Timeline of the 2023 Sateroc conflict

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The following is a timeline of the 2023 Sateroc conflict.

April 2023

21 April 2023


See also: Battle of Kolkesburg

On 21 April 2023, the AUN launched a series of surprise attacks on FAS forces all throughout Kolkesburg at around 11:30 local time, with an influx of reports consisting of hearing explosions to seeing fighter jets launching attacks on the city's infrastructure. The AUN, hoping to gain the upper hand and force FAS to surrender quickly, swiftly seized the presidential palace less than 30 minutes after Mornes fled it under cover due to heavy clashes around the building. At 13:32, a video by an anonymous source was uploaded onto the internet showing AUN soldiers celebrating near the building's entrance. However, an SBN correspondent reported that heavy fighting resumed around the building even after the video was published. Mornes was evacuated to a more secure location just outside of Kolkesburg, in which he condemned the attacks and announced the dismissal of Charov and 12 other officers in the military.

Before having been captured by the AUN, Kolkesburg International Airport was evacuated and shut down by the FAS following confirmed reports of heavy fighting on the airport's runway, which later spread to inside the airport's compound. After a violent firefight in which several planes were severely damaged, the AUN announced that it had captured the airport despite conflicting statements from the FAS that said forces remained near the airport. Later in the day, the Saterocian government announced that all airports within the country were closing until further notice, and that the country's airspace was to be shut down to any foreign aircraft. The FAS also accused the AUN of using civilian airliners to begin transporting supplies to and from the airport, however Charov quickly denied these allegations.

Kolkos TV, Sateroc's state TV, was under control of the AUN by around 16:00, before the program restarted broadcasts, which consisted mainly of propaganda against Mornes and the FAS. Earlier, deadly fighting took place just outside the building, and part of it was even damaged heavily after shelling took the lives of eight civilians near the building, which prompted the FAS to withdraw forces from the area. However, this has neither been confirmed nor denied by the FAS, and instead it had been confirmed by SBN reporters reporting on the fighting in the area.

Elsewhere in the city, heavy clashes occurred, especially after the Air Force headquarters was captured by the AUN following a lengthy engagement between both sides. Chasques appeared inside the headquarters on live TV in order to make announcements, before the programming was switched to a biased reporting of the conflict. Fighter-bombers controlled by the FAS reportedly struck multiple residential buildings later in the day, killing at least 11 civilians and injuring a few more. An apartment complex was also heavily shelled for hours on end after AUN forces took refuge within the compound, resulting in more than six civilians dead. Bridges and roads leading in and out of the city were immediately closed, and both the AUN and the FAS set up numerous checkpoints in and around parts of the city they controlled. Reportedlty, civilians were prevented from leaving for a few hours before being allowed to leave once again.


An apartment complex in Kolkesburg following missile strikes by the FAS

In Coretas, heavy fighting was reported as well, especially around the city's main airport, which both sides have so far claimed control of. Water supply heading to the city were quickly cut by the AUN after claiming control of a system of water pipelines which connected to the rest of the city. At night, power outages consumed the city for hours on end after scattered clashes at nighttimes took place. Mirnesc II National Prison, which currently holds Georg Puoc, was intensily shelled by AUN forces, which prompted an announcement from the government stating that it was planning on transferring to Puoc to another prison, away from the fighting. Many hospitals across the city were closed after the FAS and AUN clashed around those areas. A convoy of AUN military vehicles was stopped short on a large roadway by FAS forces, entrapping many civilians in the ensuing violence.


In the Saroq region, the AUN rapidly took control in the region following a displacement of FAS forces due to fighting in Kolkesburg. In Elmonton, heavy fighting took place around populated centers, causing mass civilians deaths and large-scale evacuations. The Saroqi Capitol building was under AUN control by the end of the day, and across the rest of the Saroq region it was reported that the AUN controlled large swaths of land. As an eyewitness described it, "No matter where you go here, the AUN are in control everywhere. They seem to have won quickly, at least here."


The FAS announced that AUN forces in Qaqarsville, Barellosgrad, Winsferala, and Chocineina has surrendered after short firefights forced them to cease fire. However, the AUN rebutted these claims, stating that their forces were in the process of reorganizing due to alleged incoming reinforcements. In Karinmaneno, light clashes were also reported, however they died down later that evening, and by the time it was dark, clashes in the city had largely ceased. AUN camps in southern Sateroc were also destroyed by the Saterocian Air Force.

22 April 2023

Throughout the early morning hours of 22 April 2023, whilst it was still dark, citizens allegedly either left their homes to gather supplies, or just fled the city in general before the fighting began once again. At least 2,300 refugees were reported to have crossed the border into neighboring Vœyetska, with refugee camps having been built along the border. A spokesperson for a humanitarian organization called the situation in Coretas "dire", due to the fact that the city was out of water and electricity.

