New Rodack

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Confederacy of New Rodack
Flag of New Rodack
CapitalSun's Gulf
Largest cityVermesa
Official languagesN/A
53% Christian - 41% Pagan - 6% Jewish
Demonym(s)New Rodackian
GovernmentSemi-Presidential System
• President
Richard Lee Wilcox
• Prime Minister
Jeremy Flangel
LegislatureNational Collective
• The Colony of New Rodack Founded
January 31st-February 5th, 1398
• The Confederacy of New Rodack Proclaimed
June 11th, 1469
GDP (nominal)estimate
• Total
CurrencyDuck (DUK)

The Confederacy of New Rodack is based near the southern tip of the largest continent of Ridgefield.

The Colonial Era of New Rodack

The colony of New Rodack was founded in 1398 by settlers from the Empire of The Claw, located around modern-day Tiskaiya. The colony experienced troubles early on due to lack of leadership and great distance from the Empire which would fall only a decade later to invading northern clansmen. In 1408 Nicholas Nikov became de facto leader of New Rodack following a series of desertions from the colonial town of Hupruck. His leadership kept the settlers in line and proved successful in rationing food to survive the unknown land, as well as raising morale. Nicholas died in 1435 due to starvation and New Rodack soon was on the brink of collapse as the population slowly declined as more people ran away or died of hunger. The colony survived however due to migration patterns of ducks being led to the temperate climate of New Rodack, eventually duck bills, feet, and bones were established as a currency for trade in the town. In 1456 following increased contact and trade, local tribes decided to meet with the settlers and taught them how to farm and hunt in their native land. This led to a population boom as food grew more abundant and branching villages from Hupruck began to grow and spread. The growth of the colonies in 1469 led to an assembly of the most powerful men in New Rodack to decide how the colony should be run going forwards, and it was decided that each of them would be given certain agreed upon lands to form their own states under a confederacy. New Rodack grew more and more, and the political landscape became harder to navigate as the expansion eastwards led to the creation of new states outside of the previously agreed ones in 1469.

The 1800s and Civil War

New Rodack had stagnated during the 1700s but experienced an unprecedented rise in wealth and immigrants in the following years. New Rodack had remained a very isolated nation until the 1812 Treaty of Commerce saw expanded trade with foreign nations and expansion of agricultural subsidies to meet foreign demands. Soon an influx of immigrants followed, increasing the demand for larger farms and more output of wheat and meat. This increased demand soon led to slaves in the inner states being overworked with no increase to their minuscule pay and led to the 1836 slave revolt, 3,000 slaves were killed or re-captured but hundreds of thousands of dollars in property damage and missed production quotas caused an economic downturn throughout New Rodack. The economic disaster following the revolt led to the near complete abolishment of slavery in New Rodack, the only remnants being trophy slaves. Advancements in automation led to the construction of factories, particularly in the coastal state of Nickoltia, which saw huge waves of immigrants travelling to New Rodack looking for work. This sudden influx of immigrants raised tensions between Nickoltia and the inner states as crime skyrocketed and illegal immigration between states reached an all-time high. The inner states formed the Inner Coaliton which sought to force Nickoltia to halt their unrestricted immigration, giving an ultimatium on March 12th 1896; Nickoltia refused. Lasting from 1896-1901 the locally named "Border War" was won by the Inner Coalition by taking advantage of ethnic and religious divisions within Nickoltia. Following their victory the Inner Coalition imposed multiple treaties which partitioned Nickoltia and forced them to enact certain border control and immigration laws. In total, 700,000 soldiers died with atleast a million citizen casualties, proving to be the single most bloody conflict in Rodackian history. After the war treaties were put in place which increased the presidents power in New Rodack, acting as a diplomatic figure as opposed to an administrative one previously. This also saw the creation of the Senate and appointment of the Prime Minister to keep order between the states.