT POP WHEN DECIDED] it is one of the most populous in the area. The national capital and financial hub is New Lubeck and the most populated metro area is Hosenburg.

Humans migrated into the Littenfluss valley around 300,000 years ago. The first culture to develop proper cities was the Great Santee around 2200 BCE. The Santee culture developed into proper city states and an empire but fell to invading Germanic tribes from the north and east. Santee rump states survived in Avarchaea eventually becoming Avarchaea. Eventually Hansa and more specifically the Littenfluss river became the eastern border of the Artevenian empire who brought various scientific advancements and infrastructure to the area.

However, during the fifth century AD various kings such as Raddaseus and Catilion waged wars against the Daresians liberating the region from Daresian control. Now Hansa was under Elianite leadership. Over time various kingdoms rose and fell but the Harchlianian conquest in the 800s AD united the nation at first under Harchlianian control and then against them. Post Harchlianian saw the Klarewaster Renaissance which was a period of prosperity and rebirth. The Klarewasters founded the Pontifical Empire which was a major political entity. Though the Klarewasters died out the subsequent Obonus dynasty ruled until falling to the conquest of Erwin the Great who took the empire for himself. The Pontifical Empire was liberated from him in 1340 under the rule of Henry I. Though it was during this time that several cities along the coast formed the Hanseatic League.

Throughout the fifteenth century the Pontifical empire and Hanseatic League were in a back and forth vying for control of the region. In 1505 the protestant reformation started in Badegard plunging both sides into a nearly 50 year long conflict. In 1571, the Vitele Dynasty united the two sides and started to establish colonies abroad. Under Paul I the Hanseatic Empire became the dominant power. Once the Wilsonian dynasty took power in the 1600s the Hanseatic Golden Age started lasting through the enlightenment to the year 1800. By 1800 the Wilsonians had died out and the Doore dynasty took charge. At first there were great reforms such as the Manazereck laws but various factors such as the romantic movement and poor leadership saw a great civil war occur and the Hanseatic Anarchy period started.

Despite losing some colonies such as Tussia and Dolplandia during the Hansan Anarchy period, the restoration period (1860-1890) was a new great age. The industrial revolution was in full swing and the empire reestablished power. In the 1890s labor rights activists started a major rebellion plunging Hansa back into war. Though North Baradonia got indpendence Hansa was able to grant a lot of workers rights while maintaining their economic hegemony. However a lot of nations did not like the fact Hansa was healthy, wealthy (and wise), and hansa was thrust into the spotlight of the Great War. The Great War lasted eighteen years and saw the nation crippled and now under civil war.

In 1946 the civil war nearly ended with elections supposed to take place but they failed and the second half of the civil war started lasting until 1951. In 1954 the nation was ready for a retry of elections and Adrian Gower became the first president. Post civil war Hansa is a liberal democracy and has high standards of living.

The Hansa Federation is a federal republic with three separate branches of government including a two house legislature. It is a liberal democracy and capitalist economy. It ranks high in human rights, quality of life, income, wealth and education and low levels of corruption. However, it has relatively high wealth inequality and a public but widely efficient health system. With increasing rates of immigration and a colonial past, it is a huge melting pot of cultures.


The first known use of the name “Hansa” comes from approximately 400 AD when it appeared on a map of the late Artevennian empire. The name is thought to have come from an old word for bank. Historians however have noted that banking as an institution did not form until the late middle ages. Most historians agree on the idea that it was named after an old word for guild, union or mercenary in Proto-Hansan. The exact origin is unclear weather it means band of soldiers or union but it is largely an irrelevant argument. The Artevenian name for Hansa was Anseatium. The origin of Anseatia is widely unknown. SOme think it is a very bad translation of “on sea” and there are even tales of a very tired Tussian running across the Artevenian Empire. Regardless, documents started using Hansa as a name for the coastal trade league around 1100 AD. This name stuck and the 1946 constitution added the Federation on the end due to the government's nature as a federation.


Ancient and Medieval Hansa

Prehistory in Hansa dates back at least 300,000 years, with evidence of early human presence and the extinction of Neanderthals around 35,000 years ago. The Neolithic period witnessed the emergence of agriculture and the Great Santee culture, marked by intricate religious practices and a mysterious script. As the Bronze Age transitioned to the Iron Age, nomadic lifestyles became prevalent, and major civilizations disappeared.

