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Yajawil of Maok'ab
StatusFormer province
Common languagesYokot'an
White Path, traditional religions
Historical eraMutulese Ochran
• Established
• Disestablished
11th June 1841
Succeeded by
Arthuristan Malaio

The Yajawil of Maok'ab, more often shorten as "Maok'ab", was a Mutulese colonial province corresponding to much of the eastern coast of the Malaio continent. It notably encompassed the modern country of Onekawa-Nukanoa and the Province of Sina’uia. It was established following the development of the Mutulese presnece in Ochran and merged together a number of trade ports into a single administrative unit.



Maoji Nalil

The "Maori Wards" (Mahoji Nalil in Mutli) were an administrative division created during the 18th century to solve the administrative and legal problems posed by the Maori emmigration to the Mutulese trade-ports. Maori who had settled in these cities were officialy granted citizenship and grouped into their own Wards. These Wards had their own leaders, bearing the official title of "Aj Kuchkab" like it was traditional for district leaders in the Mutul, and had their own School and Court of justice. In the following decades, smaller Maori settlements distant from the urban centers were also granted the official status of Nalil, with the citizenship it implied.

The Maori Wards greatly helped the Mutul root itself in Malaio and integrate the Maori to the larger "Vespanian Network" of the Mutuleses. It also eroded the traditional tribal lines and diminish the power of some of the more "Mutulese friendly" Iwi, which had their populations integrated to the cities and accounted in the census, while their leaders and "aristocracy" was integrated in the colonial administration.


At first, the Mutuleses Nuk Nahob showed little interest in the Maori themselves, because of the low density of their populations and their lack of a naval tradition. With time, the Malaio natives ended up finding a place in the Mutulese military machine as low ranking soldiers, workers, and crew members. Generally, they were recruited to replace men lost during the journey from Oxidentale.

With the constitution of Maok'ab as its own Yajawil and the growth of the coastal cities, the Mutuleses were now able to create and levy specific "Maori Regiments". The "Mao Fusilliers" were all-volunteers recruited from the Nalil but also from the Iwi allied to the Mutuleses as well.