Serene Kingdom of Lombardio-Modena

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Serene Kingdom of Lombardio-Modena
Sereno Regno di Lombardio-Modena
Flag of Vercenzo
Coat of Arms
Motto: Dio Protegge I Beati (Serenoran)
"Gods Protects the Blessed"
Anthem: "Inno Nasionale Vercenzo"
The Kingdom of Lombardio-Modena in c. 3008
CapitalLombardio II, Perccianzo City
Official languagesItalian, Japanese, English, Ainu, Arabic
GovernmentPlutoratic Monarchy, Parliamentary Characteristics
• Captain-Queen
Marie-Caroline I Este
• Chief Lord
Baron Matteo Shibuya
• People's Advocate
Khayriyya Yoshino
LegislatureRoyal Chambers
Noble Council
General Assembly
• Draconis Settlers Arrive
Early 2602
• Pacification War
April 13th - June 3rd, 2767
• Proclamation of the Kingdom
February 7th, 2769

The Serene Kingdom of Lombardio-Modena is a feudal-monarchist nation located in the Deep Periphery, abutting the anti-spinward edge of the Lyran Alarion Province, as defined by Comstar's Explorer Corps. The 'territory' of the Kingdom extends approximately 300 light years in diameter. With the exception of the Hanseatic League, the Kingdom has developed into a surprisingly robust state for one in the Deep Periphery, and has industry and wealth to rival some provinces of the Inner Sphere itself.

Early Settlements and the Era of Danmaku

The first settlements in what would become Lombardio-Modena originated not from the Free Worlds League or Lyran Commonwealth as much of the later population would- but instead from the Draconis Combine. Nominally, a small fleet of dissatisfied and disgruntled citizens were planning to move to the frontiers of Combine space- mostly yakuza, burakumin and restive Ainu groups- but the colony ships suffered a freak jump accident and many of them simply vanished Without a trace, but for this particular effort, the ship of note was the *Yume*, which suffered a jump failure of such a magnitude they were slingshotted in the opposite direction of their original path- beyond the reaches of the Lyran Commonwealth even. This was in 2602

Unfortunately, although they came out of the misjump in one piece, the unfortunate colony ship was essentially stuck in an uncharted system that only had one potential planet that could be settled on. A salt world. Massive, continent-sized salt flats and treacherous mountain ranges were broken only by rare salt lakes and even rarer freshwater sources- and understandably the first few years of the settlement would prove to be the most precarious not only because of environmental concerns. Trouble began rapidly as the disparate groups tried to coexist for their own sakes in the initial years after first landing, but the Yakuza elements among the colonists quickly began to brute force their way into essentially running the colonies as small bandit kingdoms early on. Fighting centered around the few freshwater sources, and as the brief of cooperation faded the planet quickly descended into low-tech conflict over water and slaves.

  • Yomi-tsu-kuni* as the initial settlers named it, sarcastically at first, but soon troublingly fitting, would descend into ignominious violence that would not break in the following 150+ years. During this time very few individuals of note seem to have been present, save for a few brief and powerful bandit kings- Evander Kazumichi briefly was on the cusp of uniting most of the planet during a violent and psychotic warpath, only to be killed by his favorite concubine as he slept in 2711. With his death, all of the violence and oppression spent trying to coerce the struggling planet under a single banner evaporated as his conquests quickly balkanized back to their pre-war status, more or less. The only real lasting impact this had was a significant weakening of the Yakuza elements- allowing some settlements to shift to more passive and normal governance by the descendents of the burakumin and the Ainu as well.