Ancient Hansa around 100 BC was a collection of small Germanic kingdoms, with the Artevenians later conquering the region in 21 AD. Artevenian control divided Hansa into three provinces, fostering cultural and religious shifts, including the dominance of Judaism in Anseatia Minor. Despite Artevenian advancements like the introduction of the modern alphabet, the Germanic tribes resurged, leading to the fall of Artevenia in 403 AD.

The subsequent period, Elianite Hansa (417-967), saw the rise of the Ketzern Kingdom under Raddaseus, eventually succeeded by the Byerd Dynasty and the New Ketzern Kingdom. The latter experienced internal power struggles, territorial shifts, and conflicts with Harchilianians. Notably, under John II, the kingdom became militarized, and his aggressive campaigns led to victories and defeats, ultimately culminating in Harchilianian conquest in 935.

During the Harchlianian Hansa era (935-966), Jan II's conquest expanded east of the Littenfluss, establishing Janse as the capital. His son, Dean I, focused on infrastructure and tolerated diversity but faced challenges. The "iron wars" in 953-963 resulted in Hanseatic and Relyk forces pushing back Harchlian raiders, but overextension and perceived oppression led to increasing opposition. By 966, Hansa was beset by internal strife and external threats.

High Medieval Hansa

The Pontifical Hansa, spanning from 967 to 1505, witnessed significant historical events and transformations. It began during a time of tension, with the Harchlinians facing threats from the Relyks in the east, discontent among the Mitte in the north, and disunity among the Germanic states in the west. Blaming Judaism for their failures, a young prince in the Duchy of Lodi received a vision, leading to the rise of John III. He successfully crusaded, bringing southern Anseatia and western Palantine under Pontifical control, establishing Neuserentina.

John III's reign marked not only territorial expansion but also the onset of the Klarewaster Renaissance. Libraries were opened, and trade routes like the trans-Amnis route flourished, spreading Arabic numerals and establishing universities. After John III, his son Thomas I continued the Renaissance but with a focus on consolidating rather than expanding.

The succession remained smooth, leading to Douglas I, who continued the Renaissance but witnessed a slowdown in technological progress. Stuart I, a bishop with ties to Artevenia, succeeded, but his reign ended abruptly in 1047 with the bubonic plague. The Pontifical Civil War ensued (1048-1055), leading to Daniel's rise, marking the beginning of the Obonus Dynasty.

Under Daniel II, the Pontifical Empire stabilized. His son, Daniel III, had a lengthy and successful reign, fostering stability and rebuilding the nation. The subsequent High Pontifical Era saw decentralization and the rise of vassal states. In 1154, Samuel I's reign focused on strengthening the clergy, laying the foundation for a powerful religious base.

However, the Obonus Dynasty weakened in the late 13th century, marked by weak rulers like Richard II. Christopher II's rule faced challenges, culminating in the Gryyffonian Restoration (1404-1499). The Pontifical Empire struggled against the Hanseatic League, with several wars leading to territorial losses. Gryyfonia managed to stabilize the empire temporarily.

The Late Pontifical Empire and Hanseatic League (1264-1499) witnessed Hanseatic dominance, notably during the Rise of the Hanseatic League (1264-1340) and its subsequent impact on the Pontifical Empire. The Gryyffonian Restoration struggled against internal strife and external threats from the Hanseatic League.

The Hanseatic Republic emerged post-1471, consolidating power in Lubeck. The election of Peter IV and the subsequent rule of Keith VanMoyne showcased the league's attempts to assert control. However, Quincy I's ascension in 1499 marked a turning point, as the Eighth Hanseatic War unfolded, bringing anti-Pontifical sentiments and a strained trade relationship.

In the backdrop of these political and military struggles, the late 15th century witnessed the emergence of anti-Pontifical sentiments and a growing disdain for Pontificalis as a religion. The Printing Press played a crucial role in spreading these ideas, setting the stage for further religious and societal transformations in the Pontifical Hansa.

Reformation and Empire

The Vitele Dynasty marked a significant period in the history of the Hanseatic Empire, leading to the formation of the Hanseatic Empire. The Republic, politically fragile, experienced a shift in leadership as Brian Vitelle orchestrated the impeachment of David V in 1565. Brian's son, John, later centralized power, dissolved the council in 1569, and eventually proclaimed himself the sole leader in 1571, setting the stage for the Hanseatic Empire.

