Ackesian Foreign Relations

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Rhynovian Foreign Ministry Logo
Country/Organization Current/Historical state of relations
 Velkanika Relations with the People's Republic of Velkanika have been uneasy for much of recent history. Since the civil war and the formation of the two nations stand opposed ideologically with the capitalistic and corporatist nature of Ackesia running contrary to the communism of Velkanika. Both nations also are fierce competitors in the market place with energy and agriculture exports aligning close enough that tensions on pricing as well as supply/demand often arise. Further the inclusion of Ackesia in the Republican Security Pact pits it militarily against Velkanika as a member of the International Revolutionary Party. These aspects of the relationship between Ackesia and Velkanika create a tense situation along the massive broder they share and throughout the Republics history has led to many tense moments as RESP and IRP clash on an international scale. Little travel or commerce crosses the border between these nations and both sides are suspicious of one another.

Foreign Relations