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The Vordic Imperium of Zusians
ᛞᚨᛊ ᛰᚬᛡᛑᛁᛮᛂᛊ ᚶᚨᛡᛂᚾᛏᚢᛘ ᛑᛂᛡ ᛤᛩᚨᛚᛉᛂᚾ
Das Vordisches Zarentum der Schvalzen
ᛞᚨᛊ ᛤᛩᚨᛚᛉᛂᛊ ᚶᚨᛡᛂᚾᛏᚢᛘ
Das Schvalzes Zarentum
Motto: "ᚦᚬᚾᚧᚢᛡᛡᛂᚾᛉᛚᚬᛊ ᛩᚬᛡ ᚸᚬᛏᛏ" (Zusian)
"Konkurrenzlos vor Gott" (L.s.)
"Unrivaled before God"
Anthem: "ᚸᚬᛏᛏ ᛂᛡᚺᚨᛚᛏᛂ ᚢᚾᛊᛂᛡ'ᚾ ᚶᚨᛡᛍ" (Zusian)
Gott erhalte uns're Zar! (L.s.)
"God Save our Emperor!"
Official languagesStandard Zusian
Recognised national languages
Ethnic groups
72.7% Zusian
10.5% Neptic
9.4% Galasi
3.3% Fennish
1.6% Kotaian
1% Spyrian
1.5% other
GovernmentFederal technocratic semi-constitutional monarchy
• Vosmir
Wolfgang XIX
Petra Vogel
Hans-Jürgen X von Schulenbach
Franz von Kortig
102 BC
16 January 144
3 December 1799
18 January 1818
7,008,971 km2 (2,706,179 sq mi)
• 2017 estimate
298,754,099 (3rd)
• Density
42.62/km2 (110.4/sq mi)
GDP (nominal)2017 estimate
• Total
$13.49 trillion (1st)
• Per capita
GiniNegative increase 42.5
HDI (2017)Increase .91
very high
CurrencyTaaler (ZUT)
Driving sideright
ISO 3166 codeZS
Internet TLD.zus

The Zusian Imperium, more commonly known as Zusea, is a semi-constitutional monarchy in north-eastern Orda. It is the second most populous nation in the world with over 141 million inhabitants. The Imperium is a federal union composed of 59 free states, most of them monarchies, including 6 kingdoms, 8 archduchies, 11 principalities, 10 free cities, and 24 duchies, in addition to 5 imperial districts.

Zusea is considered among the oldest cradles of civilization in the world, with documented settlement going back millenia and one of the earliest organized societies in the world, the Maudyrians, who first emerged around 3500 BC. After a succession of sociopolitical collapses and the obscurity of the Zusian Fog, a prosperous network of interconnected city-states emerged in the 8th and 7th centuries BC, which produced many ancient classics, the most notable being the Gausungaz and Sigmundradda. Following the rise of the Zossic Empire and its conquest of the Zusian coasts, the city of Vordin declared independence in 102 BC and rapidly expanded its power and conquered neighboring territory. Eventually, the Vordic Empire came to span the entirety of modern Zusea and incorporated various neighboring territories. After several centuries of peace and prosperity, the Empire was Christianized and later entered a period of religious divisions and decline, culminating in the Vordic Brothers' War and the fragmentation of imperial authority, which led to the Grand Reform and transformed the Empire into a confederation of mostly-sovereign states, with the Emperor as a figurehead.

The medieval period saw a flourishing of classical music, art, literature, and science across Zusea, as well as the earliest standardization of the Zusian language when the Siptzang voted to formalize the Drang Brothers' Schvalzes Wörterbuch, the largest Zusian dictionary ever created. The Enlightenment swept through the aging Vordic Empire in the late 17th and early 18th centuries, fueling calls for a national rejuvenation and a restoration of the old Empire. The Nerotysian Revolt in 1782 sparked the National Springtime, a wave of pan-nationalist and liberal uprisings, which paved the way for Alexander the Magnificent to seize power in Nerotysia and unify the nation under a new constitution: the old Imperial dynasty was ousted in favor of Alexander and his family, and many of the old imperial institutions were revitalized to create a modern nation-state. Following a second revolutionary wave in 1858, the young nation industrialized rapidly, becoming one of the foremost economies of the world by the advent of the 20th century. Zusea later saw many of the most significant scientific achievements of the 20th century, including the launch of the first man-made satellite into space and the first man in space.