Under John VII, the Empire flourished economically and culturally. The 1570s witnessed urbanization, population growth, and a renaissance in Hanseatic culture and learning. The religious landscape transformed as Protestantism spread, and the Jewish population experienced a revival in arts and culture. John's stable reign lasted until 1583, paving the way for Paul Vitelle, who initiated the path to absolutism.

Paul I, ruling for fifty years, oversaw the start of the colonial empire, making Hanseatic a true great power. The age of discovery began in the 1590s, and Paul commissioned a navy to explore new trade routes, establishing contact with Borealians. Despite growing discontent, Paul ruled as an absolute autocrat until his death in 1641, succeeded by his son George III.

George III, ruling from 1634 to 1643, embraced pacifism and resisted colonialism personally. His reign faced criticism for his inclusive views on religion and ethnicity, leading to the Rebellion of 1638 and significant societal changes. After his assassination in 1643, Richard V ascended to the throne, continuing the Hanseatic Renaissance and overseeing technological developments in the military under Dennis O’Pell.

The Wilsonian Era began after Richard V, with Brian IV initiating a period of greatness. The Malcolmite order was eradicated in the Last Hanseatic Malcolmite War (1655-1659), and Hanseatic power expanded globally. However, Brian's mental decline led to increased influence by merchant guilds, and after his death in 1699, Michael IV faced internal strife and rebellion.

Michael's reign, marked by tyranny, conflicts, and controversial decisions, including the transfer of Pontifical schools, caused unrest. The Middle Wilsonian Era saw Dennis's brief rule, marked by corruption and rebellion. Dennis's nephew, Carl I, restored stability and fostered the Hanseatic Enlightenment, leading to a prosperous period known as the Pax Anseatia.

Carl I's death in 1761 saw his nephew Bruce take the throne. Nicknamed "the enlightened," Bruce prioritized science and the Enlightenment, facing criticism for neglecting ruling duties. This period marked the zenith of the Enlightenment era in the Hanseatic Empire. The Hanseatic Enlightenment, thriving during the Wilsonian era, emphasized knowledge pursuit and religious tolerance. Notable achievements included the standardized measuring system, the discovery of oxygen and hydrogen, and Charles Deirdre's compilation of the first Hanseatic Encyclopedia under Bruce I's commission. The Second War of Hanseatic Succession (1772-1776) saw shifting leadership, concluding with Raymond Doore's triumph. Raymond II advanced Enlightenment ideals, fostering innovations in agriculture and industry. Victorious in the Bicalan War (1785-1788), Hansa gained Biseatia as a vassal. Raymond's legal reform initiative, the Manazarek Laws, remained unfinished at his death.

Modern Hansa

Hansan Anarchy Period

After the death of Raymond II, Hansa underwent significant cultural shifts marked by the Artevenian Revolution and the rise of the Romantic movement. The steam engine's invention propelled industrialization, leading to urbanization and population growth. However, concerns about a more humanistic and irrational cultural shift prompted authoritarian measures under John VIII's rule from 1805 to 1816.

Robert III succeeded John VIII but faced challenges enforcing laws and preserving Hansan dominance amid colonial instability, notably the Tussian Independence War's conclusion. The first ironclad, HNS Manazerek, showcased naval advancements but didn't strengthen internal governance. James III, influenced by the Romantic era, embraced decentralization in the 1820s, fostering prosperity and early industrialization.

In 1832, Dutch Anderson's reforms modernized governance, but James III's apathy led to rumors of madness and alcoholism. His death in 1836 triggered a downward spiral. Anderson seized power, leading to the Andersonian era. James IV, James III's presumed heir, disappeared mysteriously, allowing Anderson to become dictator and, later, emperor. The Phoenix Feast solidified his control, initiating a period of dictatorial rule marked by religious intolerance.

The nation faced turmoil as Tussia rebelled, initiating the Tussian Genocide, and TESDAI sought independence. James III's death plunged Hansa into chaos, culminating in Anderson's rule. Anderson's popularity waned amid domestic strife and a failing Tussian war. The Hanseatic Civil War erupted in 1846, with a republic established in Aasten. Despite initial success, internal divisions and military defeats plagued the republic. Anderson fled Wilsonia after mass protests, leaving the nation in de facto anarchy.

