Diantha Curie Ptochoprodroma

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Diantha Curie Ptochoprodroma
Queen Diantha-Gown.jpeg
Dynast Queen of Greater Furia Curia
ReignJanuary 2, 1992 - Present
PredecessorCorisande Curie Ptochoprodroma
RegentPrince Dorien Ptochoprodroma
BornAugust 27, 1985 (age 36)
Palace of Queens, Eftychiamos, Greater Furia Curia
FatherAldo Silveira
MotherCorisande Curie Ptochoprodroma

Diantha Curie Ptochoprodroma (born August 27, 1985) is the current Dynast Queen of Greater Furia Curia. She is the 48th ruler of the Curian Dynasty and 6th ruler of House Ptochoprodroma. She ascended to the throne at the age of six on January 2, 1992, after the death of her mother, Queen Corisande, but did not assume any official responsibilites of the title until 2009.

Early Life

Mother's Marriage and Royal Household and Succession Act of 1985

In the summer of 1984, Queen Corisande met Vitosian actor Aldo Silveira at the premiere of Silveira’s movie, Enemies Of The Sun. By October 1984, the two had been photographed together in public as a couple.

Diantha with her father, June 1986

Queen Corisande’s relationship with Silveira had been the subject of much tabloid speculation due to the unusual, whirlwind nature of the romance. In late February 1985, the gossip magazine The Curian Buzz published photos of the two in Mytikala where it appeared as though the two had eloped.

This speculation was confirmed on March 8, 1985 when the couple appeared on the late-night talk show Between the Lines with Shay Cala. At the end of the interview, Queen Corisande also announced that she was expecting a child in early September. The interview broke records for viewership in Greater Furia Curia, with nearly 72% of households watching the initial airing of the interview and 79% tuning in to the subsequent rebroadcast on the morning of March 9, 1985.

The interview did nothing to lessen the rumor mill surrounding the couple, due to the fast-paced nature of their relationship. While Queen Corisande had confirmed that she would keeping all titles, including the Ptochoprodroma surname, and that Silveira would be styled as Royal Consort with no other official titles, speculation swirled around the legitimacy of the wedding -- and particularly, the legitimacy of what could be the future heir of Greater Furia Curia. While past monarchs had indeed married foreign nationals, or married commoners, none before had married a foreign national who was also a commoner. In addition to this, there were no laws codified that formalized the legitimacy of an heir that may have been conceived prior to wedlock - a detail which had not been confirmed in the case of Queen Corisande’s pregnancy, but was broadly speculated.

To assuage any doubts in the matter, the Ekklesía convened in May of 1985 to propose changes to the 1843 Royal Household Act as well as the Succession Act of 1950. After several weeks of debate and deliberation, the Royal Household and Succession Act of 1985 was passed, which amended previously established rules on legitimacy and succession.

Queen Corisande, who had been quite actively making public appearances during most of the summer of 1985, withdrew from the public eye in late July. She and her husband went to The Palace of Queens in Eftychiamos for the remainder of her pregnancy and subsequent birth.


Diantha was born on August 27, 1985 in Eftychiamos. On her birth, she was declared the heir presumptive of Greater Furia Curia. Forty-eight salute shots were fired from just outside the palace gates, as Diantha would be forty-eighth ruling monarch of Greater Furia Curia once she ascended to the throne.

Diantha with her mother, Queen Corisande, October 1990

Two days after Diantha’s birth, the Eftychiamos Evening Journal and the New Curia City Chronicle were allowed access to the Basilica of St. Eftychía to photograph the baptism of the Crown Princess Diantha into the Iothic Orthodox Church. The family’s first public appearance would be on October 4, 1985 when they again appeared on Between the Lines with Shay Cala. This appearance broke the viewership record previously set by Queen Corisande’s wedding announcement, with 79% of households tuning in. The family then went on a small tour of Greater Furia Curia, stopping at royal residences throughout the country before returning to Eftychiamos.

In 1986, Silveira returned to Vitosium to continue his acting career, to great fanfare. Queen Corisande remained in Greater Furia Curia, splitting her time between Eftychiamos and New Curia City. Diantha was enrolled in daycare at the Anthelli Early Learning Center in Eftychiamos, which taught the children of government employees and members of the military.

Queen Corisande and Diantha would visit Vitosium at various times from 1986 to 1990 to see Silveira. Diantha would have a small cameo in one of her father’s films, Scared of the Light.

Queen Corisande's Death

In late 1990, Queen Corisande was diagnosed with glioblastoma, an aggressive form of brain cancer, after she began slurring words during her annual Candlenights speech.

Corisande and Diantha relocated to New Curia City, where the queen could receive the best treatments that Greater Furia Curia offered. Diantha was enrolled in the Pathfinder Institute, an elite primary school. Silveira would join them in January 1991, but would only remain in New Curia City for six weeks before returning to Vitosium.

By October of 1991, Queen Corisande’s health had declined to the point that her brother, Prince Dorien, was appointed the regent of Greater Furia Curia. She began to limit her contact with Diantha, as the cancer had made her prone to sudden and violent mood swings.

In early December, a press release from the palace stated that Queen Corisande had declined any further treatment. She would pass away on December 28, 1991.

Diantha would be crowned Dynast Queen five days later on January 2, 1992. Her uncle assumed the title of Prince Regent.

Following the death of Corisande, Aldo Silveira petitioned for custody of the young Queen Diantha. The ensuing headlines dominated Curian news cycles for the next two years.

Young Queen Diantha with her uncle, Prince Regent Dorien, 1994

Silveira argued that Diantha belonged with her father; Prince Regent Dorien countered by stating that Silveira and Corisande had been separated prior to her diagnosis and his sister would have pursued a divorce had she not fallen ill. He cited Silveira and Corisande’s separate living arrangements, as well as Silveira’s absence during his wife’s illness.

Silveira denied the claims of a separation, but public opinion was not on his side. He was widely denounced in Curian media, having been seen as trying to profit off of his daughter’s new status. He disputed Corisande’s last will and testament, which stated her preference that Diantha be raised in Greater Furia Curia by Dorien, as not having been written when the late queen was of sound mind.

The courts of Greater Furia Curia ultimately upheld the will. The Royal Household and Succession Act of 1985 was also cited as a reason for Diantha to remain in Greater Furia Curia and under the care of her uncle. Silveira would eventually return to Vitosium, having taken an undisclosed settlement to do so.

Regency Period

Adult Life


Career & Marriage

Reign as Dynast Queen

Political Views