Liberal Party of Wizlandia

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Liberal Party
LeaderAshley Lavelle
(Chief Executive)
Deputy LeaderSamuel Mitchell
(Secretary of the Senate)
NewspaperThe Lorenvia Times
Think tankLiberal Policy Institute
Youth wingYoung Liberals
Economic Liberalism
Civil Libertarianism
Political positionCentre to Centre-Right
European affiliationALDE
(Observing Member)
International affiliationLiberal International
Colors  Navy Blue
Slogan"Ensuring liberty, opportunity, and prosperity."
House of Commons
264 / 800
44 / 120
State Legislatures
1,612 / 4,826

The Liberal Party, abbreviated LP, is one of the three major contemporary political parties of Wizlandia, along with its main political rivals the Social Democratic Party and the National Party. It is currently in a coalition government with the Social Democratic Party.

The Liberal Party ideology is Liberalism, which incorporates economic liberal, cultural liberal, and civil libertarian positions. On economic issues the Liberal Party favours low broad-base taxation, a free market economy with minimal economic regulations, trade liberalisation, carbon pricing, and maintaining the current Universal Catastrophic Coverage healthcare system. On social issues, the Liberal Party is strongly civil libertarian, supporting open immigration, drug legalisation, legalisation of prostitution, gay marriage, polygamy, internet freedom, freedom of speech, and freedom of association. The majority of Liberals favour a Liberal Interventionist foreign policy of pressuring illiberal nations to adopt liberal and democratic reforms, and also favour continued membership in the World Assembly, although there is a significant faction of non-interventionists in the party.


Provisional Government (2012-2013)

Cromwell Administration (2013-2015)

Xennol Administration (2015-2019)

Lavelle Administration (2019-Now)

Political Positions


The Constitution of Wizlandia was enacted in 2013 by a Liberal-National coalition government, and the current Liberal Party are in favour of maintaining the current structure of government and civil liberties guaranteed by the Constitution. In particular, Liberals staunchly oppose amendments that would lower the threshold of passing a bill from a three-fifths supermajority of both houses to a simple majority, and they oppose amendments that would weaken the Constitutional provisions restraining federal power.


The Liberal Party support free-market economics, including free trade, investment freedom, and oppose legislation that would increase zoning regulations, occupational licensing regulations, labour regulations, institute a minimum wage, and laws that would promote collective bargaining, which they describe as rent-seeking behaviour, and instead advocate maintaining Wizlandia's flexible labour market. The Liberal Party support a small to medium sized welfare state in the form of a Negative Income Tax, funded by consumption, income, land-value and carbon taxes, which they believe is a more efficient way to help the poor than interfering with markets. Liberals oppose instituting a corporate or wealth tax, and they tend to opposed high-levels of government borrowing, believing that it crowds out more productive private investment, but they support counter-cyclical deficit spending during economic recessions. The Liberal Party support the independence of the Federal Bank, and oppose any attempts to link the Wizcoin to a fix quantity of gold or to other currencies such as the U.S. Dollar or the Euro.


The Liberal Party support the current Carbon Tax, believing that forcing consumers to internalise pollution externalities to be the most cost-effective method of fighting global climate change. In addition, Liberals support nuclear and hydroelectric power, and tend to downplay environmental concerns regarding the construction of dams.


Historically, the Liberal Party has opposed significant government intervention in the healthcare market, although the modern iteration of the party is more supportive of government regulation and healthcare spending. In 2020, the Liberal Party passed the Universal Catastrophic Healthcare Act, modelled after the Singaporean healthcare system, which creating a Health Savings Account and ensured affordable catastrophic care for all Wizlandians, in addition to increasing funding for preventative care and healthcare research. The Liberal Party support the regulation of pharmaceutical drug prices, allowing drug patents to expire faster, forcing healthcare providers to be transparent about prices, and support the use of cost-sharing methods. Liberals oppose making public healthcare free at the point of use.


The Liberal Party considers education to be the greatest provider of opportunity, and they oppose any significant cut to education spending. The Liberal Party support increased devolution of education to the states, in addition to supporting the federal school voucher system, though they stress that for private and charter schools to qualify for the voucher program, they must meet certain federal standards and must not discriminate in the students they accept. The Liberal Party oppose any attempts to establish a federal teacher's union, and advocate for policies that would reduce the power of teacher's unions at the local level. Liberals support continuing the prohibition of affirmative action in public university admissions.


The Liberal Party support the current open-borders status quo, and have criticised worldwide border controls as a system of global apartheid. Liberals oppose immigration quotas and cultural or language requirements to Wizlandian residency, though they still support a degree of background checks that would prevent known felons, terrorists, and those carrying communicable diseases from entering the country.

Social Positions

The Liberal Party are very civil libertarian, and they support maintaining the status quo of internet freedom, legal gay marriage, legal polygamy, legal incest, legal soft drugs such as marijuana, and not making hard drug use a criminal offence. Critics on the right have accused Liberals soft-on-crime policy for resulting in one of the highest crime rates in the developed world. Liberals oppose amending the constitution to make hate speech a crime or to increase restrictions on the right to protest, oppose federal restrictions on guns and abortion, and at the state-level they oppose restrictions on first-trimester abortions and excessive gun regulations. The Liberal Party advocate legalising prostitution, believing that making prostitution legal would make the industry safer and increase women's freedom.

Foreign Policy

The Liberal Party is primarily made up of liberal internationalists and liberal hawks. The party is supportive of Wizlandia's membership in NATO, supportive of sanctions against foreign officials that engage in human-rights abuses, and support international tax competition and free trade agreements. The Liberal Party oppose WA condemnations of Israel, supported the American intervention into Syria and opposed its troop withdrawal under the Trump administration, have argued for harsher diplomatic sanctions against Russia, China and Myanmar, and recognise Juan Guaidó as the President of Venenzuela. The Liberal Party support maintaining Wizlandia's status as a nuclear power, and have accused the Social Democratic Party and other pro-disarmament parties of endangering Wizlandian national security.


Acela Liberals

Free Liberals

Liberal Democrats

Walrus Liberals

Wednesday Liberals

Voter Base