2020 United States vice presidential confirmation

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Dean of the U.S. House Jay Dietrich has been nominated to be the 49th Vice President of the United States.

In 2019, Republican President Arnold Wolf resigned due to his deteriorating medical and health condition. Then-Vice President Rick Tawney assumed the Presidency. Under the terms of the 25th Amendment, a vice presidential vacancy is filled when the president nominates a candidate who is confirmed by both houses of Congress. President Tawney thus had the task of selecting a vice president who could receive the majority support of both houses of Congress, one of which (the U.S. House of Representatives) was controlled by the Democrats.

President Tawney settled on the Dean of the House Jay Dietrich of Alaska, who was officially nominated on February 20, 2020, and has broad support among the members of Congress and who was good friends with Nixon. Congressman Dietrich has yet to face the House of Representatives or U.S. Senate.

Confirmation Votes