Template:Infobox electricity sector/doc

< Template:Infobox electricity sector
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{{Infobox electricity sector
| country               = 
| image                 = 
| coverage              = 
| continuity            = 
| capacity              = 
| capacityyear          =
| production            =
| productionyear        = 
| fossilshare           = 
| renewableshare        = 
| greenhouse            = 
| greenhouseyear        = 
| use                   = 
| useyear               = 
| distlosses            = 
| distlossesyear        = 
| translosses           = 
| translossesyear       = 
| tdlosses              =
| tdlossesyear          =
| residential           = 
| residentialyear       = 
| industrial            = 
| industrialyear        = 
| agriculture           = 
| agricultureyear       = 
| commercialpublic      = 
| commercialpublicyear  = 
| commercial            = 
| commercialyear        = 
| public                = 
| publicyear            = 
| traction              = 
| tractionyear          = 
| rural                 = 
| ruralyear             = 
| rtariff               = 
| rtariffyear           = 
| itariff               = 
| itariffyear           = 
| ctariff               = 
| ctariffyear           = 
| investment            = 
| investmentyear        = 
| selffinance           = 
| selffinanceyear       = 
| governmentfinance     = 
| governmentfinanceyear = 
| privatefinance        = 
| privatefinanceyear    = 
| unbundling            = 
| privategen            = 
| privatetrans          = 
| privatedist           = 
| largeusers            = 
| residentialusers      = 
| providers             = 
| transmission          = 
| regulation            = 
| policy                = 
| renewableenergy       = 
| environment           = 
| law                   = 
| renewablelaw          = 
| cdm                   = 
[[{{{country}}}]]: Electricity sector
Electricity coverage{{{coverage}}}
Continuity of supply{{{continuity}}}
Installed capacity ({{{capacityyear}}}){{{capacity}}}
Production ({{{productionyear}}}){{{production}}}
Share of fossil energy{{{fossilshare}}}
Share of renewable energy{{{renewableshare}}}
GHG emissions from electricity generation ({{{greenhouseyear}}}){{{greenhouse}}}
Average electricity use ({{{useyear}}}){{{use}}}
Distribution losses ({{{distlossesyear}}}){{{distlosses}}}
Transmission losses ({{{translossesyear}}}){{{translosses}}}
Industrial consumption
(% of total, {{{industrialyear}}})
Commercial and public consumption
(% of total, {{{commercialpublicyear}}})
Commercial consumption
(% of total, {{{commercialyear}}})
Public sector consumption
(% of total, {{{publicyear}}})
Rural consumption
(% of total, {{{ruralyear}}})
Average residential tariff
(US$/kW·h, {{{rtariffyear}}})
Average industrial tariff
(US$/kW·h, {{{itariffyear}}})
Average commercial tariff
(US$/kW·h, {{{ctariffyear}}})
Annual investment in electricity ({{{investmentyear}}}){{{investment}}}
Share of self-financing by utilities ({{{selffinanceyear}}}){{{selffinance}}}
Share of government financing ({{{governmentfinanceyear}}}){{{governmentfinance}}}
Share of private financing ({{{privatefinanceyear}}}){{{privatefinance}}}
Sector unbundling{{{unbundling}}}
Share of private sector in generation{{{privategen}}}
Share of private sector in transmission{{{privatetrans}}}
Share of private sector in distribution{{{privatedist}}}
Competitive supply to large users{{{largeusers}}}
Competitive supply to residential users{{{residentialusers}}}
No. of service providers{{{providers}}}
Responsibility for transmission{{{transmission}}}
Responsibility for regulation{{{regulation}}}
Responsibility for policy-setting{{{policy}}}
Responsibility for renewable energy{{{renewableenergy}}}
Responsibility for the environment{{{environment}}}
Electricity sector law{{{law}}}
Renewable energy law{{{renewablelaw}}}
CDM transactions related to the electricity sector{{{cdm}}}

See also