Today, Zusea is considered to be among the foremost Great Powers, possessing the world's second-largest economy by nominal GDP and the largest defense budget, as well as the largest navy. It is a recognized nuclear state and possesses the world's second-largest nuclear arsenal.



The Frucht 1 mandible establishes an earliest date for human settlement of Zusea, at 800,000 years. The intervening period has produced thousands of artifacts indicating continued human occupation of the area. Most of these early fossils are connected to Neanderthals: the earliest modern humans appear to have arrived around 55,000 years ago. Extensive caches of modern human tools have been discovered in two places in Zusea, both dating from around 40,000 years ago: the Gildish Lichter caves and two coal mines in Süßingen.

Classical and Zossic periods (750 – 102 BC)

Zusea is home to one of the oldest advanced civilizations in the world, beginning with the Maudyrian civilization on the southern ''Weißklipp'' islands, which dates to around 3500 BC. This was followed by the flourishing of Naussic civilization on the northern Weißklipps, and finally Dotzi civilization across much of western Zusea, which was itself supposedly named for the great Dotzi king Zusindis. The Maudyrians pioneered a writing system, Parallel A, which is believed to have been the basis for the Dotzi-derived Dotzi script, the earliest-confirmed form of the modern Zusian alphabet. The Dotzi appear to have gradually absorbed or else destroyed the Maudyrians, while the Naussic appear to have remained mostly isolated. Nonetheless most of Dotzi civilization collapsed around 1100 BC, giving birth to the obscure period known as the Zusian Fog. The Fog represents a considerable decline in written records in Zusian societies: only a small handful of sources exist, and they derive mostly from two surviving Naussic cities and a single Dotzi settlement.

The rebirth of Zusian civilization is traditionally marked by the composition of the Gausungaz and its partial sequel, the Sigmundradda, by Gomolf in the 7th or 8th centuries BC. The end of the Fog brought about the flourishing of a variety of city-states across the western coasts, which gave rise to classical Zusian civilization, an unprecedented period of wealth and prosperity over western Zusea. This classical civilization was composed of hundreds of kingdoms and city-states, many of which began settling inland, expanding into what is today inner Vandary. Classical Zusea also became a major cultural center, developing complex architecture, mathematics, drama, science, and philosophy. Remarkably, many of the ancient city-states were organized as democracies, following traditional Zusian practices of relying on a hierarchy of councils, known as Aldings, for governance. The city of Tafa pioneered the concept of the Volksstadt, roughly translated as “people’s city,” as their system of governance, after their leader Drutmund abolished their dual-kingship and awarded all power to the Alding. This reform preceded the Golden Age of Tafa, lasting from the mid-6th century BC to its defeat and destruction by the Augish Coalition at the end of the Vandish Wars in 402 BC. However, the victorious military state of Augen and the rest of southern Vandary soon after succumbed to the Zossic Empire, which later conquered the Zusian coast under the leadership of Widukind the Great. The Zossic expansion marks the first incursion by Zusian peoples into the eastern mainland, as Zossic-sponsored settlements followed Widukind’s conquests inland from the coast, especially during the 3rd century BC.

The Zossic Period lasted for more than one-hundred years, and represented the first unification of all Zusian peoples under a single king. This marks the earliest point at which the Zusian language was standardized: the Zossic kings enforced their dialect as the single administrative language, and their control of the seas transformed it also into the language of commerce. Zossic settlement of what is today mid-eastern Zusea also proceeded incredibly quickly, under a deliberate program of colonization sponsored by the Zossic government. The pre-existing Zusian cities were overtaken by Zossi in the so-called Zossic Migration, which further perpetuated the spread of the language. The future superpower, Vordin, was a small Taugish city until it was massively expanded by Zossic migrants.

Early Vordic period (102 BC – 570 AD)

After a devastating civil war, the Zossic realm was split into three parts, each awarded to a son of the late King Theoderic III. However, this split-realm soon lost control over the mainland, which splintered into hundreds of city-states and small kingdoms, thus setting the stage for the rise of the city of Vordin, which ousted its Zossic King in 102 BC and turned itself into an oligarchic republic under the Siptzang, mirroring the Volksstadt of ancient Tafa. Over the next several centuries the Vordic Republic expanded rapidly, marking the second phase of the Zusian Außensiedlung as they expelled various Celtic tribes from the Gaufen catchment area and expanded their southeastern border to the Schurfen river. These fertile lands were then resettled by Vordic Zusians, and awarded to the oligarchs. Despite this rapid expansion the Siptzang frequently faced riots and rebellions of the Kossir, those free Vordic citizens who were not part of the oligarchic class, the Drassir. Furthermore, the republican state struggled to control the generals on the frontier, who frequently awarded conquered lands to their soldiers and officers without approval from the Siptzang.