The Hansan Anarchy Period ensued, with regions in chaos, religious radicalism in the east, and colonies gaining independence. Copland persuaded Duke Brian of Wustiech to intervene. The Siege of New Lubeck in 1853 marked the war's climax, leading to the capture of republican leaders and Copland's exile. Brian assumed control, focusing on colonial governance, navy renovation, and relocating the capital to Taunsburg in the 1860s.

Regnochtfolger Dynasty

The Regnochtfolger Dynasty faced post-civil war challenges, with Hansa's reconstruction and industrialization only fully realized by the turn of the century. The Hanseatic railroad (1859) and the industrial revolution (1860s) significantly improved living standards, redistributing land, and ushering in urban growth. Despite conservative tendencies, the Charter of Liberties (1870) granted peasants rights and established a legislative body, symbolizing a tentative move towards popular sovereignty.

The Restoration, following the Imperial restoration, marked a period of peace and order. The Council of Hansa provided an illusion of popular governance, although real power remained concentrated. Brian V signed the Charter of Liberties, solidifying the nation's recovery. The post-romantic cultural period (1840-1875) flourished, blending enlightenment and romantic influences.

Roger VI succeeded Brian V, overseeing prosperity, immigration, and technological advancements. The industrial revolution transformed Hansa, connecting previously free land via the railroad. Despite economic growth, a plutocracy led by the royal family controlled the government. The late 19th century witnessed an awakening, fueled by Sturmist philosophy and labor movements, eventually leading to the rise of the Hanseatic Communist Party in 1890.

The Socialist Movement, fueled by dissatisfaction with laissez-faire policies, gained momentum, culminating in the Loinchair War and the formation of the Hanseatic Communist Party. Roger VI's laissez-faire approach fueled unrest, with industrial accidents and the Wiltmere fire (1889) highlighting worker exploitation. The Hanseatic Communist Party faced suppression, leading to protests and a heightened red scare. Roger VI's death in 1898 brought reforms under John IX, relaxing worker conditions and implementing economic changes.

The Imperial Revival showcased Hansa's foreign policy transformation (1880-1931), balancing power and expanding globally. Colonies in Borealia and alliances with Singahapla Bisaya Republic demonstrated Hansa's diplomatic reach. Religious tensions persisted but were less pronounced. Hansa's neutrality protected it from making too many enemies but also limited its friendships. The Hanseatic Imperial Age experienced battles over religion and government, with the Protestant and secularist movements gaining strength.

The Second Hanseatic Golden Age (late 19th-early 20th century) marked peace, prosperity, and cultural innovation. Advances in gender empowerment, increased religiosity, and the flourishing arts scene characterized this period. Celebrating 600 years since the formation of the Hanseatic League in 1899, Hansa showcased its modern city, Regnochtfolgerburg, at a global exposition.

Great and Civil Wars

In 1920, Hansa, unprepared for war, faced unexpected conflict in its colonies by 1923, leading to a nationwide effort to protect and fight for its territories. Technological advancements fueled devastating casualty rates, resulting in a population decline from 69 million in 1920 to 44 million by 1950. Despite losing colonies, Hansa remained a significant military producer, supplying not only itself but former enemies, Tussia and the SBR, who became allies. The Hansan government largely ignored the Lexas Accords, focusing on internal matters.

Hansa's attention shifted to the Vabas Front, where war broke out after Hoosier forces attacked. The Battle of (XXXX) Bridge marked a decisive victory for Hansa, allowing its forces to penetrate Hoosier territory. The North Amnis Front saw Relykstrana as a historical rival and Artevenia as a cautious ally. The region of Tansitoia became a focal point, with Hansa aiming to gain support. The conflict escalated, involving naval battles, sieges, and territorial gains, but Hansa faced challenges, leading to a prolonged war.

The Biiseatian Front emerged in 1935 when Biseatia invaded, leading to a stalemate until 1939. Artevenia and Relykstrana disagreed on war strategies, eventually resulting in peace for Artevenia in 1939. The internal situation in Hansa became unstable during the 1930s, marked by political struggles and the rise of Arthur MacHeath. The Secret Coup of 1939 exposed a shadow government, initiating a civil war.

