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Nikifor Osipov in 1924

Osipovism is the ideology and practices of Nikifor Osipov and his political party the Slavic Union Party. The ideology is highly nationalist, authoritarian, and conservative.



Osipov advocated a war based economy focused on constant growth and expansion of the military but today this is a position held only by hardline Osipovists and economic system tends to vary based on the interpretation. Osipov believed the military should be constantly expanding in order to protect the people of the nation, he also advocated for complete self-sufficiency, in both the citizens and the state itself in the form of autarky.

Foreign Policy

Osipov advocated for complete isolation in the form of armed neutrality. Desiring a united Slavic nation but also being very untrusting and suspicious of foreign powers, he also rejected the subjugation of other races as a goal, believing that the only thing that mattered was whether or not one was completely loyal to the state and that racial divisions simply fought against the unity which must be present in the state.

Despite this rebuke of racism he was also heavily against immigration, believing that there needed to be strict restrictions on who is allowed to enter the country.

Role of Government

Osipov believed that to keep order in a nation, especially in a nation like the Slavic Union, force and power was a necessary tool, and that the governments only priority was to protect it's people from outside threats and that democratic systems simply got in the way of that priority, weakening the nation as a result. Osipov also wrote in his books that the most important thing a citizen could give their nation is complete and total devotion to the state.

Osipovism also rejects federalism and autonomy for regions within the nation as a whole, preferring a more centralized government.


Osipovism is the official ideology of the Slavic government, with any other beliefs being suppressed by the Slavic Union, to date the Slavic Union is the only Osipovist state in the world, and Osipovism (Commonly known as unitism in foreign countries) has failed to achieve much success outside of the Union.