Emperor Glenton Gryphon-Bush II

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Emperor Glenton Gryphon-Bush II
Emperor Glenton.jpg
Coronation25th January 2010
PredecessorEmperor Thaddeus Gryphon
Heir apparentPrince Glenton Gryphon-Bush III Philopator
Born (1979-02-04) 4 February 1979 (age 45)
Melbourne-Haven, Jackson; West Phoenicia
Full name
Glenton Thaddeus Gryphon-Bush II Philopator Philometar
HouseHouse of Gryphon-Bush
FatherEmperor Thaddeus Gryphon
MotherJuno Bush, Queen of West Phoenicia

Glenton Thaddeus Gryphon-Bush II Philopator(Father-Loving) Philometar (Mother-Loving) born in 1979 is the current monarch of the Gryphon-Bush dynasty in The Confederate Empire of West Phoenicia.

Early Life

Born in 1979 in Melbourne-Haven, Jackson; West Phoenicia at the Imperial Palace.

He was the first born son of Thaddeus Gryphon; Prince of the Kingdom of Gryphon and the seventh child of Queen Juno Gryphon-Bush. He was the first child produced from the Queens second marriage.

He was baptised at the private chapel on the grounds of the Imperial Palace on March 1st 1979 by Holy Mother Cherice Liverpool, Pontifex of the True Path Faith; head of the State Religion.

His Godparents were Niclas Gryphon; Emperor of The Kingdom of Gryphon (paternal grandfather) and Ynocencia Bush, Princess of West Phoenicia, (his maternal aunt)

He was named Glenton in honour of King Glenton Bush; first member of the royal house to rule West Phoenicia.

At the time of his birth he was eighth in line for the throne, there was little expectation that he would become king.

Due to the many royal engagements of his parents, both nationally and internationally. Glenton Gryphon-Bush II did not see his parents often. West Phoenician royal protocol decreed at the age of 13, a royal child would be introduced to the royal court. The decree would have granted him continuous access to his parents.

From the ages of five to twelve he spent his time in the royal nursery wings of many of the palaces owned by the Gryphon-Bush family.

He stayed in the care of governesses and private tutors; receiving a private education. Glenton Gryphon-Bush II excelled in the Arts,astronomy, astrology, history and culinary arts.

In the field of sports he excelled in Archery, Fencing and Equestian; which Dressage was his favourite event.

4th West Phoenicia Civil War (1993-1997)

In 1992 Queen Juno Gryphon-Bush died under mysterious circumstances. At the time of her death, Glenton Gryphon-Bush II was 13.

After the death of Queen Juno Gryphon-Bush in December 1992, her husband Prince Consort Thaddeus Gryphon assumed control of the West Phoenician throne. His duty was a transitional rule, until his step-daughters' Princess Aphrilis arrival to West Phoenicia, for her coronation. As the late queen's eldest child, she was next in line to rule.

Prince Consirt Thaddeus Gryphon's father, Emperor Niclas Gryphon of the Kingdom of Gryphon, convinced his son to claim the throne for himself, refusing to step down for Princess Aphrilis.

Emperor Niclas Gryphon pledged that the Kingdom of Gryphon would support his son's legitimacy to the throne. Support that was based on a two year old Will of the late Queen Juno's; naming her child Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush II as the next righful ruler, a promise that was made on his birth to Prince Consort Thaddeus Gryphon.

As his son was a minor, Prince Consort Thaddeus Gryphon would act as Prince Regent until his son turned 18 under the Regency Act 1620

To add an extra level of defence and protection for his son and grandson, The Kingdom of Gryphon sent a battlion of soldiers to assist in defence. Under the leadership of Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Gosper.

Acting Emperor Thaddeus Gryphon, bribed Most High Reverend Darius Mckay; the reigning Pontifex of the True Path Faith. The financial bribe was in the amount of $1 million dollars to support his claim to the throne citing it as the Will of God.