Rampant political and economic tensions exploded into violence in 144 AD, when a group of Drassir assassinated the popular Volksrichter Ingvar Gardradis. In the ensuing chaos the powerful and charismatic general Ragnar Vosmir Magaldradusis marched on the city, promised reforms, quelled the riots, and proclaimed himself Vordin’s first King in more than two-hundred years. The Drassir submitted to the transition, but later assassinated Ragnar and triggered a civil war between generals for control of the city. Ragnar’s grandson Sigmar Wandefrid eventually won, took his father’s name, and reorganized the Vordic state as a centralized imperial bureaucracy under himself as Vosmir. For the next two centuries Sigmar and his successors oversaw rapid expansion of the Vordic state, conquering the rest of the mainland and Verdammtland by the end of the 3rd century. For more than 200 years the Empire was domestically stable and prosperous, and gave rise to a flourishing Zusian art, architecture, and science. The reign of the Sigmarling Emperors also established most of the traditions which would become associated with the later Empire, such as the usage of the phrase “Exalted, Godly, and Zossic” in the Emperors’ titles and a vast bureaucratic and court apparatus to bind the various provinces together.

The golden age marked the period when the Vordic Empire was at its peak, covering more than six million square kilometres of territory and possessing one of the largest and most proficient armies in the world. Additionally, the Vordic Empire became a great maritime power, based in the mercantile prowess of the formerly-independent cities of western Zusea, and established a large navy. The Vordic Empire also oversaw an architectural and infrastructural legacy which persists in modern Zusea: its famed road network provided the basis for the modern Zusian highway system. By the time of Emperor Thusnelda’s death in 570 AD, the city of Vordin had more than a million residents, placing it among the largest in the world.

Late Vordic period (570 – 1440 AD)

Upon Emperor Thusnelda’s death in 570 a vast crisis paralyzed the Vordic state. His various sons, all accomplished military leaders, fought for control of the Empire as it descended into anarchy. This culminated in the Year of Nine Emperors in 622 and the victory of Waldemar Kunimundis in 645. After a second political crisis in which Waldemar executed nearly one-third of the Siptzang and battled another commander who had marched on the city, he proclaimed himself Vosmir and liberated the Christians of the Empire. The Walding line ruled for more than 300 years, and oversaw a second period of stability in the Vordic realm. As they themselves were Augish Christians, they enacted a series of liberal reforms: the famous Karling reforms, the work of Waldemar’s son Karlofrid, made Christians legally equal to Zusian pagans, thereby laying the foundations for religious liberty in Zusea. The Waldings also sponsored vast architectural projects, and generously funded cultural expression of all kinds.

The golden age of the Late period ended with the assassination of the last Walding Vosmir, Gunnhild Framsindis, and the subsequent outbreak of the Fifty Years’ War between the various Christian sects of the Empire. After decades of bloodshed and the collapse of central authority, Gausbolda Dertrudis, a Zossic general, conquered Vordin and destroyed the surviving factions to re-unite the Empire. Hoping to prevent another outbreak of violence, he then reconstituted the Siptzang with representatives from across the Empire, and enacted the Gausling reforms, greatly weakening the central government and awarding considerable rights to the provinces. Despite later attempts to reverse the reforms, the Gauslings oversaw a prolonged decline of the Vordic state, as many of its bureaucratic institutions were dis-empowered and constrained by successive actions of the Siptzang. The provinces began to consolidate their own armies, and frequently paid only lip service to the Vosmir in Vordin. Their conciliatory attitude did however enable the Gauslings to foster an economic recovery across Zusea, and a renewed era of peace began.

The final end of a unified Vordic state came during the Brothers’ War from 1421 to 1438, triggered by the attempted expulsion of Christians from the city of Klarboden by its local government. The war concluded only with the passage of the Grand Reform in the Siptzang, which effectively dissolved the Vordic government and revoked the few powers the Vosmir still possessed. Immediately following the reform, several provinces declared themselves Kingdoms, and the central government found itself powerless. The Vordic realm was effectively transformed into a feudal confederation with minimal obligations to the Vosmir.