Category:Federation of Russian People

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The Federation of Russian People is a member nation of the Socialist Nation Alliance Organization, with a population of over 2 Billion, an army size of 22 Million and a GDP of 38 Trillion. The nation has a 0.987 HDI rating. The Capital City is Moscow with a popualtion of 12 Million, The nation has over 45,000 nuclear warheads prepped for the ever nearing 3rd Grand War with the west. The FRP first gained independence in 1656 from the Grand Imperial Republic of Russia. In 1732, The GIRR Collapsed, making way for the Union of Russiam Communist Republics. The URCR Declared war on the FRP, Beginning the Russian Civil War, which resulted in an FRP victory. Over the years, the FRP would grow and expand her borders until the present day, where thermonuclear war is at the brink of starting.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.

Pages in category "Federation of Russian People"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.