Kashar Lenokov Conflict

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Kashar Lenokov Dispute Conflict
Part of The Pontician-Kamilistani Conflict

Troops from the Special Adminstrative Regional Troops ( SART ) for Kashar Lenokov are standing at the disputed Yalimagar District
Date23rd of September 1988 - Present
Kashar Lenokov Disputed Region
Status Ongoing

The Kashar Lenokov Disputed Conflict (In Kamilistani: Kashaye Lernokev Erdiporza Corqaflita) or the Disputed War of the Eastern Bazarev Border is an ongoing military conflict between Ponticia and Greater Kamilistan in the region of Kashar Lenokov, the conflict begen when Supreme President Ediz Samdereli of the Pontician Repubic, and aswell from the Ponticia First Congress political party let an invasion into the Kashar Lenokov Region during Febuary the 6th, 1985, (Formerly states were Noaza Turiyia, East Poniticiaka, Kalagim-Barchesia, Greater Ponticiaka and Kazaragara-Melinotiv) and occupied the region, pushing out the unready Kamilistani Troops out of the region. Backed Ponticia groups like the Group of the Union Ponticia and the Kashar-Lenokov People's Brigade of Liberation are currently in control of certain areas.

The actual conflict started 3 days after when Grand President Nicoz Nimanshiya from the Revolutionary Kamilistan's Communist Party or RKCP (during which Kamilistan was recovering from a Debt Crises, and aswell the Civil Unrest of Sadago and aswell the civil war led by the Kreayajistan People's Liberation Force against the Monarchs) along with the National Revolutionary Federation Council heard the unrest and death tolls within the region.

Conflict Background