The name for the season, "Island of Spirals", comes from the word "twist". In a show like this, a twist can refer to an unexpected change of rules. Outside the show, a twist means to form into a bent, curling, or distorted shape ala a "spiral".
Double Tribal Council:
Fake Tribal:
First Merge Vote: In the first merge vote, four people would not only be immune but would also not attend Tribal Council.
Mutiny: During the pre-merge, in Episodes 4, 5 and 6, castaways would be given the opportunity to mutiny to the other tribe.
Silence: The winning tribe is able to "silence" somebody from the losing tribe, meaning they can not vote that round.
Vote Steal: Starting in Episode 4, the castaways would be told that secret clues would be hidden in rewards. In Episode 7, ____ would find the treasure: a Vote Steal.
Tribe Affiliation
Original Tribe
Switched Tribes
Merged Tribe
Reed Campos 20, Model, Principa
Ejected Day 5
Eric Porta 27, Teaching Assistant, Vondera
1st Voted Out Day 7
Taarif Ashraf 34, Legal Aide, Tolagovia
2nd Voted Out Day 10
Dean Talley 31, Marketing Director, Ciunia
3rd Voted Out Day 13
Saahira Salameh 30, Accountant, Roqua
4th Voted Out Day 16
Romilda "Millie" Lauri 54, Vet, Cunzava
5th Voted Out Day 16
Liberio "Rio" Cappello 20, Medical Student, Amozelo
He has gone out of his way to show support and listen to others.
Playing Both Sides
The Social Expert
The best part of his game. He is charismatic and gets along with everybody.
2nd - Ambra Koestal
Age: 30 Occupation: Journalist
Birds of a Feather
She became this with Gabby in her boot episode. Gabby had pointed out that, like Ambra with Brandi, Josie burned Gabby badly.
Plucky Girl
The Dog Bites Back
After Brandi took out Taarif for no sensible reason, backstabbing Ambra in the process, Ambra returned the favour and took out Brandi's number two, Dean. She would then take out Brandi at the merge.
Those Two Girls
She became this with Angie at the merge.
Unknown Rival
At first with Brandi as Brandi was gunning for her despite them being allied. When Brandi took out Taarif, this no longer applied.
Worthy Opponent
According to Brandi, when she went to the Jury Resort.
3rd - Millie Lauri
Name: Romilda "Millie" Lauri (nee Clifton) Age: 54 Occupation: Vet
Back From Elimination
After being voted out in 6th, she won a competition and returned the very next day.
She was born to the Liguori family (Margaret Kaye Liguori), albeit not a member of the crime family, and was blamed by some members of her family when Margherita "Maggie" Liguori and Deborah Liguori were arrested. This led to her going into witness protection and changing her legal name. According to her, she is fine with the Liguori family now.
Locked Out of the Loop
When The Placeholders was exposed and Kaye and Enrico became targets, Enrico's elimination became a blindside to her, along with the fact that the alliance was exposed by Gabby.
Due to her deciding to target an ally, she is this to Gabby.
Chronic Backstabbing Disorder
To Gabby. This became her downfall.
Face-Heel Turn
A bit into the merge, she had the sudden idea of betraying her ally, Gabby. While it took awhile, this decision led to her elimination.
7th - Gabby Constancio
Name: Gabriella "Gabby" Constancio Age: 28 Occupation: Internet Content Creator
Gabby will pull out every trick in the book to get what she wants.
The Chessmaster
She was the only one to mutiny and not get any flack. She then expertly exposed The Placeholders and turned everybody against Enrico and Kaye. This became the reason why she was targeted over Ambra and Angie.
The Strategist
8th - Zhian Taaj
Age: 35 Occupation: Internet Content Creator.
Face-Heel Turn
In the pre-merge and a bit into the merge, he had one of the best social games. In an effort to get a resume, he decided to start making big moves but handled his targeting of Ambra and Angie infamously poorly.
Idiot Ball
How he went about his betrayal of Angie and Ambra. Neither forget, even after reconciling, which led to his elimination.
9th - Enrico Brighton
Age: 28 Occupation: Hair Salon Owner Notes: Previously appeared on Gavino's Challenge Season 9.
Graceful Loser
Large Ham
A trait many remembered from his time in Gavino's Challenge.
The Chessmaster
He was this during the merge. When The Placeholders was exposed and him and Kaye became the targets of that round, this is why he was targeted over her.
