Call center industry in the Blackhelm Confederacy

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A call center in Paradise City

The call center industry in the Blackhelm Confederacy is part of the business process outsourcing industry in that country.


A call center is an office with the capacity to field many telephone calls for a company. Types of call center work can include customer service and telemarketing. Factors that have made the Blackhelm Confederacy attractive as a hub of call center work from nations across Astyria include its low labor costs and English-speaking population.

The introduction of call center and other business processing work to the Blackhelm Confederacy picked up in the early 2000 s as countries began offshore outsourcing this work to cut costs.


There were approximately 550,000 call center workers in the Blackhelm Confederacy as of January, 2022. Call center workers in the Blackhelm Confederacy are largely under the age of thirty, unmarried, and Church-educated, regardless of gender.[6] Call center work is typically done overnight to accommodate time zones in Lorecia and Teudallum, and employees are required to be fluent in English