Thaddeus Gryphon publicly accused Princess Aphrilis and her husband; Crown Prince Christian Sunbury of The Widemeadows Isles, of poisoning Queen Juno.

The news of the alleged murder of Queen Juno, who was loved by the population caused the citizens to protest against Princess Aphrilis return. Mass demonstrations were held in many of the West Phoenician city-state.

The West Phoenician government under the leadership of Prime Minister Howard Johns, issued a statement banning Princess Aphrilis from returning.

However a number of Senators who opposed the government's solidarity with the acting Emperor, fled West Phoenicia to stand alongside Princess Aphrilis, as the true heir to the throne. Believing as the eldest sibling it was her birthright.

Princess Jezebel Bush-Tasman; the second eldest Bush sibling, critical of the revised last Will and Testament of her late mother, sided with her sister Aphrilis.

Princess Jezebel convinced her husband who was a prince of The Kingdom of New Hobart to support a joint military intervention to place Aphrillis on the throne.

Simultaneously, Princess Aphrilis husband persuaded his homeland, The Widemeadows Isles to support Aphrilis rightful claim to the West Phoenician throne. In exchange they would compensate Widemeadows Isles with yearly gold, silver, gems tributes and a free trade agreements one she was installed.

The other children of Queen Juno were at odds of how to intervene. Prince Gai Bush sided with Prince Consort Thaddeus Gryphon. Princess Clytemnestra, Princess Mariamne and Prince Jericho chose to remain neutral.

Diplomatic talks lasted for six months, with each side presenting their case abd their right to the throne. A year into the diplomatic talks, they broke down when Princess Jezebel alledgely had ambassadors from The Widemeadows Isles murdered and framed West Phoenician assassins for the deed.

The sisters declared war on Thaddeus Gryphon. Sending West Phoenicia into a civil war.

The civil war lasted three years with at least five major battles taking place.

West Phoenician cities suffered untold human life and damage to infrastructure due to the midnight bombing raids by the air forces of Widemeadows Isles and The Kingdom of New Hobart.

In 1996, Thaddeus father, Emperor Niclas Gryphon passed away from a heart attack. Prince Niclas Gryphon II; the eldest son of Emperor Niclas, and older brother of Thaddeus recalled the Gryphon troops and reduced support for the ongoing conflict.

The reduction of troops,and defection of key government figures and religious clergy enabled the sisters to gain the upperhand in the civil war.

West Phoenicia which had earlier success in the naval battles due to their superior naval forces, underestimated the opposing forces at the Battle of the Achrinian Ocean. The naval battle was a win for the naval forces of Princesses Aphrilis and Jezebel and the turning point in them winning the civil war, as not only was the battles in the sea and air, but the sisters had successfully landed ground troops on West Phoenician soil.

As news reached the capital, of West Phoenician city-states surrendering too the coalition forces of the two princesses, Thaddeus Gryphon became more unstable and desperate in his desire to win the war.

Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush II who was now 18 was placed under security watch, concerned he may be assassinated or used as a pawn by the enemy.

Thaddeus Gryphon arranged the marriage of his son to Angelique De'Baroda; a Duchess of The Empire of Greater Phoenicia. A marriage alliance that Thaddeus Gryphon had orchestrated to strengthen ties with Greater Phoenicia. The military alliance, did not bear fruit as Greater Phoenicia chose not to intervene.

Thaddeus Gryphon fled to the Kingdom of Gryphon with key supporters, under the protection of his brother. However Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush II chose to remain in West Phoenicia wirh his new wife. Both were placed under house arrest by opposition forces.

The elder daughters of Queen Juno marched into Melbourne-Haven; the West Phoenician capital with their foreign armies on December 1997 to claim their birthright and thus ending the 4th West Phoenician Civil War.

5th West Phoenicia Civil War (2008-2010)

In the year 2000, Queen Jezebel Bush-Tasman was now queen of West Phoenicia. Historians allege she plotted a stage assassination attempt on her older sister's life to trick her into advocating.