The Smart Guy
The Social Expert
He's very charismatic and easy to get along with.
The Strategist
10th - Brandi Pallis
Age: 26 Occupation: Audio-Visual Production Specialist
After deciding that Ambra was not trustworthy and taking out Ambra's number one ally, she became this to Ambra.
Breakout Character
The way she horribly handled the pre-merge made her this. Then, at the merge, she turned her game around and went into a very good position, cementing herself as one.
Didn't See That Coming
After her performance pre-merge, she was surprised she even got the votes to send Ambra out, despite Ambra playing an idol and nullifying those votes.
Drunk With Power
This caused her to turn on her ally, Ambra, in the pre-merge.
Fatal Flaw
Impulsiveness. She would act before thinking, leading to a series of aggressive moves that ultimately worked against her in the end.
The Strategist
Although, not a good one. She got better in the merge, though.
11th - Kamlyn Moreira
Age: 24 Occupation: Mechanic
Due to her odd insistance to target Devon and then Josie, she is this to the both of them.
Big Bad
While Brandi was this to Ambra during the pre-merge, Kamlyn became this to everybody and became the villain of the season.
Didn't See That Coming
Her reaction to her elimination when she enters the Jury Resort.
Idiot Ball
She had a chance to climb from the bottom but chose to be petty and vindictive and permanently lost the trust of everybody.
Sanity Slippage
One can describe this as the rest of her run after she was almost voted out in Episode 7.
The Bad Guy Wins
After trying to get Devon out for weeks and failing due to nobody trusting her, she played an idol and successfully got him out.
12th - Rio Cappello
Name: Liberio "Rio" Cappello Age: 20 Occupation: Medical Student
Ascended Fanboy
He started watching the show since Season 5 due to his mom's friend being Season 5 runner-up, Alannah Vurner. He even says that he grew up with the show.
13th - Devon Serra
Age: 26 Occupation: Fantasy Novelist Notes: Previously appeared on Gavino's Challenge Seasons 5 and 10.
14th - Tiffany Fidalliques
Age: 29 Occupation: Logistics Company Heiress
Decoy Protagonist
Due to the screen time she got, it was easy to think of Tiffany as the protagonist of the season.
Fatal Flaw
Her indecisiveness led her to mutiny twice and turn the entire cast against her.
15th - Kole Hachette
Age: 36 Occupation: Professional Boxer known as "The Hatchet"
Having felt as though he needed to go onto a more competent tribe, he chose to mutiny. However, his arrogance rubbed his new tribemates the wrong way and they opted to send him packing.
Fatal Flaw
His arrogance and attitude did him no wonders and led even his new tribe to vote him out out of annoyance.
16th - Saahira Salameh
Age: 30 Occupation: Accountant
She found herself at the bottom due to a lack of connections. Just when things looked up, she was targeted as an alternative when Brandi found the idol.
Butt Monkey
Throughout her run, she was constantly on the outs. Right when things looked good for her, she was the alternative vote when Brandi found the idol.
Nice Girl
17th - Dean Talley
Age: 31 Occupation: Marketing Director
He chose to ally with chaotic player, Brandi, and was considered her number two. As Brandi was competent in challenges, some of the tribe felt conflicted and opted to weaken Brandi by voting him out.
The Dragon
To Brandi, hence his elimination.
18th - Taarif Ashraf
Age: 34 Occupation: Legal Aide
His closest ally in the game was Ambra. He would talk to her about his suspicions on Brandi but his warnings fell on deaf ears. Brandi then targeted him to weaken Ambra.
The Cassandra
He did not trust Brandi but his words fell on deaf ears.
19th - Eric Porta
Age: 27 Occupation: Teaching Assistant
Eric convinced others that his birthname was "Saber Colt Gunner" but then continued to give insane lies about his life outside of the game, leading others to believe, correctly, that his main focus was fame. He was voted out due to the tribe having had enough of him.
Fatal Flaw
His self-absorbed nature is what led his tribe to vote him out.
20th - Reed Campos
Age: 20 Occupation: Model
Reed's sexist behaviour towards Kamlyn Moreira and Tiffany Fidalliques led to his ejection at Tribal Council.
A Day in the Limelight
The first episode was one large downfall for him.
Dropped a Bridge on Him
After Reed's predatory behaviour towards Kamlyn, even at Tribal Council, Cornilio Roquez ultimately chose to eject him.