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Spiterianism is a nationalist ideology and Sydalene variant of Invictism, first associated with Lawrent Spiteri in 1922.

Spiterianism asserts that true Sydalenes were Catholic and Sydalene, seeking to exclude other groups from Sydalene citizenship. The three main Sydalene ethnicities were deemed to be false under Spirerianism, and merely three interpretations of one Sydalene culture. It requires a respect of tradition and the shared history among the Sydalene people in order to modernize the nation to compete against hostile forces.

Main ideas

  • Sydalene nationalism: To promote cultural purity of the Sydalene nation and endorsed the creation of a "Sydalene-led Scipian Civilization".
  • Monarchism: Considered the institution of monarchy a pillar of national unity.
  • Anti-communism: Spiterianism is hostile to communism and socialism.
  • Anti-liberalism: Spiterianism is hostile to liberalism due to it's materialistic nature and lack of spiritualism.
  • Anti-parliamentarism: Spiterianism declares that parliamentarianism creates dysfunction, division, and economic and national decline.
  • Personality cult: Spiterianism desires a cult of personality around the reigning monarch and his or her advisors to ensure longevity of the nation.
  • Protectionism: Spiterianism considers liberal markets to have failed the nation.
  • Crusaderism: calls for a new crusade against Sydalon’s non-Catholic neighbors, and a union of Sydalon and it’s Scipian Christian neighbors under Sydalene dominion.



Modern political factions


See also