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The MALT (Military Armored Land Train) is a tracked articulated amphibious all-terrain armoured vehicle produced by Hellarms Co. This vehicle, was originally developed as a collaboration between Hellarms Co. and the Riojano Ministry of Defence (RMoD) on behalf of the National Riojano Marines.

The MALT is similar to, but distinct from, Hellarms earlier MALT-466 or ATMV-669. It is a much larger vehicle based upon the characteristic twin-cab, articulated frame-steering system typical of Hellarms all-terrain series. The main differences from the older MALTs are a more powerful Cummins 5.9 litre diesel engine, improved ground clearance, a newly developed chassis, power train and steering units that give the vehicle considerably enhanced speed (up to 65 km/h from the previous 51.5 km/h on road) and comfort on road and in terrain, as well as greater load-carrying capability (up to 5 tons), and the ability to add various modular sub-systems such as add-on armour, weapon mounts, a load-changer and cargo platforms.