Army SOH

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Military of Spirit of Hope
Motto"Guarding Hope"
Budget$251 Billion

The Spirit of Hope Army is the principal land warfare force of Spirit of Hope, a part of Spirit of Hope Armed Forces.






Individual Weapons

The primary small arm of the Spirit of Hope army is the AR-2000, with the XX as the primary side arm, with various hand and rifle grenades being issued as well. A typical infantry squad will also include an RPG-73 and a GPMG-2000 to increase the squads firepower.

Specialized weapons that can be seen at the company or higher level include Mosseberg 500 shotguns, Individual Enhanced Sniper Rifle's, and YYY grenade launchers.

Crew Served Weapons

The primary heavy machine guns of the Spirit of Hope armed Forces is the M2 and the MK-19, both are generally used on vehicle mounts and occasionally on ground mounted tripods.

For fire support the Spirit of Hope Army uses 60mm, 81mm and 120mm mortars, and 105mm and 155mm howitzers. 120mm Mortars are generally employed as battalion fire support assets, with 60 and 81mm mortars being used by light and mechanized infantry companies respectively. 105mm howitzers are employed by airborne and air assault units, while 155mm artillery mounted in self propelled guns are used by mechanized and armored units.

A number of guided missiles and rockets are also used, such as the man portable FIM-92 Stinger and FGM-148 Javelin to the Spike NLOS.