The Civil War unfolded in phases, involving different factions and regions. Wustiech declared independence, and the Pontificals aimed for a new republic. The New Republic, Mysterians, and Wustiech engaged in conflicts. MacHeath's regime faced opposition, leading to a transitional government. The 1946 election tensions, a failed compromise, and subsequent secession worsened the situation. The war continued until 1951, when a ceasefire was proposed by Adrian Gower, and Wustiech became the final battleground. In 1954, a constitution was signed, and Hansa transitioned into a new era under Adrian Gower's leadership.

Post-war challenges included a significantly reduced population, economic struggles, and the loss of colonies. The rebuilding process saw societal changes, including increased roles for women and a cultural revival. The 1950s marked a complex period of recovery and reconstruction for the war-torn nation of Hansa.

Modern Hansa

During the 1950s in Hansa, the Wusteich Independence Party faced a ban by the Supreme Court in 1956, emphasizing President Adrian Gower's commitment to maintaining the Federation's unity despite its commitment to free speech. In foreign policy, Gower pursued strict neutrality, distancing Hansa from former Great War allies and fostering friendly relations with other nations, eliminating immigration limits to boost the birthrate. The government incentivized corporate reinvestment to aid reconstruction, leading to a car-dependent culture, suburbanization, and a removal of rubble from cities. The 1950s witnessed the rise of radio and the emergence of sports and media. Postwar recovery under Gower's administration provided a sense of relief, culminating in his landslide victory in the 1958 election. Nena Glassmeier succeeded Gower in 1961, overseeing the "Glaasmeier Sixties," marked by economic prosperity, increased capitalism, the split of the Communist Party from the Liberal alliance in 1965, and advancements in civil rights. Glassmeier's era saw Hansa thriving as a manufacturing hub, with a booming middle class and improved living standards, characterized by the widespread ownership of televisions and washing machines, while maintaining a policy of strict neutrality.


The coastal plain and wetlands along the Meridian ocean give way to a low lying wet area along the coast. Though there are some hills along the Hosenburg region it is mostly a 200 mile very flat area. Further inland the Littenfluss valley dominates the centre of the nation. The southeast is dominated by the large (Avar) Mountains and the north is dominated by the Dirnt Mountains. In the northwest, the Adafurger valley cut through the land. The central region is mostly dominated y the large Littenfluss valley and is very fertile. The south is mostly flat and dry with some agriculture taking place here. The state of Wustiech is dominated by the Marston sea. Though called a sea it is actually a lake. To the far south is the large Transamnis desert which is a very large geographic barrier. In Avarchaea the land is very dry and mountainous. The lowest point in the country is the Dithsump region in the far east at around 20 meters below sea level. The highest point in the country is Mt Jugband in Tollerland. In the Aurean Ocean the Camembert Islands are a small volcanic chain that is some of the most remote islands in the world. There is also the large rock of Borealia in Emerald Island.


The Hansa Federation has a large geographic variety ranging from the temperate north to the subarctic camembert islands. The north of the Littenfluss valley contains the humid continental climate zone with cold winters and hot summers. The south is significantly warmer being semi-arid. There are also alpine regions in the Juspa and Dirnt mountains. The northern Hanseatic plain is prone to tornadoes having one of the highest amounts of tornadoes in the land's end. Extreme weather has been becoming more common in recent years with extended droughts in Wusteich and frequent flooding along the coast.

Wildlife and Conservation

The Hansa Federation is a very diverse country containing a large numer of endemic species. Throughout the entire nation there are thousands of species of plants and animals. There are 36 national parks, and a large variety of other federally managed parks, forests, and wilderness area, managed by the ENRD and other agencies. About (TBD) is publically owned and nationally managed. Most of nationally owned land is protected though some is leased for commercial use and other government uses (military research etc,).

Environmental issues in the Hansa Federation include debates on non-renewable resouces, air and water pollution, biodiversity, logging, deforestation, desertification, and climate change. The Schuztprotection Agency (SPA) is a sub department of the ENRD and is responsible for care of the environment and ensuring that regulations are followed. Though much of Hansas wilderness is lost what is left is heavily protected and nature is (in at least half) of the public conscience. Hansa has a variety of environmental commitments including (X) and (Y).



