Madorian Empire

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Madorian Empire
• Established
September 21 1763
• Disestablished
  1. ...

The Madorian Empire was a 18th and 19th-century state which broadly comprised the territories that form modern Costa Madora and TBE.

It was founded on September 21, 1763, when the southern Madorian territories joined the Kingdom of Madora, and the new constitution came into force. It consisted of ?? states, each with its own nobility, ?? constituent kingdoms, and ?? duchies.


By the 1810s, parts of Costa Madora had rapidly become industrialized, with particular strengths in coal, iron (and later steel), chemicals, and railways. In [insert date], the empire had a population of 17 million people; by [insert date], this had increased to 33 million. The success of Madorian industrialization manifested itself in two ways; the Madorian factories were larger and more modern than their Erealandian and TBA counterparts.