Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration

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Imperial Space Administration
Mockup of 1SB Delta-6 and
2SB Gamma-4 w/ Cargo Faring
Formation17 August, 1978
HeadquartersJoliet, Shazbotdom
Official language
English, Shazonite
Dr. Gilbert Godwin
George A. Loak Memorial Space Center
Parent organisation
Ministry of the Interior, The Shazbotdom Empire
B$575 Billion
The Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration is the only space launch organization that can be found within the Shazbotdom Empire. The Administration was founded more than forty (40) years ago, and it has been an exemplar of space travel for the public sector ever since its inception. Having just entered a new golden age of space travel, the Administration is working feverishly to make sure that the Empire remains at the forefront of space exploration in this new golden age as this sector enters a new golden age of space exploration.


The Imperial Space Administration (ISA) was founded in 1978 to use telescopes to observe the cosmos. It expanded to 8 different telescope arrays and the first director was appointed by the Original Emperor, Shaz Bot, on the 29th of August, 1978. The ISA played a pivotal role in the exploration of space during the 1980s, leading to numerous groundbreaking initiatives. The 4534-class Rocket System was a key feature of the ISA's commitment to pushing the limits of space travel. It was designed to transport both crewed and unmanned missions into Earth orbit, with a primary focus on exploration of Luna and Earth. The most notable mission was the launch of Imperial Lab 1 in 1981, which was the first orbital laboratory for the Shazbotdom Empire. The Lab 1 facilitated groundbreaking research that contributed to advancements in space technology and expanded our understanding of the universe. However, despite its remarkable contributions, the Lab 1 was unexpectedly decommissioned in 1985 after only 4 years into its 8 year mission.


Past Launches

These two lists are of the past 5 to 10 Launches in each respective category.

SubOrbital Launches

Mission Date Completion Description Booster NOTES:
SO-30 6 September, 2023 15:50 SubOrbital Test Flight of a Prototype Martian Lander ZZ-20 Undergoing Post-Launch Checks
SO-31 10 September, 2023 16:30 SubOrbital Test Flight of a Prototype Martian Lander ZZ-21 Undergoing Post-Launch Checks

Orbital Launches

Mission Date Completion Description 1S 2S 3S SB NOTES:
LSSB-16 2 Sept, 2023 17:20 Launch Outer Hallway for 2nd Dorm Complex of High Orbit Transfer Station D-6 G-12 S-4 N/A N/A
LSSB-17 5 Sept, 2023 14:35 Launch 1st Segment of 2nd Dorm Complex of High Orbit Transfer Station Z-4 O-1 N/A L-4 N/A
LSSB-18 6 Sept, 2023 18:45 Launch 2nd Segment of 2nd Dorm Complex of High Orbit Transfer Station Z-5 O-2 N/A L-5 N/A
LSSB-19 9 Sept, 2023 19:55 Launch 3rd Segment of 2nd Dorm Complex of High Orbit Transfer Station Z-6 O-3 N/A L-6 N/A
LSSB-20 11 Sept, 2023 11:35 Mission to Reorient 2nd Dorm Complex of High Orbit Transfer Station N/A N/A S-2 N/A N/A
LSSB-21 13 Sept, 2023 09:25 Mission to DeOrbit 3rd Stage Booster from LSSB-01 N/A N/A S-2 N/A N/A

Next Launch

SubOrbital Launch


The purpose of SubOrbital Test Flight 32 is a SubOrbital Flight of a Prototype Martian Lander. This mission will take off from SubOrbital Pad J-03 at the SubOrbital Rocket Launch Facility.


This flight will utilize Experimental Booster ZZ-22 in its First Mission.

Launch Window

The Launch Window will be on the 17th of September, 2023 between 07:00 and 19:30.

Orbital Launch

Strike Out Text means that the Primary Window was Scrubbed.


The purpose of Mission Large Space Station Build 22 is to Launch and Dock Corner Hallways Segment to High Orbit Transfer Station. This mission will launch from Space Launch Complex 21 at Marine Air Corps Station Delta 3.

1st Stage Booster

This flight will utilize First Stage Booster Delta-7 in its 5th Mission.

1st Stage Side Boosters

This flight will not utilize First Stage Side Boosters.

2nd Stage Booster

This flight will utilize Second Stage Booster Gamma-6 in its 4th Mission.

3rd Stage Booster

This flight will utilize Third Stage Booster Sigma-3 in its 3rd Mission.

Primary Window

The primary window is on the 16th of September, 2023 between 08:15 and 17:35.

Secondary Window

If the Parimary Window is scrubbed, the Secondary Window will on the 17th of September, 2023 between 09:45 and 18:30.