Queen Aphrilis was under the impression from distorted information from intelligence sources within the West Phoenician Security and Security Intelligence Organisation, that the car bombing attack was the work of anti-royalist terrorists.

Aphrilis survived the car bombing attempt. Afraid and not able to control West Phoenicia which was spiralling into anarchy due to the stages terrorist attacks, Aphrilis and her family fled to the Kingdom of Widemeadows Isles, after abdicating the West Phoenician throne. Princess Jezebel who was next in line, became Queen.

her coronation was one of the most expensive held coronation held in West Phoenician history.

Under Queen Jezebel Bush-Tasman leadership and rule, she expanded the nations agriculture industry as well as other industries, boosting the economy.

However governmental financial records during her reign show large amounts of money and resources exported to the Kingdom of New Hobart.

Queen Jezebel filled the ranks of nobility with nobles from her husband's homeland. Giving them land and titles she had stripped from any noble famalies who were in support of her stepfather Thaddeus Gryphon or sister Aphrilis.

She defrocked Most High Reverend Darius McKay of the True Path Faith and sent him into exile. She replaced him with the sycophant Pontifex Mary Macedonia.  

Elections were allegedly rigged, allowing those members of Congress that she personally endorsed, winning their electorates. Her allies in the government passed legislation given the queen more authority. The nation leaned closer to an absolute monarchy as opposed to a constitutional monarchy.

Those in government, aristocracy , military or clergy who spoke out against her leadership were either exiled or imprisoned. Other had been reported to have disappeared.

She instructed the Courts to increased the number of people being sentenced to the Prison Labor Program, the added voluntter force increased the production of tobacco, tea, cotton and other resources to be exported.

Citizens began to hate her rule, however protests were quashed.

Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush II was still under house arrest in one of the royal palaces. By 2008 he had produced seven children with his first wife Princess Angelique. In 1999 he had petitioned his half sister to grant his request of a second marriage due to his polygamous lifestyle, which she granted. A second marriage was arranged between Prince Glenton and Alotta Diesel; a princess from the Kingdom of North Eden.

By 2009 he had four more children by his second wife. She had gifted her half brother and his family Seaxnéat Manor, a large country estate in the city-state of New Tudor. However all members of the household were under close watch and guard.

Queen Jezebel created a large network of spies that kept tabs on disloyal members of the royal household who themselves were exiled or placed under house arrest, if they stepped out of line.

In 2008 intelligence reports reached Queen Jezebel that the Kingdom of Gryphon was going to launch a pre-emptive attack to remove her from the throne. Thaddeus Gryphon was now Emperor of The Kingdom of Gryphon and he was seeking revenge.

She sent a message to Emperor Thaddeus Gryphon   that any hostility would see her execute her half brother and his family.

Queen Jezebel's paranoia in trusting those close to her continued to grow. She ordered other family members to be questioned and placed under house arrest. Queen Jezebel feared an imminent attack. Those arrested included her own daughter Princess Servilia Samindia Tasman-Bush on charges of high treason.

Queen Jezebel had the media which was under her control, pushout propaganda, demonising her opponents and the Kingdom of Gryphon.

She arranged for the destruction of tobacco and tea plantations accusing enemies of the destruction.

Queen Jezebel rallied all loyal citizens to rise up against the enemy.

Civil war finally erupted when three innocent tourists from the Kingdom of Gryphon were arrested and executed for espionage without trial under the orders of Queen Jezebel.

Her brother,Prince Gai Bush escaped his own house arrest. He fled to the Kingdom of Gryphon to support his step father. Prince Gai Bush rallied the Kingdom of East Ivoria; his wife's nation of birth to the cause, citing the mistreatment of his wife's at the hands of Queen Jezebel. He was able to sway them to support The Kingdom of Gryphon in the attack on West Phoenicia.

Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush II second wife Alotta Diesel-Gryphon-Bush used her influence to smuggle out a letter, bribing a guard. The letter was delivered to her father Solomon Diesel; the King of North Eden. The letter persuaded him to join The Kingdom of Gryphon war alliance.

