Aletian Armed Forces

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Imperial Military
Militari Imperialis
Βασιλικόν Στρατός
Founded5th March, 3361
Service branchesImperial Army
Imperial Navy
HeadquartersLaurentia III
Monarch of AletiaEmperor Romanus I
Lord CommanderTheodore Alexopoulos
Vice CommanderChristopher Heraklidis
Military age20-65
Active personnel952,931,285
Reserve personnel726,435,782

The Aletian Armed Forces, officially the Imperial Military (Latin: Militari Imperialis, Greek: Βασιλικόν Στρατός), are the armed forces of the Aletian Empire. The Imperial Military is divided into two branches, the Imperial Army, which is responsible for ground operations, and the Imperial Navy, which is responsible for space operations. Supreme command over the Imperial Military is vested in the Sovereign, currently Emperor Romanus I, who serves as Commander-in-Chief. Operation command authority over the Imperial Military proceeds from the Sovereign through the Lord Commander. The Imperial Military is also the largest military in the Aletian cluster in terms of personnel and equipment. Recruitment is primarily voluntary, although conscription is legal, and has been used in the past. The Imperial Military is responsible for protecting the Aletian Empire against ground-and-space-based threats, including rival militaries, xenos, pirates, and raiders. The Imperial Military is also responsible for peacekeeping, internal security, and disaster relief operations, when required.

The Aletian armed forces were established as part of the 2308 Treaty of Alexandria, which brought the armed forces of the Laurentian city-states under the control of the new Aletian Republic. As a planetary defence force, the Republic Military was organised into three branches, the Republic Army, Republic Airforce, and Republic Navy. As the Aletian Republic transitioned into an interstellar power, and the Republic Military gained control of significant space assets, it became clear that the planetary defence force model was no longer fit for purpose, and that reform was required. The 2587 Defence Restructuring Act reorganised the armed forces, transferring all land and sea forces to the Republic Army, eliminating the Republic Airforce as an independent military branch, and transferring all air and space forces to the Republic Navy. The reorganisation of the Aletian armed forces, particularly the elimination of the Republic Airforce, was deeply controversial, but the reforms were considered essential for the transition of the armed forces to a modern interstellar military.

The reformed military spearheaded the colonisation of the Aletian cluster, protecting trade routes and scouting out new hyperlanes. However, the lack of a concrete threat, combined with the rapid expansion of the Republic, led to the neglect of the Aletian armed forces. The growth of the colonies led to the establishment of local militias, which soon took over local defence. The military retreated to Laurentia, where it soon became caught up in the strife which effected the government. Unable to assert control over the core worlds, the government was rendered powerless. As the government declined, so did the military. Subsequently, the Visari invasion in 3128 was a threat the military was wholly unprepared to meet. However, the Visari's success galvanised the military, which soon went onto the offensive. In 3140, following a long campaign, the Visari were defeated. In the aftermath of the war, the government and the armed forces underwent drastic reform. Although significant investment led to the expansion of the armed forces, it remained deeply politicised.

Following an attempted purge of the Nicolaides family in 3360, the military supported High Admiral Alexander Nicolaides in the overthrow of the Republic. With the military's backing, Alexander crowned himself emperor and reformed the armed forces into the Imperial Military. Despite a long campaign, Alexander failed to secure the entirety of the Aletian cluster, leading to the establishment of the Sidonian Republic in 3365. An attempted invasion of Sidonia in 3372 ended in failure, after which Alexander refocused the military on expansion and modernisation. Following Alexander's death in 3405, his expansion plans were curtailed by his successor, Dimitri. The signing of a peace treaty with Sidonia in 3410 ended the cold war, although the collapse of the Sidonian government in March, 3416, forced the Empire to respond. The death of Dimitri in June, 3416, lead to an attempted coup against his successor, Romanus, disrupting preparations. Romanus successfully put down the coup, then invaded Sidonia in May, 3417, annexing it to the Empire in June, 3418.



General Staff

High Command

Imperial Army

Imperial Navy


Combatant commands are joint military commands which consist of forces from multiple service branches or departments of the Imperial Military. There are currently five combatant commands, each of which is established as the highest echelon of military commands so as to provide effective command and control of all Aletian military forces regardless of service branch. Each combatant command is assigned a geographical area based upon the prefectures of the Aletian Empire, and a headquarters to administer all military units in their respective territory. A combatant command is led by a combatant commander, who is a flag officer, usually a Lord Marshal or Lord Admiral. Combatant commanders are entrusted with a specific type of non-transferable operational command authority over all assigned military forces, regardless of service branch. Operational command authority flows directly from the Sovereign, through the Lord Commander and the Imperial High Command, to the combatant commanders, bypassing the Imperial General Staff and the service chiefs.

Combatant commands are divided into component commands. Component commands are assigned a headquarters, which is based within their parent command's geographical area. Component commands are functional commands, as opposed to geographical commands. A component command is responsible for military units of a specific type under the control of their parent command. A component command is led by a component commander, who is a flag officer, usually a Line Marshal or Line Admiral. Operational command authority flows directly from combatant commanders to component commanders, and from there to field commanders and other officers. At present, each combatant command is assigned six component commands, which are responsible for guard troops, ground forces, space forces, special forces, logistics, and transportation, respectively. Component commands may be single commands, such as in the case of ground force and space force commands, or joint commands, such as in the case of special forces and space lift commands.

Combatant Commands

  • Joint Command Laconia
  • Joint Command Arcadia
  • Joint Command Sidonia
  • Joint Command Victoria
  • Joint Command Olympia



Vehicle Types

Vessel Types

Rank System

Imperial Army


  • Lord Marshal
  • High Marshal
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Line Marshal
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Vice Marshal
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Rear Marshal
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Brigadier
  • Colonel
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Major
  • Captain
  • Lieutenant
    • Rank I
    • Rank II


  • Sergeant Major
  • Chief Sergeant
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Staff Sergeant
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Sergeant


  • Corporal
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Private
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
    • Rank III
  • Recruit
    • Rank I
    • Rank II

Imperial Navy


  • Lord Admiral
  • High Admiral
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Line Admiral
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Vice Admiral
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Rear Admiral
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Captain
  • Commander
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Lieutenant
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Ensign


  • Warrant Officer
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Petty Officer
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Leading Rate


  • Master Sailor
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Senior Sailor
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Junior Sailor
    • Rank I
    • Rank II


  • Grand Star of Aletia
  • Silver Double Eagle
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Combat Action Medal
  • Guard Division Medal
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Marine Division Badge
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
  • Special Forces Medal
  • Military Service Medal
    • Rank I
    • Rank II
    • Rank III
  • Combat Wound Badge