Upcoming Launches

SubOrbital Launches

September - SO

Mission Test Launch
Launch Window Description Booster
SO-33 J-03 25 Sept, 2023 SubOrbital Test Flight of preliminary prototype of Martian Lander ZZ-22

October - SO

Mission Test Launch
Launch Window Description Booster
SO-34 J-01 1 Oct, 2023 SubOrbital Test Flight of preliminary prototype of Martian Lander ZZ-22

Orbital Launches


Mission LC Primary
Description 1S 2S 3S SB
FMBB-29 #3 19 September, 2023 20 September, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock 1st Dorm Segment
to Lunar Colony 
Z-2 O-6 N/A L-2
FMBB-30 #1 22 September, 2023 23 September, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock 2nd Dorm Segment
to Lunar Colony 
Z-8 O-7 N/A L-8
FMBB-31 #4 25 September, 2023 26 September, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock 3rd Solar Panel
Array to Lunar Colony 
Z-9 O-10 N/A L-9
PFF-55 #7 27 September, 2023 28 September, 2023 55th PATHOS Foundation Flight  Z-10 T-17 N/A L-10


Mission LC Primary
Description 1S 2S 3S SB
FMBB-32 #2 1 October, 2023 2 October, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock
3rd Battery Segment to unar Colony 
Z-11 O-5 N/A L-11
TRA-01 #1 4 October, 2023 5 October, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock Lunar Lander
Psi-1 to Lunar Orbital Transfer Station 
Z-12 O-8 N/A L-12
  7 October, 2023   DeOrbit and Landing of 2nd Rover Mission to Mars  N/A N/A N/A N/A
CRW-08 #4 9 October, 2023 10 October, 2023 8th Scientific Crewed Mission to
Orbital Science Space Station 
D-6 G-7 N/A N/A
ROV-03 #3 12 October, 2023 13 October, 2023 Launch of 3rd Rover Mission - Ganymede  Z-15 R-1 N/A L-15
ROV-04 #7 13 October, 2023 14 October, 2023 Launch of 4th Rover Mission - Europa  Z-14 R-2 N/A L-14
TRA-02 #5 16 October, 2023 17 October, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock Lunar Lander
Psi-2 to Lunar Orbital Transfer Station 
Z-13 O-4 N/A L-13
  19 October, 2023   DeOrbit and Landing of 4th Crewed Mission
from the Orbital Science Space Station 
FMBB-33 #6 22 October, 2023 23 October, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock 4th Solar
Pannel Array to Lunar Colony 
Z-3 O-6 N/A L-3
FMBB-34 #21 23 October, 2023 24 October, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock 4th Battery
Array to Lunar Colony 
Z-4 O-9 N/A L-4
COL-01 #8 26 October, 2023 27 October, 2023 Mission to Launch The First Colonists
to the Lunar Colony 
Z-7 K-3 N/A L-7
FMBB-35 #10 28 October, 2023 29 October, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock 3rd Dorm
Segment to Lunar Colony 
Z-11 O-10 N/A L-11
FMBB-36 #9 30 October, 2023 31 October, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock 4th Dorm
Segment to Lunar Colony 
Z-1 O-2 N/A L-1


Mission LC Primary
Description 1S 2S 3S SB
  8 Nov, 2023   DeOrbit of 2nd Stage Booster for COL-01 N/A K-3 N/A N/A
ROV-05 #5 9 Nov, 2023 10 Nov, 2023 5th Rover Mission - Venus Z-9 O-1 N/A L-9
ROV-06 #2 12 Nov, 2023 13 Nov, 2023 6th Rover Mission - Venus Z-10 O-3 N/A L-10
TRA-03 # 15 Nov, 2023 16 Nov, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock Lunar Lander Psi-3 to L.O.T.S. Z-8 O-4 P-3 L-8
TRA-04 # 18 Nov, 2023 19 Nov, 2023 Mission to Launch and Dock Lunar Lander Psi-4 to L.O.T.S. Z-2 O-5 P-4 L-2
PFF-56 # 20 Nov, 2023 21 Nov, 2023 56th PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-5 T-18 N/A L-5
PFF-57 # 22 Nov, 2023 23 Nov, 2023 57th PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-3 T-19 N/A L-3
PFF-58 # 24 Nov, 2023 25 Nov, 2023 58th PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-6 T-20 N/A L-6
PFF-59 # 26 Nov, 2023 27 Nov, 2023 57th PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-12 T-1 N/A L-12
PFF-60 # 28 Nov, 2023 29 Nov, 2023 60th PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-13 T-2 N/A L-13
PFF-61 # 29 Nov, 2023 30 Nov, 2023 61st PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-14 T-3 N/A L-14


