Spirit of Hope WMDs

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Spirit of Hope is a declared nuclear power, with it's a declared arsenal of 1,000 SM48 mounted on SLBM's in 8 SSBN's and 500 SM38 that can be mounted onto air or ship launched cruise missiles. Spirit of Hope denies any chemical or biological weapons, but does carry out defensive research.


Spirit of Hope began research into the production of nuclear weapons in 1953, and detonated it's first device July 19th 1961. Research continued into hydrogen weapons while the process of producing nuclear weapons began. On January 6th 1969 Spirit of Hope detonated it's first fusion weapon.

Current Strategy

Spirit of Hope General Military Staff maintains that nuclear weapons can be used tactically, and as such reserves the right to use nuclear weapons first in an armed conflict, however the Spirit of Hope Army has rejected tactical use of nuclear weapons on land, and does not have any nuclear weapons or delivery methods under it's control. The Navy and the Air Force both have control of warheads capable of being mounted on air or ship launched cruise missiles, and the missiles to which those warheads may be mounted. The Navy states that tactical nuclear weapons will only be used against warships that are out of port, while the Air Force reserves the right to use it's weapons as it sees fit. Nuclear weapons may only be mounted on their delivery vehicles with the express written consent of the President of Spirit of Hope, and as such the actual ussage of nuclear weapons is subject to the Presidents decision.

The declared deterrent strategy of the Spirit of Hope General Military Staff is counter value.

Spirit of Hope always keeps 2 of it's 8 SSBN's on patrol at any time, with another 2 SSBN's kept on ready alert, able to leave port within 48 hours. These warheads for the deterrent force of Spirit of Hope.

Declared Arsenal

Spirit of Hope has a declared arsenal of 1,000 SM48 nuclear warheads, with a yield of 450 kilotons. They are mounted on SLBM's with a range of 12,000 km's. Each SSBN carry's 22 SLBM's, with each SLBM capable of mounting up to 14 warheads, decoys or other special payloads. Normally 11 warheads are mounted with the remaining space used for decoys and penetration aids.

In addition to the SM48, Spirit of Hope has 500 SM38's, with a variable yield of 10-100 kilotons. They can be mounted onto a verity of missiles that can be launched either by aircraft, surface ships or submarines. Primary means of delivery is either the SSM12, a supersonic surface to surface missile or the ASM15, a subsonic low observation air to surface missile.