Education in Ardalia

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Education in Ardalia
Ministry of Science and Education
National education budget (2022)
General details
Primary languagesArdalian
System typeNational
Literacy (2022)
Enrollment (2022)
Total1.65 million

Education in Ardalia is guaranteed as a constitutional right. Education is mandatory for all children aged 5 and 18. The Ministry of Science and Education is responsible for overseeing the system.

Ardalia's educational system begins with preschools-kindergartens. Children start their eight-year long primary education from the age of 6. After finishing primary school, students continue their education, based on their grades, in four year secondary schools that are divided by the curriculum into gymnasiums, vocational (technical, industrial, trade) and art (music, dance, art) schools. Enrollment in higher educational institutions is determined by a student's scores on the Matura high-school exit exam. Institutions of higher education offer both university and professional studies. Higher education institutions are divided into polytechnics, colleges, and academies of art. Five-year university programs enable students to work in science, education, business, the public sector, etc., and can be at undergraduate (BA), graduate (MA) or postgraduate (PhD) level. Professional studies last two to three years, and are offered at polytechnics and colleges. Upon completion, graduates get the title of professional bachelor (bacc).

All public primary and secondary schools, as well as intitutions of higher education, are tuition-free. Students only pay for textbooks, basic equipment, cafeteria food, student housing and other necessities, although the state also gives thousands of scholarships each year. The state pays health insurance for students. There are very few private schools in Ardalia.

Education in Ardalia has a long history, with the first university being founded in Hran in 1396. Today, there are X primary and Y secondary schools. There are Z public and A private higher education institutions.

Educational system

Early childhood education

Primary education

Secondary education


Higher education

Marks and grades

In Ardalia, the following official grade scale applies to primary, secondary, and tertiary students:

1/F (0–49%) Insufficient (Nedovoljan)
2/D (50–59%) Sufficient (Dovoljan)
3/C (60–74%) Good (Dobar)
4/B (75–89%) Very good (Vrlo Dobar)
5/A (90–100%) Excellent (Odlican in schools, Izvrstan at universities)

1 is a failing grade, while grades 2 through 5 are passing. Some teachers apply minus, plus or half symbols as grade modifers but these are unofficial and do not appear in final grade reports.

A student's grade point average is calculated as the arithmetic mean of all numerical grades:

  • 1.00–1.99 Insufficient
  • 2.00–2.49 Sufficient
  • 2.50–3.49 Good
  • 3.50–4.49 Very good
  • 4.50–5.00 Excellent

There have been some instances of grade inflation observed in primary schools and, to a lesser extent, in secondary schools due to parent pressure on teachers.

Academic year

Primary and Secondary

The school year officially starts on September 1 and finishes on August 31, however students may not attend school during this entire period. Classes usually start at the beginning of September and last until mid-June. The school year is divided into two semesters, winter and summer. Children have three extended holidays (not including national holidays): winter holidays (3 weeks for Christmas), spring holidays (1 week for Easter), and summer holidays (2.5 months).

Higher education

The academic year for most institutions run from October 1 to September 30, which is generally structured as follows:

  • Winter Semester runs from Octber 1 to February 1-28/29
  • Christmas Holidays between December 24 to January 6
  • Winter Examinations (no classes): February 1-28/29
  • Summer Semester runs from March 1 to June 30
  • Easter Holidays: moveable week in either March or April
  • Summer Exminations (no classes): June 1 to July 15

Some programs or faculties could require an additional examination period in the fall which may occur between September 1-30.

Higher education institutions are closed on all national holidays.