This list includes flags, ensigns or pennants that either have been in use or are currently used by His Majesty's Armed Forces
Joint Forces
Joint Forces
Ensign of His Majesty's Armed Forces
A tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, defaced with the crest of His Majesty's Armed Forces.
Personal Flag of the Chief of Defence Staff
A tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, with the National Flag in the canton, and the crest of His Majesty's Armed Forces in the fly.
Personal Flag of the Vice-Chief of Defence Staff
A vertical tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, defaced with the crest of HM Armed Forces
Personal Flag of the Secretary of Staff for Defence
A tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, with the National Flag in the canton, and a crowned Royal Arms in the fly.
Command Pennant for Commander Joint Forces
A vertical tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, defaced with the crest of HM Armed Forces and four gold stars
Command Pennant for Three-Star Commander of a Joint Force Element
A vertical tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, defaced with the crest of HM Armed Forces and three gold stars
Command Pennant for Two-Star Commander of a Joint Force Element
A vertical tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, defaced with the crest of HM Armed Forces and two gold stars
Command Pennant for One-Star Commander of a Joint Force Element
A vertical tricolor field of dark blue, red and light blue, defaced with the crest of HM Armed Forces and one gold star
His Majesty's Naval Service
Gallambrian White Ensign
White field defaced with St Edward's Cross, with the National Flag in the canton.
Personal Flag of the Lord High Admiral
A fouled anchor on a red background
Personal Flag of the First Sea Lord
A fouled anchor on a red-blue background
Personal Flag of the Second Sea Lord
A fouled anchor on a blue background
Royal Gallambrian Navy
Royal Gallambrian Marines
Royal Fleet Auxiliary
Gallambrian Army
Royal Gallambrian Air Force