The Hanseatic Census Bureau reported 81,351,011 residents as of December 31st 2020, making Hansa a very populated country. According to estimates, there are now 83 million people. In 2020, 48% of Hansans agae 15 and over were married, 7% were widowed, 13 % were divorced, and 32% had never been married. In 2023. In 2020, the total fertility rate stood at 1.5 children per women.

Hansa has a diverse population with people of nearly every ethnicity and race living within the borders. Ethnic Hansans form the largest racial group at 71%, followed by biggonians at 12%. Aberocans and Spokanites made up the third and fourth most popular groups with the remainder being a various mix including Bisayans and Dolplandians. In 2020, the median age was 36.1.


In Hansa people use their mouths to speak!


Hansa historically has a reputation of religious freedom and open ideas. According to an intc survey in 2020 Hansa is one of the most secular nations in the world. Recent sutdies found that about 78% of Hansans believe in some conception of GOd, 30% report praying on a daily basis and 43% report attending religious service near weekly. In the 2020 census about 63% of Hansans identified themselves as Christians.(Savourist) The largest denominations were Catholic (33%) and Protestant (29%). The next highest religious denominations were Jewish (16%) and atheism (11%). Most religion is concentrated in the south and west with religion playing the most important role in Weisenminland and the least in New Gotland.

Religion in Hansa is a guaranteed human right as per the 1946 constitution and the government is not permitted to limit religion in the nation.


In a preliminary report, the Hanseatic Department of Health (HDH) announced that Hanseatic life expectancy had dropped to 76.7 years in 2022, down from 77.4 years in 2020. This was the second year of overall decline and the chief causes were higher amoounts of sick people moving into the nation, accidents, drug overdoses and heart diseases. Life expentency was highest in wealthy suburban areas and lowest among rural regions. Suicidie rates in Hansa had started increasing in 2021 but remains average among developed nations. Approximately ⅕ of Hansans are overweight and ¼ is overweight. In 2010, coronary artery disease, lunch cancer, stroke and traffic collisions caused the most years of life lost in Hansa. Low back pain, depression and anxiety caused the most years lost to disability. The most harmful risk factors were, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, alchohol usage and poor diet. Teenage pregnancy rates are quite low and there is good access to abortions.

The Hanseatic health care system is widely regarded as inefficient. The Federal Health System (FHD) is public but people can purchase their own health insurance if they desire. Universal health care under the FHD is okay, but below average for nations worldwide. However, it is a global leader for new medical technology.


Hanseatic public education is operated by local and kinderlanden governments but regulated by the Hanseatic Department of Education. In every state children are required to attend school from Kindergarten to 11th grade except university bound students are required to do 12th grade. However, at the age of 16 there is an option to drop out and enter the workforce early. Of Hansans 25 and older 91% HAve finished 11th grade and 79% have finished 12th. THe basic literacy rate is ~99%.

The Hansa Federation has many private and public institutions of higher education. A lot of highly acclaimed international universities are here. There are also a high number of community colleges that offer faster degrees and are cheaper. The Hansa Federation spends ~$10,000 per student on primary and secondary education. A major problem grasping the nation is student debt has skyrocketed since 2021 partially due to policies by the Aeur Administration.


Poltical Divisions

Each of the 9 Kinderlanden holds jurisdiction over a geographic territory where is shares sovereignty with the federal government. They are subdivided into counties and further divided into cities and municipalities. Land not within a separate munipality is subjected to the court of the county meaning the county is considered the municipality. Each Kinderlanden is divided into representative districts giving one delegate per million people and two senators. Avarchaea is under autonomous rule and only has one representative and no senators. The Camembert Islands are under federal control.Citizenship is granted at birth in all Kinderlanden, Avarchaea, Camembert, and Hansan Military bases abroad.

Parties and Elections

Though the official consitution is silent on political parties, there are two distinct political parties in Hansa. The Leftern party is


Most Hansans follow the law. Those that do not are criminals which is illegal.

Foreign Relations

Hansa has many friends near and far but also many frenemies.

Government Finance

Yes, in Hansa the government has to pay for stuff.


Income, Poverty, and Wealth


Science and Technology




Personal transportation is dominated by automobiles which operate on a network of [INSERT HERE] miles of public roads. The Hansa Federation has a large automobile market and high rates of vehicle ownership. With 803.3 vehicles per 1,000 Hansans (2020).


