Johnville (Vitosian Cult)

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Johnville is a Vitosian remote settlement and cult that was founded and led by John Patrick Longetti in 1989. The settlement can be found two miles east outside of Sassarta, Entrofeira, Vitosium.

The cult gained notoriety when a few celebrities opened up about their experiences there and spoke of the sexual abuse brought about by Longetti himself. In April 2008, Longetti led the cult to kill around 5820 people in Sassarta, Entrofeira before manipulating the cult to kill themselves to avoid capture by the police. The incident became known as The 2008 Johnville Massacre or just The Johnville Massacre. The massacre resulted in the largest single loss of Vitosian civilian life with around 13 000 lives lost.

A movie titled The Insanity Cult, directed by Marsden Sashia, was released retelling the events that led up to the fateful day in 2008. The movie was released in 2018.


In 1989, Longetti, at the time a priest in Sassarta. Many who knew him prior to the cult's formation described him as charismatic and charming. While he was married at the time, he had cheated on her with 25 different women and infamously manipulated one to chop off her pinky. In a journal entry found in 2009, Longetti was found saying that this particular incident led him to form the cult as he didn't expect himself to be so manipulative. The women in question, Marianna Sosorito, co-founded the cult, describing Longetti as a "saviour who had all the answers".