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Activationism, also known as national activationism or Steenism, is a political ideology that views private property as the ultimate expression of human liberty. Activationism considers the right to property to be both a negative and positive right, necessitating a strong and authoritative state apparatus to both protect the rights of the people and ensure equitable access to ownership. Activationism was developed by Henrik Steen, a Kepplandic military officer who served as president from 1914 until 1935. Political scientists often describe activationism as a syncretic movement, and supporters of the ideology claim to reject conventional left- and right-wing politics alike.

  • Individualism
  • Promotes a strong and authoritative state apparatus to maximize human liberty and defend the people against aggression and coercion
  • Using the state to strengthen social institutions such as churches
  • Freedom of choice for the individual to engage with society as much or as little as he chooses
  • Safety net to ensure equitable access to property, and thus freedom
  • Basically property ownership is the ultimate form of freedom
  • Rejects liberal democracy as being inneffective and prone to corruption by elites and/or tyranny of the majority, instead supports a strong state which is compelled to act in the best interest of thr people out of fear of armed rebellion
  • Differentiates between political and personal freedoms