During 2008-2009 Operation Blockade was put into effect by the Tripartite alliance of The Kingdoms of Gryphon, North Eden and East Ivoria. The naval blockade hoped to starve the nation of West Phoenicia by attacking enemy ships and those ships transporting supplies.

The three navy's engaged in shelling of coastal West Phoenician city-state, causing them quickly to surrender.

Following the naval engagements, a combined 3 nation alliance Airforce, bombarded major West Phoenician cities. 

The West Phoenician resistance also took up arms, bringing the fight to the streets to free the country from a wicked ruler.

By 2010 the majority of city-states had swung their loyalty to Tripartite alliance.

Queen Jezebel called for a peace treaty at the urging of her advisors and children. Reports had eneny troops were going to be dispatched into Jackson and it's capital Melbourne-Haven.

Fearing execution at the hands of Thaddeus Gryphon and an unsupportable opposing force, Queen Jezebel called for peace on her terms.

The terms were granted.

She was given free passage for her and her family who wanted to depart back to Widemeadows Isles. She would abdicate the West Phoenician throne immediately.

VIctory was declared. Thaddeus Gryphon was only to stay on as a transition rule where he would pass on the throne to his son. Many feared he would refuse to hand it over, however within a month Glenton Gryphon-Bush was installed onto the throne.

He pardoned all those who had suffered under his sister's reign and reinstalled them into their former positions.

As an act of love and goodwill he pardoned his sister and her family of all crimes.


Personal Life

Glenton Gryphon-Bush II is a confirmed polygamist.

Marriages and Issue

Name Date of birth Date of death Spouses
By his first wife, Queen Angelique Gryphon-Bush (1977 –):
Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush III Philopator (1998-06-30) 30 June 1998 (age 26) • Princess Royal Arsinoe Gryphon-Bush II Philometar (His eldest sister)
Princess Royal Arsinoe Gryphon-Bush II Philometar (1999-07-10) 10 July 1999 (age 25) • Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush III Philopator (Her eldest brother)
Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush Bush IV Soter (2000-09-24) 24 September 2000 (age 24)
Princess Bonita Gryphon-Bush Philopator (2002-02-08) 8 February 2002 (age 22)
Princess Arsinoe Gryphon-Bush III Urania (2004-02-01) 1 February 2004 (age 20)
Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush V Tryphon (2004-02-01) 1 February 2004 (age 20)
Princess Laodice V Gryphon-Bush Philadelphos (2007-11-09) 9 November 2007 (age 16)
By his second wife, Queen Alotta Gryphon-Bush (b. 1980):
Prince Malachi Gryphon- Bush Eupator (2000-03-28) 28 March 2000 (age 24)
Princess Philadelphia Gryphon-Bush Panagia (2002-07-28) 28 July 2002 (age 22)
Princess Isabella Gryphon-Bush Neo Thea (2006-05-18) 18 May 2006 (age 18)
Prince Augustus IV Gryphon-Bush Philadelphos (2009-12-12) 12 December 2009 (age 14)
By his third wife, Cleopatra-Olympias Gryphon-Bush (b. 1986):
Princess Juno-Harmonia Gryphon-Bush (2018-12-01) 1 December 2018 (age 5)
Prince Gwyddion-Glenton Gryphon-Bush (2018-12-01) 1 December 2018 (age 5)

Political Stances

In some nations, a monarch is required to be neutral in all aspects of politics, and should not voice political stances in public.

West Phoenicia has no such rule, members of the Royal family are free to express their political views in public.

Emperor Glenton Gryphon-Bush II is a strong supporter of polygamy and capital punishment for the most heinous crimes. He opposes illegal drugs, abortion, euthanasia and mandatory vaccinations.

He neither supports or oppose same sex marriage and gun control.

Titles, styles and arms

1979-2010: His Royal Highness The Prince Glenton Gryphon-Bush II

2010-: Emperor Glenton Gryphon-Bush II


See Also

West Phoenicia