Tohu o Mihi Mai Ra

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Tohu o Mihi Mai Rā
Emblem of Mihi Mai Ra
Faailoga o Mi'i Mai Laa
Emblème de Mihi Maï Ra
ArmigerThe Commonwealth of Mihi Mai Ra
BlazonThe national symbol of Mihi Mai Ra depicted in the traditional Arateran style

Tohu o Mihi Mai Ra ('The Emblem of Mihi Mai Ra') was adopted during the Wahakahokia in 1942.

The Emblem depicts the sun in the traditional Arateran style. The Arateran Sun represents Peace, Longevity, Wisdom and Exploration in Arateran and Vacegun culture. For these traits, it was chosen as the emblem for the Mihite Commonwealth as these same traits are meant to depict the goals of diplomacy striving for longevity and peace with as many nations as possible while exercising wise choices.

In the Mihite constitution, the Tohu o Mihi Mai Ra is defined as follows:

"The sun representing wisdom, longevity and peace as depicted in the Arateran and Tagatan styles shall serve as the emblem of the Commonwealth used in circumstances related to the federal state, diplomacy and culture."

Tohu o Mihi Mai Ra as represented in the Mihite passport
Tohu o Mihi Mai Ra is used in various diplomatic contexts such as in the logo of the Second Department