Catholic Church (Eurth)
The Catholic Church, also known as the [Iverican name], is the largest Christian sect in the wurld, with [number] baptized wurldwide as of 2018.
The Catholic Church is defined as an episcopal polity, following a hierarchy of ordained individuals who are given formal jurisdiction and power. There are three levels of the clergy: the episcopate, composed of bishops and cardinals, who typically govern over a geographical area known as a diocese; the presbyterate, composed of priests who are ordained by bishops and serve under them in local parishes; and the diaconate, composed of deacons that are ordained by bishops that assist priests in their pastoral and ministerial roles. The hierarchy is headed by the two bishops: the Bishop of [Iverican seat] and the Bishop of Deopolis. Parallel to the organized hierarchy of the clergy are the various and numerous religious institutions, most of which are directly subject to the Pope.