The Hansa Federation’s rail network, nearly all standard gauge, is one of the longest in amnis. Exceeding nearly every part of the country it handles mostly freight however some rails are dedicated to passenger trains exclusively. The nation's main train line, Hanschiene, services every state of the nation to varying degrees of extent.

Waterways and Ferrys

The largest container port is the Port of Cobain north of New Lubeck.


The civil airline industry is mostly privately owned and there are little regulations on it. Most airports are publicly owned, but most airlines with the exception of the domestic AirHansa, are privately owned. The three largest airlines are Hansair which became number one in 2003. Luftamnis and AirHansa. The busiest airport in Hansa is Nena International Airport in Barretta.



Hanseatic literature includes literature associated with the Hansa Federation and previous political entities within the modern territory (Wustiech, Avarchaea* etc,). In 2023, over 700 million physical books were sold in the Hansa Federation which is the highest recorded in the nation. The Hansa Federation is known for both adut literature and also childrens literature. The Hanseatic playwright and poet Leer (1571-1649) is widely regarded as the greatest Hanseatic writer of all time. Other important Hasneatic wrtiers include Hiram Johnston, Michael Fingle, Phil Morganstein.

Hanseatic literature is widely regarded to have started in the 1000s with the start of the modern Hanseatic language. However, it was mostly church and clerical matters that was written about. The invention of the printing press in Badegard in the 1500s marks the point when the average Hansan started to learn how to read. It was not until the writings of Leer that Hanseatic fiction was born. Later on varioius literature movements have spread through the nation to today.



Traditionally, classical music has been the music of the nation being regarded as culutrally important to the nation. Various famous Hanseatic composers from every period have been prominent in music. It was in Hansa where the Hanseatic style of orchestra was founded and later spread worldwide.

Hanseatic folk music encompasses numerous music genres, varying between regions. Many traditional songs have been passed on for generations and trace back as far as the medieval period. In newer times rhythmic and lyrical styles have been brought in from the colonies and influenced Hanseatic music.

In the 1910s and 20s the lower class developed blues music which quickly morphed into jazz as a response to the higher classical opera that was popular with the aristocracy. During the Great War and imminently post Great War period the blues skyrockted and the 1950s were marked with the post war blues period. However in Wiltmere Johan Mittle developed the modern electric guitar which led to the 1960s rise of rock and roll. The 1970s were a push into folk revival. During the late 20th century the rise of globalisation split Hansa musically into many genres including punk, hip hop, and EDM.

Mass Media

Media is no longer censored in the Hansa Federation with the 1975 Landmark Case (NEWS CHANNEL TO BE NAMED) vs Hansa Federation marked that it is morally and ethically wrong for the government to prohibit speech.


The Hanseatic film industry has a worldwide influence and following. Hansawood, a neighborhood in Gala is also metonymies for the Hanseatic filmmaking industry. The major film studios of the Hansa Federation produce extremely commercially successful movies. Since the 1950s the film industry has been based in Hansawood as well as in Wustiech creating a unique rivalry between the two. The MPAH (Motion Picture Association of Hansa) holds an an award show every year in Wiltmere since 1957.


The most popular sports in Hansa are, hockey, skiing, volleyball and surfing.

While there are several team sports prominent in Hansa, individual sports are also very popular. Due to the climate both winter and summer sports are heavily practiced in Hansa. Skis have been recovered from the Santee culture (~5000BCE) making it one of the oldest sports in the nation. Hockey is also very old with early forms of it dating back to 400BCE. Volleyball was brough over from the tropics during the colonial era and it is a rising sport. Vabasian football is one of the fastest growing sports with the VFLH (Vabasian Football League of Hansa) forming in 1998.

Hockey is by several measures the most popular spectator sport in Hansa. The Hanseatic Ice Hockey Assocation (HIHA), is the most profitable sporting league in the nation. The Siegenleague Cup in March is the most watched sporting game in the nation. Volleyball is another very popular team sport with the Hanseatic Volleyball Club (HVC) being a rising league. Winter sports such as snowboarding and skiing are aso very celebrated with the Hansa Games every two years in January. In the summer every other year the Hansa Games are held in June with sports such as surfing and skateboarding.

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