United Nations of Covidia
Our religion is not like regular religion were you learn about Jesus. In Covidia you learn about covidian rulers from hundreds of years ago. In covidia you cook with every ingredient in your house and when other people try their food it is disgusting. Our letters in the alphabet consist of. Ċ ę Ė ę Ģ ǐ Ĝ Ė Ĕ Đ Æ æ Ǣ ǣ Ø ø Œ œ ß Ð ð Þ þ Ə ə. We have unique animals such as. Black panther, fennec fox, artic fox, clouded leopard, cheetah, and red panda. Our two most amazing culture events are. Ekawoonda and Panasonic. In ekawoonda all of the people that live in Covidia share their love for dancing. In panasonic the civilians share their love for food and socializing with one another.
My coat of arms is a real person holding a covid-19 posotive test and holding in the other hand a N95 mask. Our currency for us to buy certain things are. Diamond-1000$, 0.5 kg of silver-300$, 1 sq foot of marble- 50$, and a gummy bear pack- 5$. Our tourist atractions are. The covidian towers which both stand at 2000 ft in the air. Our other tourist attraction is our food and culture. The resturants that make tourists come are amzing at making food. All the tourists in the world are more attracted to our country because of our culture, food, and the Covidian towers. Our only wonder in Covidia is a 10000 year old bowlder shaped like a fish.