Auroran King

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The Auroran King was a legendary hero during the First Wolf Palatinate and the first of the three Millenary Kings, chronologically before the Meridian King and the Vesperian King. The Auroran King was the son of the last of the Eight Kings, King Neptunusz. Historically, the existence of the Auroran King and the Millenary Kings in general is up for debate and is considered to be purely religious in its beliefs. The Auroran King has many different mentions in a variety of First Palatinate sources, which he existed during. The Auroran King within the Imperial Religion represents unity through war and is represented as a Demigod and through the Grand Relic of the Sword. Within the Imperial Religion, the Auroran King is considered to be the ancestor of the [[Apostle of the Hunt]|Apostle János of the Hunt]], the Apostle Árpád of the Domestic and the Apostle Asma of War.