Together, We Shall March!

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Juntos, Marcharemos!
Together, We Shall March!
Lisbon, street scenes from the capital of Portugal 32. Statue of Liberty, commemorating the Portuguese involvement in World War I.jpg
Statue of the Fallen and Liberty, a memorial to Paretians killed in the Great War and Solarian War

National Anthem of ParetiaParetia
LyricsMiguel Iniguez, 1862
MusicMiguel Iniguez, 1862

Juntos, Marcharemos! (Together, We Shall March!), is the national anthem of Paretia. It was written by Esmeiran songwriter and composer Miguel Iniguez in 1862 and is sung in Luzelese, Esmeiran, Tosuton, and Visegan. It was never adopted as the national anthem until 1947 after the end of the Solarian War and the eventual the restoration of a constitutional monarchy.

Original Luzelese Literal Translation
Nós viviremos. Nós, morreremos. We, we shall live. We, we shall die.
Nós amaremos. Nós, choraremos. We, we shall love. We, we shall cry.
Paretia! No início e no final. Paretia! At the beginning and the end.
Seja bomdade, seja maldade. Juntos, Marcharemos! Be it good, be it evil. Together, We Shall March!
Nós viviremos. Nós, morreremos. We, we shall live. We, we shall die.
Nós amaremos. Nós, choraremos. We, we shall love. We, we shall cry.
Tosutonia, Esmeira, Visega, e Luzela! Tosutonia, Esmeira, Visega, and Luzela!
Quatro nações de todas, que estão nesta terra. Four nations of all, who live upon this land.
Na harmonia, e na miséria. Juntos, tornamos fortes. In harmony, and in misery. Together, we are strong.
Juntos, tornamos um. Juntos, Marcharemos! Together, we are one. Together, We Shall March!
Na a noite, e no a dia. Na a escuridão, e na a luz. At the night, and at the day. In the darkness, and in the light.
Talvez no crepúsculo. Em pecado, e em justiça. Even, in twilight. In sin, or in justice.
Nós, o povo deste grande Reino Unido! We, the people of this great United Kingdom!
Com a graça de Deus! Juntos, Marcharemos! With the grace of God! Together, We Shall March!