Principality of Krais

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United Principalities of Krais and Mordova
Principatele Unite ale Krais și Mordova
CapitalKrais, Nouă Florești
Largest cityNew Paccifica City, Paccifica
Official languagesRomanian, English
Recognised national languagesGerman, Japanese
Ethnic groups
Romanian 49%
English 24%
German 13%
Japanese 8%
Hungarian 4%
Other 2%
GovernmentSemi-Constitutional Monarchy
• Exalted Duchess
Satine Lăpușneanu

The Principality of Krais is an independent semi-constitutional monarchist state located in between the Orion Rift and Barnard's Loop, near the lower edge of the Periphery. The Principality controls a total of 32 Star Systems, while 19 of them have habitable planets, of which, all are colonized. Due to its proximity to the Orion Rift, many of the stars within the border of the nation formed close together, which brings the Principalities total territory to an unremarkable 286 Light Years. While the nation spawned from an agricultural colony on the edge of the Inner Periphery, the nation has since industrialized on many worlds; though is famously known for the near perfect condition of many of the inhabited planets, due to strict environmental regulations. The Principality holds good relations with its largest neighbor, the Federated Suns, who for long held cordial relations with the small state.

Early History

The Principalities origins lie in the colonies of Mordova and Krais, Mordova being a former mining colony of the Taurian Concordat, while Krais is a former agricultural colony of the Federated Suns. Both colonies were abandoned on an official capacity by roughly 2847, during the The Succession War. Due to the cost of the war, the Federated Suns opted to leave Krais in an official capacity, however left the settlers to thrive on the lush paradise that the planet was, due to the self-sustainability of the colony. Mordova was abandoned by the Taurian Concordat after a further survey of the planets crust revealed it to be much less wealthy in minerals than previously thought. The planet, along with many of its inhabitants abandoned the only city on the planet, Expo City. A decent number of the settlers remained however, as the planet held temperate, extremely favorable conditions for human life, and was abundant in luxury resources such as diamonds and silver. Once the Taurian Concordat had left the system, the independence of the Republic of Mordova was declared.

For many years, both former colonies existed as singular planetary governments, though held favorable relations with one another, as both planets held similar ideas about human rights, and environmental protection. Krais, being the much more developed of the two, was often seen as the older brother of Mordova. Both planetary systems became bastions of freedom within the Inner Periphery, and soon Krais began expanding. Concorda, the largest of two moons which orbited around the temperate planet, had its own qualities which were substantial for human life. The surface of Concorda consisted of roughly 90% water with a salt content similar to that of Terra's oceans, with the remaining 10% of the surface being dotted with large, extensive volcanic island chains, similar to those found within the Pacific South-East on Terra. While much smaller than Krais, the planet was still large enough to house a sizeable population, and it was the first target of colonialism from Krais. Concorda was officially colonized by 2866, her first and largest city, New Mila being founded on what would be named the continent of Musura.

Development of Concorda went along as planned, and soon the colony became a tropical paradise which pulled in many from within the surrounding nations, who'd often stay for vacations. This luxury resort planet gave the government situated in Krais the ability to continue expanding, as missions were sent to nearby stars. During this time, relations with the Republic of Mordova improved substantially, and soon an agreement was passed which allowed for free, unrestricted travel between the two planets. Due to the natural mineral wealth of the Archeron Asteroid Belt which orbited around Krais, raw material was soon being shipped into Mordova at rates never seen before, and the once sleepy backwater city soon became a hub of architectural design and human development. Within a few years, travelling between nations was nearly impossible to notice, as no passports, or I.D.'s were needed. These shared relations eventually convoluted into the signing of the Articles of Unification in 2901. The Articles united the two nations under one ruling party, and as such, the United Principalities of Krais and Mordova were born.

List of Planets

- Krais
- Concorda
- Mordova
- Paccifica
- New Constanta
- Crișana