Emperors Own Brigade SOH

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Emperors Own Brigade
AllegianceSpirit of Hope
RoleDirect Action, Special Reconnaissance, Unconventional Warfare
Garrison/HQHaless, Imperial Palace

The Emperors Own Brigade is an elite military formation within the Spirit of Hope armed forces, consisting of four regiments of light infantry, six regiments of special forces, and one aviation regiment. Technically the Emperor's Own Brigade answers only to the President of Spirit of Hope, acting as the proxy for the Emperor, in reality it serves as an elite formation conducting deep reconnaissance, direct action, counter terror and other specialized missions.


The Emperors Own Brigade was formed at the end of the Unification Wars to serve as the newly installed Emperors personal military force and body guard. Over the next two hundred years the Emperors Own Brigade served in all military conflicts in which Spirit of Hope was involved in, generally serving as elite infantry.

In the 1850's, due to severe losses in a recent battle, the Brigades strength had to be quickly be rebuilt, and due to a combination of corruption and nepotism the Brigade was largely refilled with recruits from wealthy families with ties to the then commander of the Brigade. Over the next seventy years the Brigade began to serve more of a ceremonial role and lost all of it's combat experience and ability, instead serving as a prestigious and relaxing post for the wealthy and well connected.

With the Revolution of 1922 the Emperors Own Brigade was called upon to defend the capital and Emperor from mutinous Army forces and rebelling citizens. Despite being well equipped and in prepared defensive positions the Brigade was effectively wiped out inside of two hours of fighting. With the end of the Revolution of 1922 the Emperors Own Brigade was reconstructed in 1924, and was given it's modern structure of light infantry regiments and special forces regiments.


The Emperors Own Brigade is made up of a total of eleven regiments, four light infantry regiments, six special operations regiments, and one helicopter special operations regiment.

The light infantry regiments are named after metals, Gold, Silver, Steal, and Bronze, and are the premier light infantry formations of the Spirit of Hope armed forces. They generally operate in company to regiment strength, often undertaking specialized missions to prepare the battlespace for conventional forces or acting as reinforcements for units from the special operations regiments. Their primary missions are to execute direct action raids and assaults in hostile or sensitive environments worldwide, such as seizing or destroying airfields, command and control centers, and key terrain. Each regiment is composed of three line companies and a weapons company, with around 620 men per regiment.

The special forces regiments are named after colors, White, Black, Red, Yellow, Blue, and Green, and generally operate in troop or company strength. All of the regiments are able to conduct deep reconnaissance in hostile or sensitive environments worldwide, engage in unconventional warfare, conduct direct action operations and clandestine support operations. White and Black Regiment are primarily focused on deep reconnaissance operations, Red, Yellow, and Blue Regiments focus on clandestine partner force support and training, and Green focuses on direct action. Each regiment is composed of four companies, with around 600 men per regiment.