Aviraultine Revolution

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Aviraultine Revolution
Aviraultine Rebellion of 1125 B.W
Whif of Grapeshot.png
"A Whiff of Grapeshot", Francois Deliurie Marchons, 1102 B.W
Date2nd-6th of Silver, 1125 B.W
Caused by
Resulted inVictory of the Royalists
Parties to the civil conflict
Lead figures
Disorganized Leadership
~ 15,000 Infantry
~ 500 Artillery
~ 2,000 Cavalry
~ 50,000 Peasant Insurgents
~ 3,500 Noble Retinue
~ 350 Judicial Guards
254 died during initial fighting, 129 during aftermath and clearing of the city.
Over 6,500 Peasants dead, numerous wounded. All noble retinues and all judicial guards.
The single bloodiest three days in internal Aviraultine history.