Fighting once again began across the country, with heavy fighting continuing around the airport and presidential palace. The FAS stated that the AUN had failed to reach its original goal of a coup to remove Mornes from power. In Saroq, Elmonton became the target of heavy airstrikes by both sides due to rapidly escalating clashes within the city after the AUN claimed control of over 2/3rds of the region of Saroq. FAS naval forces heavily bombarded areas of Kolkesburg near the coast of Sateroc in the midst of violent and prolonged clashes that had been ongoing since that morning.

In Karinmaneno, short but deadly clashes erupted south of the city, which led to the partial destruction of a vital railway connecting Karinmaneno to Kolkesburg by FAS forces. AUN forces were quickly driven out of the city and forced to surrender.

Later that night, President Mornes officially addressed the conflict from a safe location, in which he condemned the AUN for initiating the fighting, and stated that their coup attempt had 'failed'. He also rebutted remarks made by other nations, saying that he was against the fighting and "for a civilian government". Later he said he was willing to allow a temporary ceasefire which would allow citizens to flee the fighting.

23 April 2023

Commander Charov claimed that his forces had taken control of 80% of Kolkesburg, saying that most, if not all government and military buildings were under his forces' control. The FAS rebutted these claims, with some commanders confirming that FAS forces remained near buildings such as the National Assembly and army headquarters. AUN forces siezed a weapons production center in southern Kolkesburg after heavy fighting was reported in the area, with some soldiers posting videos of AUN forces right outside the building's entrance.

By 13:00 local time, it was reported that FAS forces had retaken the Kolkos TV headquarters after intense fighting forced AUN forces to withdraw their forces from the area. Kolkos TV restarted regular programming, with live footage of the fighting and a biased reporting of developments in the fighting.

24 April 2023

Heavy fighting continued into 24 April, with no signs of slowing down. In Elmonton, AUN forces held conflicting claims about whether or not they captured Elmonton International Airport, with commanders either saying that they did capture it, or that they had captured "most of it". The FAS accused the AUN of sabotaging Saterocian civilian supply lines, after several domestic cargo ships caught fire in Port Hilluois in southern Sateroc. The AUN claimed that these attacks had been done by rouge AUN combatants acting outside of the AUN central command. Five civilians were killed after gunfire erupted in Mais Mall in Kulkesburg.

The city of Coretas saw a complete electricity blackout for several hours, before services were finally restored in some parts of the city.

25 April 2023

There was a lull in fighting for most of the day as a result of negotiations between both sides for a possible 12-hour ceasefire next day. Despite this, there was abrupt heavy fighting specifically in the outskirts of Kolkesburg. FAS forces reportedly took control of a health lab in Kolkesburg and dismissed all of its workers, sparking concerns of a possible biological disaster in Sateroc. This lab, also known as the National Laboratory for Health Research, contained dozens of deadly pathogens stored within its walls.

A truck carrying explosives was destroyed in gunfire somewhere in rural Saroq. FAS forces successfully evacuated the small town before it eventually exploded, causing minor injuries to 2 soldiers. Later that day, the FAS accused the AUN for being the side which caused the truck to detonate due to heavy gunfire.

The AUN claimed control of an airbase south of Coretas, capturing "over a dozen" fighter jets in the process.

26 April 2023

Following heavy fighting near a large military installation in Kolkesburg, the FAS announced that Georg Puoc, and around 10 other imprisoned Puoc affiliates were "missing". In response to this, both sides announced that separate searches were underway, and this also subsequently sped up ceasefire negotiations.

Both FAS and AUN officials announced that there would be a ceasefire in effect from 10:00 to 20:30 local time on 27 April in order to ease the humanitarian crisis, while also allowing for more effective search efforts.

27 April 2023

Despite a ceasefire in place, fighting was reported in Kolkesburg with gunfire having been heard near numerous hospitals. Mornes stated he would not negotiate with the AUN until "every last rebel had surrendered". Mornes also announced that the FAS would begin a campaign in order to recapture the presidential palace, conflicting with FAS claims that the AUN had lost control over the presidential palace.

A domestic civilian airliner transporting refugees was nearly shot down by fighter jets following a confusion over Saroq. There were also reports of increased violence between Cascutian rebel militias and Saterocian forces in Cascutia, however so far this has been proven to have no connection to the ongoing fighting.

28 April 2023

The FAS launched a series of deadly airstrikes early in the day, which continued sporadically further into the same day. The airstrikes caused numerous civilian deaths, and even more injuries, with the AUN claiming that the airstrikes were "ineffective against our forces". Multiple military aircraft were shot down amidst the airstrikes, with the shooting down of one reportedly causing a civilian death on the ground.

Fighting in Coretas dramatically intensified, with the entire city losing electricity for hours on end at times.

