Terranilian-Willdavisian Trade Agreement

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  Exchange-overeenkomst Terranilien-Willdavisien / Imarvéž er Cuth Teraníles-Uildavies
Terranilian-Willdavisian Trade Agreement
Official languagesDavinish Terranilian
TypeTrade Organization
EstablishmentJanuary 26th 2020


The Terranilian-Willdavisian Trade Agreement was signed the January 26th 2020. The Willdavie Prime Minister Stëphaän Bolduc arrived at the Terranilian Capital, Guršaun. He was greeted by the Terranihil Chairman Dreichren Ermák.

The Willdavisian Vice-Prime Minister with one of the member of the current elected party in Terranihil

Trade Specification

The Terranilians will exchange petroleum, plastics, chemicals, gold, minerals and crops.

While the Willdavisians will provide livestock products, fish and other food items. They will also develop an hydroelectric plant in Terranihil and give some sattelites and other technologies.

Mutual Help

With this trae agreement, the two governments also engage to protect each other if they get involved in any kind of war.

The tourism restrictions will also be reduced.