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Republic of Cascadia
Largest citySeattle
Official languagesEnglish
Recognised regional languagesRussian, Wawa

Cascadia, officially the Republic of Cascadia is a sovereign state in North America. located on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. It borders Laurentia to the west, Alaska to the northwest, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and California to the south. Apart from its mainland area, the country also includes numerous islands, the most important of which are Vancouver Island and Charlotte Island.

Cascadia is a unitary parliamentary republic, known across the world as a progressive and liberal state. The country is also home to many native tribes and people, which are largely autonomous from the government. The Cascadian geography is dominated by the peaks of the Rocky Mountains and by vast forests. Its economy depends on naval industry, mining, forestry, agriculture (especially in the southern regions) and tourism, as Cascadia's uncontaminated natural wonders attract many tourists. Administratively, the country is subdivided into twelve provinces, which are Astoria, Fraser, New Caledonia, Columbia, Vancouver, Mitchell, Puget, Modoe, Idaho, Novasola, and the Queen Charlotte Islands.