29 April 2023

Vœyetska, in support of the FAS, began the shipment of 7,500 troops to assist them against the AUN. Mornes welcomed the support, while Charov made no immediate comment. However, several AUN commanders fiercely lambasted the support, calling on the international community to denounce this.

In the midst of a lull in fighting, citizens looted numerous stores that had been shut down due to the ongoing battle in Kolkesburg. This prompted President Mornes to urge civilians to "remain calm", and warned looters of punishment. The AUN later claimed it had seized portions of an oil pipeline, which sparked fears of a potential oil crisis in the city. The local government of Elmonton also confirmed the loss of parts of oil pipelines to AUN forces.

30 April 2023

Heavy fighting continued all across southern Sateroc, with no signs of slowing. Small trenches outside Kolkesburg had been set up by the AUN, reportedly to "besiege" the city. Artillery strikes caused the deaths of at least 9 civilians in central Kolkesburg.

Later that night, Benethese officials confirmed the first successful shipment of aid to the AUN, which quickly prompted the FAS to begin preparations for a blockade of AUN ports.

May 2023

1 May 2023

Smoke rises from Elmonton on 1 May during heavy airstrikes on the city

Heavy fighting was reported in Saroq as Vœyetskan forces entered the country in order to conduct military operations against the AUN in support of the FAS and Mornes's government.

Fighting also erupted in Coretas following a short period of relative silence, which left parts of the city without power following intense firefights around the city. The AUN reportedly captured a power plant just north of the city, and threatened to disable it repeatedly after FAS aerial forces struck the compound and surrounding areas.

In Elmonton, heavy airstrikes by the FAS were conducted leading to the deaths of at least 5 civilians, along with several more missing.

2 May 2023

Mornes claimed to have been the target of an attempted assassination by AUN gunmen near an undisclosed private residence in outer Kolkesburg, with the death of two personal guards confirmed by SBN sources. The AUN claimed that they had nothing to do with the attack, instead pointing fingers at rouge militants unhappy with Mornes. As a result of this, Mornes ordered the FAS to hold "no mercy" in the fighting.

The FAS conducted heavy airstrikes and artillery strikes on AUN targets, whilst the AUN claimed to have shot down two fighter jets over Coretas.

3 May 2023

Despite renewed heavy fighting, the Coalition of Crown Albatross Security Council passed Coalition Security Council Resolution 240, which would observe a potential ceasefire between both warring sides, along with the deployment of peacekeepers to the affected areas of conflict. The resolution was passed unanimously, 15-0, by the Security Council. Over 3,000 peacekeepers are to be deployed in the coming days.

Both Charov and Mornes stated they were willing to commit to an indefinite ceasefire if "conditions were right". Despite this announcement, heavy fighting continued, and Mornes was evacuated from Kolkesburg to his private island residence on Juinolle Island.

4 May - 11 May 2023

A ceasefire would be officially imposed by both sides, with Charov and Mornes promising to "upkeep the peace" before CCA peacekeepers began their first arrivals in Sateroc. Despite this, sporadic clashes were reported between both sides killing dozens during the uneasy week that came before the arrival of the peacekeepers.

11 May 2023

CCA peacekeepers began initial landings in Sateroc, moving to secure portions of Kolkesburg, Coretas, Karinmaneno, and Saroq. 5,000 troops in total were flown in to the conflict zone in Sateroc, whilst both the AUN and the FAS allowed the peacekeepers to set up humanitarian checkpoints across the country. There was reportedly a lull in fighting as the first batch of peacekeepers were set up in Sateroc.

12 May - 21 May 2023

Smaller but sporadic skirmishes continued in Kolkesburg and Saroq. Mornes called for the "full dissolution" of the AUN, causing threats from Charov that his forces would "obliterate Mornes's residence". These back-and-forth threats caused the riskiest confrontation since the landing of the peacekeepers.

22 May 2023

The FAS blamed the AUN for a reported raid on northeastern Kolkesburg which took place in the early morning hours of the day. Multiple videos showed helicopters flying through the area, along with FAS military aircraft striking supposed AUN positions amidst the alleged raid. Numerous citizens also reported heavy gunfire and explosions in the streets of that portion of the city, with one well-known Saterocian online influencer posting: "fighting has flared up here again, these idiots have no care for our lives do they?"

Charov claimed that his commanders had reached an agreement with the FAS in order to pull AUN forces out of the raid, however Mornes appeared to deny these claims of negotiations, stating that Charov had made no attempt to contact FAS leadership and that fighting was still ongoing.

23 May 2023

As fighting continued to flare up in northeastern Kolkesburg, recent polls conducted by news sources concluded that more people within the National Unity Council favored Oljon Slach, the CUN's chief, over President Mornes. Slach, a prominent member of the party, gained popularity after publicly criticizing Mornes's administration for causing the conflict in the first place in a monthly address to the party's top members.