National Education Curriculum

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The National Education Curriculum is a standardized program of study to be followed by secondary schools in Neo Kingston.

Years 9 to 12

Completion requirements

Subject Area Credit hours
Physical Education All years
Civics 1.5 years
English Language Arts 12
Science 12
Mathematics 12
IT/Computing 8
Modern Languages 6
21st Century Life 4
History 4
Visual & Performing Arts 4
Industrial Arts 4
Geography 4
Business/Financial Literacy 2
Electives 24
Total Credits 96

Example course of study

Year 9: English Language Arts (4) + Mathematics (4) + Science (4) + History (4) + Geography (4) + Industrial Arts (2) + Business/Financial Literacy (2) = 24 credits
Year 10: English Language Arts (4) + Mathematics (4) + Science (4) + Visual & Performing Arts (4) + Modern Languages (2) + Industrial Arts (2) + Elective(s) (4) = 24 credits
Year 11: English Language Arts (4) + Mathematics (4) + IT/Computing (4) + Modern Languages (2) + 21st Century Life (2) + Elective(s) (8) = 24 credits
Year 12: Science (4) + IT/Computing (4) + Modern Languages (2) + 21 Century Life (2) + Elective(s) (12) = 24 credits
TOTAL: 96 credits


Subject Area Class Credits Weight Year Offered
Nor Acc Adv 1 2 3 4
Civics General Civics N/A X X X X X
English Language Arts English 1 4 X X X
English 2 4 X X X
English 3 4 X X X
Creative Writing 4 X X X X
Language History 4 X X X
Advanced Literature 4 X X X
Communication Studies 4 X X X X X
Senior Eng Portfolio 4 X X