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Swetanian history
===Sunrosian ascendancy (1721-1856)
Adalbertine monarchy (1856-1921)
- Following the stagnation of the previous period, the more liberal "bourgeois king" Adalbert XVII becomes monarch in the middle of the chaos of the debacle of the War of the Triple Alliance. Named after the numerous Adalbert in history since the name fell out of fashion a bit during the previous era
- Airdale War (1918-1921) : Pyrrhic victory for Estmere, peace signed in October
Swetanian Revolution (1921)
- General strike and protests spiral out of control, worsened by soldiers returning from the front
- Things go really bad hence November as the start of the revolution in rev.hist
- After a long struggle with depression and the perspective of the revolution Adalbert XX fatally shoot himself in November. Loyalists in the government that stands to lose everything consider his (deaf and mute) daughter Gundelinde II as their new monarchs. Her rule wouldn't last more than two weeks, a rule that would give her the monicker the Fortnight Queen
- "Winter revolution* over by January as the socialist forces have established control over most major cities and the government is no position to mount a solid resistance