Mission LC Primary
Description 1S 2S 3S SB
SPL-01 # 1 Nov, 2023 2 Nov, 2023 1st Solar Probe Launch Z-15 T-4 N/A L-15
PFF-62 # 4 Nov, 2023 5 Nov, 2023 62nd PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-1 T-5 N/A L-1
PFF-63 # 7 Nov, 2023 8 Nov, 2023 63rd PATHOS Foundation Flight Z-7 T-6 N/A L-7

Commercial Partners

Shazonian Aerodynamics

The main supplier and builder of the Rocket Engines utilized in all Imperial Space Administration rockets, including the new Delta and Gamma lines of rockets. Shazonian Aerodynamics used to build aircraft for various small-time airlines within the Empire until those went belly-up with the formation of ShazAir and it's subsidiary. They hold the main contract to SISA for building Rocket Engines, but also hold the contract for ShazAir for maintenance of their aircraft, making them the 6th Largest Employer within the Empire.

Rocket Engine Models

Ion Engine
Kelabri-class Grego-class Bald Eagle-class Bird of Prey-class v2 Broadsword-class
Photo Voltrai-class.png Kelabri-class.png Grego-class.png BaldEagle-class Engine.png
Broadsword-class Engine.png
Weight 0.5 Tons 0.5 Tons 6 Tons 1 Ton 10 Tons 2 Tons
Thrust 1.9 Tons 16 Tons 115 Tons 10 Tons 80 Tons 45 Tons
  Eagle Tres-class Eagle-class v1
Expandable Engine
Eagle-class v2 OWL-class Wizzard-class Hendra-class
Photo EagleTres-class Engine.png EagleV1-class Expandable Engine.png Eaglev2-class Engine.png OWL-Class Engine.png Wizzard-class Engine.png Hendra-class.png
Weight 1.15 Tons 1.5 Tons 1.1 Tons 0.5 Tons 3 Tons 2 Ton
Thrust 11 Tons 11.25 Tons 10.9 Tons 2.6 Tons 47 Tons 45 Ton
  Frecra-class Titan-class Bird of Prey-class v1 Dyno-class Frontier-class Phoenix-class
Photo Frecra-class.png Titan-Class.png
BirdOfPreyV1-class Engine.png
Dyno-class Engine.png Frontier-clas Engine.png Phoenix-class Engine.png
Weight 3.5 Tons 12 Tons 7 Tons 6 Tons 0.5 Tons 3.5 Tons
Thrust 140 Tons 450 Tons 230 Tons 120 Tons 99 Tons 124 Tons
  Raptor-class v1 Raptor-class v2 T1-class Triangulum-class
Photo RaptorV1ClassEngine.png RaptorV2ClassEngine.png T1-class Engine.png
TriangulumAerospike-class Engine.png
Weight 8 Tons 12 Tons 15 Tons 5 Tons
Thrust 250 Tons 450 Tons 400 Tons 185 Tons

Grants Metal Supply

Originally selected to supply the metals and alloys for the Shuttle program, the contract was renewed in the late 2010s for the first reusable rockets. SISA is their sole contract for their business and they offer top quality metals that have not failed.

Space Launch Facilities

As of the current time, the Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration has a total of 2 Orbital Launch Facilities and 1 SubOrbital Test Launch Facility. There is 1 Orbital Launch Facility under Site Planning within the Imperial Colony of Alraibris.


Space Stations

The Imperial Space Agency utilizes a variety of Orbital Stations for its operations. This includes the Orbital Science Space Station, which is set to have a lifespan of 60 years due to it's ability to be updated and have modules replaced with newer equipment, the upcoming High Orbit Transfer Station, which will be utilized in the transfer of people and equipment for the self-sustaining colonies that will be setup on Mars and Venus, and the upcomming Lunar Transfer Station, which will be utilized for the transfer of people and equipment for the self-sustaining colony on Luna.

Launch Platforms

The Imperial Space Agency utilizes a variety of Launch Platforms for its operations. This includes the Low to Mid Orbit Launch System and the Heavy Launch System. These platforms are to be utilized for launching of Satellites into orbit, the Construction and maintenance of the Space Stations, and the construction of the Lunar and Mars Colonial equipment.

Space Suits

The Shazbotdom Imperial Space Administration utilizes a total of Three (3) Space Suits for varried uses. Two of these (the Class-1 and Class-2) are currently in use while the Class-3 is awaiting it's first use for when the Colonial Posessions on Mars and Venus are established.

Solar System Colonial Posessions

The Shazbotdom Empire and Imperial Space Agency are planning on beginning the perminant colonization of the Lunar, Venus and Martian Surfaces.